Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

35. How I made almost $200K working 2-4 hours a day

February 27, 2024 Yael Bendahan
35. How I made almost $200K working 2-4 hours a day
Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
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Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
35. How I made almost $200K working 2-4 hours a day
Feb 27, 2024
Yael Bendahan

Liked this episode? Any questions? Shoot me a text!

We’re talking ‘bout one of my fondest memories…2021.

AKA the year I was home with my very first baby girl after 4 boys and STILL almost doubled my 2020 revenue to $200K working 2-4 hours a day.

This sounds too good to be true but I promise it isn’t! In this episode, we dive into:

  • The most important thing to do with your offers to enable you to cut down on work time
  • How mindset work changed my life and how to fit it into your busy mom life
  • How to be consistent - and what consistency actually means
  • How I helped my client turn a $5K offer into a $25K offer - to start
  • The shift to make in your content that gets people to actually take action buy and not just consume and move on
One of the things that helped me simplify and scale? My signature framework, the CEO MOMS Method. Build your own alongside me in the Stand Out and Sell Challenge, starting Monday!

Don't forget to screenshot this episode, share it on social media and tag me for the chance to win a 1:1 Momentum coaching call with me 😍

📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

Show Notes

Liked this episode? Any questions? Shoot me a text!

We’re talking ‘bout one of my fondest memories…2021.

AKA the year I was home with my very first baby girl after 4 boys and STILL almost doubled my 2020 revenue to $200K working 2-4 hours a day.

This sounds too good to be true but I promise it isn’t! In this episode, we dive into:

  • The most important thing to do with your offers to enable you to cut down on work time
  • How mindset work changed my life and how to fit it into your busy mom life
  • How to be consistent - and what consistency actually means
  • How I helped my client turn a $5K offer into a $25K offer - to start
  • The shift to make in your content that gets people to actually take action buy and not just consume and move on
One of the things that helped me simplify and scale? My signature framework, the CEO MOMS Method. Build your own alongside me in the Stand Out and Sell Challenge, starting Monday!

Don't forget to screenshot this episode, share it on social media and tag me for the chance to win a 1:1 Momentum coaching call with me 😍

📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan