Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

21. 7 Tips to Manage Your Business In a Crisis

October 31, 2023 Yael Bendahan
21. 7 Tips to Manage Your Business In a Crisis
Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
More Info
Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
21. 7 Tips to Manage Your Business In a Crisis
Oct 31, 2023
Yael Bendahan

Liked this episode? Any questions? Shoot me a text!

“How the heck do I run my business when there’s a freaking WAR going on?”

Me, to my coaches, since October 7.

In this episode I cover 7 different tips to help you prepare for and manage your business through a crisis (or unexpected life situations).

I also share the biggest lesson I learned from this entire situation and why I’m not hiding anymore.

There’s been so much grief and joy and unity and rage and all the feelings - it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions and I hope these tips can help you prepare yourself and your business - if not for a war, for any time life throws you a curveball.

What we talk about

  • What to focus on most of all
  • Content strategies to keep you visible without actually being visible
  • How to make money without marketing

And so much more.

Don't forget to screenshot this episode, share it on social media and tag me for the chance to win a 1:1 Momentum coaching call with me 😀


Join the Stand Out & Sell Challenge on March 4-7 - Create your unique signature framework to stand out in your industry, attract your dream clients and make your marketing simpler (and more effective) than ever! - yaelbendahan.com/standout

Get my High Ticket Offer Matrix for Moms - 10 proven high-ticket offer frameworks for busy moms - get ready to deliver value with more ease and profit (even if you have a small audience or no childcare). Discover the perfect framework for you! - yaelbendahan.com/highticket

Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind and get a bonus month of 1:1 Telegram access when you're one of the next 5 to join (value: $2000)! - yaelbendahan.com/cmm

Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

Offers in Your Pocket - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

Show Notes

Liked this episode? Any questions? Shoot me a text!

“How the heck do I run my business when there’s a freaking WAR going on?”

Me, to my coaches, since October 7.

In this episode I cover 7 different tips to help you prepare for and manage your business through a crisis (or unexpected life situations).

I also share the biggest lesson I learned from this entire situation and why I’m not hiding anymore.

There’s been so much grief and joy and unity and rage and all the feelings - it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions and I hope these tips can help you prepare yourself and your business - if not for a war, for any time life throws you a curveball.

What we talk about

  • What to focus on most of all
  • Content strategies to keep you visible without actually being visible
  • How to make money without marketing

And so much more.

Don't forget to screenshot this episode, share it on social media and tag me for the chance to win a 1:1 Momentum coaching call with me 😀


Join the Stand Out & Sell Challenge on March 4-7 - Create your unique signature framework to stand out in your industry, attract your dream clients and make your marketing simpler (and more effective) than ever! - yaelbendahan.com/standout

Get my High Ticket Offer Matrix for Moms - 10 proven high-ticket offer frameworks for busy moms - get ready to deliver value with more ease and profit (even if you have a small audience or no childcare). Discover the perfect framework for you! - yaelbendahan.com/highticket

Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind and get a bonus month of 1:1 Telegram access when you're one of the next 5 to join (value: $2000)! - yaelbendahan.com/cmm

Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

Offers in Your Pocket - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan