Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

45. Exactly What I Did to Level Up to My First Multi-6-Figure Year

May 28, 2024 Yael Bendahan
45. Exactly What I Did to Level Up to My First Multi-6-Figure Year
Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
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Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
45. Exactly What I Did to Level Up to My First Multi-6-Figure Year
May 28, 2024
Yael Bendahan

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Have you ever wondered what it really takes to scale your business to multi-6 figures while working way less than full-time? I know I did!

Back in 2019, I was hustling hard to hit $100K in my business, but I was burning out fast. When I got pregnant with my daughter (baby #5) I knew something had to change if I wanted to reach my big dreams without sacrificing precious time with my growing family.

In 2020, I managed to generate $110K while working just 7 months of the year. And in 2021? I scaled to $200K working a mere 2-4 hours per day, 4 days a week, with a baby at home. Want to know how I did it? Tune in, because I'm breaking it all down in this episode!

  • Discover the mindset shifts I made to go from playing small to dreaming big and surrounding myself with next-level entrepreneurs
  • Steal my strategy for productizing your knowledge into a scalable signature offer that you can sell without constant launches or sales calls
  • Learn why focusing on ONE ideal client and ONE core message was the key to simplifying my marketing and attracting soulmate clients on autopilot

If you want the exact roadmap I used to scale to multi-6 figures while working less than ever, join me for my FREE live workshop, LEVERAGE, happening June 3-5! 

I'll be diving deep into the mindset, methodology, and action steps that have allowed me to build a wildly profitable business that supports my lifestyle as a busy mom. Head to yaelbendahan.com/leverage to claim your spot now - it's going to be SO freaking good!

Don't forget to screenshot this episode, share it on social media and tag me for the chance to win a 1:1 Momentum coaching call with me πŸ˜€

πŸ“ˆThe CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

πŸ”₯Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

πŸ’°Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

✨Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

πŸ’ƒ Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

Show Notes Transcript

Liked this episode? Any questions? Shoot me a text!

Have you ever wondered what it really takes to scale your business to multi-6 figures while working way less than full-time? I know I did!

Back in 2019, I was hustling hard to hit $100K in my business, but I was burning out fast. When I got pregnant with my daughter (baby #5) I knew something had to change if I wanted to reach my big dreams without sacrificing precious time with my growing family.

In 2020, I managed to generate $110K while working just 7 months of the year. And in 2021? I scaled to $200K working a mere 2-4 hours per day, 4 days a week, with a baby at home. Want to know how I did it? Tune in, because I'm breaking it all down in this episode!

  • Discover the mindset shifts I made to go from playing small to dreaming big and surrounding myself with next-level entrepreneurs
  • Steal my strategy for productizing your knowledge into a scalable signature offer that you can sell without constant launches or sales calls
  • Learn why focusing on ONE ideal client and ONE core message was the key to simplifying my marketing and attracting soulmate clients on autopilot

If you want the exact roadmap I used to scale to multi-6 figures while working less than ever, join me for my FREE live workshop, LEVERAGE, happening June 3-5! 

I'll be diving deep into the mindset, methodology, and action steps that have allowed me to build a wildly profitable business that supports my lifestyle as a busy mom. Head to yaelbendahan.com/leverage to claim your spot now - it's going to be SO freaking good!

Don't forget to screenshot this episode, share it on social media and tag me for the chance to win a 1:1 Momentum coaching call with me πŸ˜€

πŸ“ˆThe CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

πŸ”₯Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

πŸ’°Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

✨Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

πŸ’ƒ Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

My client was asking me how did you do the real secrets of CEO, moms? How did you get these really like big name sort of business owners into your summit? Like how did you, how'd you pitch them? And I was like, I just asked them. I just asked them because I already knew them. I was already connected to them. I've worked with. A few of them as my coaches. One of them was in this program with no two of them were in this. Oh, my God three. Of the women I interviewed were in this high ticket program with me. So I, I didn't need to like, do like this whole complicated pitch. I already knew them. We were already friends. I could just ask them. And it was easy. It was simple. Okay. So leveling up my mindset and being willing to be in the room with these big people and not be intimidated and be like, yes, I just have to beat here as much as anybody else was. Got me to this place of being able to connect with these incredible women. Welcome to the raising your business podcast. I'm your host, Yael Bendihan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of five and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success. You desire and be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing motherhood and business, business models that work for you, marketing of simplicity and the mindset of CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello, my friend. Oh my gosh. This episode is going to be so juicy. I'm really excited. So I'm getting closer and closer to the baby coming. When you listen to this, I think I will be, oh my God. 37 weeks, which is Technically full term. And my husband was like last week, he was all like, Do you realize that it's like May 22nd? I think it was May 22nd when he said it. And I was like, yes. He's you know what? That means. I was like, what? He's goes. Less than a month left. I was like, you mean until my birthday? So my birthday is June 20th and I'm due a couple of days before that. And so I'm like, I'm really just in this mode of compartmentalizing things. So when I'm businessing, I am businessing really hard. And then, I finished businessing and then I'll go oh, we have to put together the nursing cart and we have to pull out the pack and play because I actually use a pack and play for my baby. Like with the bassinet attachment for the first few months in my room, because I just find it's actually one of the most comfortable. Cribs for them. Like it's a really like those smaller cribs do not always have the most comfortable mattresses. And I love the pack and play mattress and And the baby likes it too. And it gives a lot of space for them to move around and for me to move around and whatever. So I'm, we're like in between this. Prepping and deliberately try not to think about it. So that I can get stuff done. Cause. I'm very, at this point, I'm very much like taking one thing at a time. And although I am planning for maternity leave and I have a lot of plans, a lot of things going on behind the scenes and a lot of There's a lot happening. A lot of funnels are being built. An emails are being written and podcasts are being batched and interviews are being done to prep. Things like that. It's going to be. Really good. I have some really great plans. You got. There's still going to be great stuff coming out after I have the baby as well, but it's still it's still. It's a lot. And so I'm just really doing one thing at a time being like, Hey, here's my plan. He was wanting to do today. He was wanting to do this week. And, both business-wise and prepping for baby wise. I'm also nagging, I guess I had this last week. I think I'm nagging my husband to do a bunch of things in the house that I really wanted to finish up before the baby's born. Like just some touching up and painting. I don't want to be, I don't want it to be around the baby. We want to close in one of the doors of the rooms which we actually opened up when he moved into the house. Because it used to be a playroom. Now it's a bedroom. There's a bunch of stuff we want to get done. So either way. Okay. I'm excited for this episode. And excuse my I don't even know what to call like nasal sort of situation. I have having such bad allergies. If you have allergies. What has worked for you? I've been taking allergy meds every day. To head it off. It doesn't really work very well. Okay. In any case this episode in this episode, I'm going to really be sharing exactly what I did. To level up to my first multi six figure a year and how I was doing mindset wise, going in and like the things I was keeping top of mind as I approach this year and what the results actually were. But before we dive in, I want to share with you I'm hosting my last free live program before I go on maternity leave in a couple of weeks. And it's called leverage. And it's happening June 3rd to fifth. And during this three-day free program. I'm going to be sharing the process that's created multi-six figure years, even if you've been stuck right at six figures for way too long or working nap times, being a full-time mama working two to four hours a day, and we're going to be covering the mindset of scaling past six figures, the offers, the strategy, this is going deep, and I'm going to be sharing my personal stories and my client stories along the way. So if you like brainstorming ideas and getting super strategic actions, steps to make more money and having bigger conversations that create massive breakthroughs. I invite you to join me, go to your L Benda. hen.com/leverage. The link is going to be in the description. Go there at claim your seat. My goal is to get. At least 250 women into this. Events and I really would love for you to help me do that. So if you have friends who are ready to scale beyond six figures in the next 12 months, or you want to double your revenue without doubling your work hours, then this is for you or for your friend. Gonia Alvin and.com/leverage. And. I can't wait to see you there. Okay. The context of this. Episode. I went from making around a hundred K in 2019 working full-time okay. Really? Full-time really burnt out. To making 110 K in 20, 20 working only seven months out of the year between COVID my baby first semester having a baby maternity, leave, all that fun stuff. To around 200 K in 2021, working with two to four hours a day, four days a week. With my baby at home with me. And I wanted to share some of the reality of the strategy behind what I did to level up to my first multi six figure year. And I'll be going a lot deeper into this in my leverage free programs. Even if you listen to this podcast episode, I highly recommend you sign up. Okay. So as I was coming into 2021, I had just launched my, I was coming. I was actually towards the end of 2020. I knew that I wanted to pivot full-time into coaching full-time as full-time, as I could possibly work. I knew that I literally could not work many hours a day. Like actually couldn't I could not count on being able to work many hours a day. I had my baby at home with me full-time I wanted to have my baby at home when the full-time I did not want to send her out. That was like, this was actually the thing that happened. My first. I got my first, my fourth. Son when it has been discussed, me going out to work. I was like, I just don't want to do that. I don't want to go out to work and leave him at home. Like, why do I even have kids if I'm just going to leave them at home? Or leave them with leave them with a babysitter all day. That was not the point. Of having kids for me. I wanted to have my baby home with me. And I was a little bit apprehensive. I was like can this really work? Cause I had sold coaching before I've sold my VIP cash accelerator program in March 20, 20 I'd. Up-sold people into my mastermind. So I currently had a mastermind running at the time. With a few really amazing women in there. But I was really committed. All right. I was committed. I didn't know. I went into many offer would look like, but I knew that number one, I could not bring on a lot of one-to-one clients. I didn't want to really do one-to-one coaching. Because I just didn't have the time. I did at the time, when everyone says, do one-to-one coaching first and blah, blah, blah. I couldn't, I didn't have time. I didn't have time to do multiple calls per week. I I didn't, I knew that I didn't want to do sales calls. Okay. Because I hadn't done sales calls and my last. Group program and it sold very nicely. Okay. Without that, just doing DM selling before I even knew. What DM selling was. I was doing it because it was passed over time and I was too busy to get on calls. I did know, I was trying to figure out how I was going to sell it. I knew I wanted to relaunch a group program. I wasn't exactly sure what it was going to look like. I also realized that I needed to have some proper, like some sort of proper funnel in place I wanted to. Create marketing assets that we're going to work for me on a regular basis. So I knew that doing everything manually was not going to work anymore, or it was not going to work with my goal. And I was just really nervous, like I was like, I know this is an Ana. I was like, I know this is possible for me. I, I know I believe it because I saw how much when I was able to make, even in a very short time with this leverage offer right with the mastermind, with my group program. But. I knew that also scaling up wouldn't mean getting in front of a lot of new people. I was, I was like it worked the first time. Maybe it was a fluke. Maybe it won't work again. There was a lot of fears coming up and I, and if you are. Currently in the place of making six figures, you've been working primarily one-to-one and you've. It would be been working with referrals. So you haven't really needed to mark it as such so much for yourself. You might be apprehensive too. You might be thinking like you know what, if I do reels and people laugh at me or what if I do, what if I do. Like posts or you run ads, and then I get rude people in the comments, so I totally understand that. I totally get it. And the truth is as you level up, it is going to take new levels of mindset work. It's going to take facing things that you maybe wouldn't have had to face before. It's going to take being ready to. Except the inevitable criticism or potential negative feedback that you might get had you not gotten in front of more people, but my friend Katia Ivanova I think she's, she did. She had a post that said if you're not getting any negative feedback at all, you're not getting in front of it. Enough people. And I was like, Ooh, that's a really good reframe because that means that you are playing it safe. That means you were playing it small. Okay. And I don't want you to play small. I don't want you to play it safe. I want you to go a little bit out of your comfort zone. I want you to get in front of new people. Some of those people may not like you. It's okay. As a people pleaser, this was a very hard thing for me to accept. But I had to. Okay. And what I did. I'm going to actually. I'm actually going to, I'm actually going to share what I did. Through ICEO mom's method, right? So mindset offered marketing and there's also systems, but the systems came along with the mindset offer marketing. So I'm going to share, this is a very quick overview and I'm going to go much more into depth into this in my upcoming event, leverage is happening June 3rd to fifth. Yeah. I'll Ben and.com/leverage. Sign up. It's my last free. I live program that I'm running before I had this baby and is probably going to turn to some sort of low cost paid offer afterwards. So if I were you, I would jump in on this right now. Okay. What was my mindset when I leveled up my first multi six figure a year. So the first thing that I did was playing a much bigger game. Okay. I joined a program that was the biggest investment I'd ever made in my business ever. And I paid him full. Okay. It was 20 K. I was at the end of 2020. And it was all about scaling your program without sales calls. Cause I knew I wanted a systems. I wanted the templates. I wanted the processes. I didn't want to have to reinvent the wheel for myself. And it was scary. It was scary to me, this investment. I'm not going to lie. But. Because it was a scary investment. I ended up making my investment back within eight weeks. In fact, I one and a half times my investment with an eight weeks, forget me to back. Aye. Aye. Aye. More than made my investment back in eight weeks. When I launched my group program, which was called the baby proof business accelerator. And it was so good. Okay. I not only did I learn so much and I was able to create the systems, the processes to deliver, to sell. To market this offer all of the marketing. A lot of that was my own. Okay. The marketing was actually a lot of my own part, but the sales process was really helpful as well. The webinar I did the funnel, it was great. But., a side benefit that turned out to be one of the bigger benefits for me. Was that in this group program? Because as investigates higher level, I was able to connect with. Next level business owners. Okay. Honestly, I actually think that was to me. A bigger return on investment than the actual information that I learned in the program. Cause actual information was amazing. It was, but the people I was able to connect with the people I was able to learn from the people I was able to get to know really was. It was mind blowing and we got to have bigger conversations around a scaling around. Team around hiring around. All of those things. Okay. I, it was an incredible group that I was part of and I got to connect with these incredible next level. Multi-six multi seven figure women who were absolutely killing it. And it's funny because the other day. My client was asking me how did you do the real secrets of CEO, moms? How did you get these really like big name sort of business owners into your summit? Like how did you, how'd you pitch them? How did you. And I was like, I just asked them. I just asked them because I already knew them. I was already connected to them. I've worked with. A few of them as my coaches. One of them was in this program with no two of them were in this. Oh, my God three. Of the women I interviewed were in this high ticket program with me. So I, I didn't need to like, do like this whole complicated pitch. I already knew them. We were already friends. I could just ask them. And it was easy. It was simple. Okay. So leveling up my mindset and being willing to be in the room with these big people and not be intimidated and be like, yes, I just have to beat here as much as anybody else was. Got me to this place of being able to connect with these incredible women. So that was the first part. When I came to my offer. I had already productized my launch copy offer. I'd seen how well it had done, and I'd also seen the potential of coaching. And I knew that I love it. And it all resold I group coaching clients into a mastermind. So I decided to consolidate all that knowledge, the, what I learned from practising waste services, what I learned from marketing consistently in selling consistently every single day, what I learned from creating my coaching program, I leveraged offers and my offer suites. I started to consolidate all that knowledge into one signature program, which became my baby poop business accelerator. And it's had some iterations over the years. But at the time, this was my one signature program. Six payments of one K or 5,500 painful. And having one primary offer to scale simplified things so much for me. So this is literally what my schedule looked like. Okay. As far as delivery one. Two calls a week. I had one for. Accelerator one for the mastermind. I had what a group of audits due each week. I let my client, my clients a bit audit every single week. So both my mastermind clients and my accelerator clients. So once a week I would sit down and do my audits, answer questions. I had one main group of clients as well. I guess I grouped my mastermind clients mix all your clients like together as far as checking in and support went. So I would go and check in on both. My mastermind clients that have one-to-one access to me, whereas my accelerator clients did not. So that was a little bit different, but they would submit their audits in the same place. And I was able to really batch out really well. I also had one framework, so I had my S my currently. It's called. I call it my CEO. Mom's method, but. At that time. I think it was the baby proof. Business framework. And. Or business mom. Method. I don't know. But I'm not. Sure at what point this was, I think. I think it was business moms. M O M M. Oh, Ms. And. Because I had one framework, it made me marketing. So much simpler. And I'm gonna talk about this in a second. I'm going to talk about marketing. Me and my marketing. Marketing, just that much simpler. In blur because I. I just use my. Framework as my content. Content pillars. And use it to just. Move people. Back towards this. This main offer. And because of that, I. I also had one. One main message. Which was. Was my, you. Build your baby proof. Business become. Six-figure mom. And even as you're growing your family, It was a very clear message. And it really everything that I talked about. Really just led back to that main message. And that honestly is still my message today. Except that I want you to become a six multi-six figure, mom. Sorry. So that hasn't really changed since then, which is really cool. So that was when it came to my offer. So having that that, that primary offer that I was leaning back to really was able to simplify things for me and. I'll talk about it. In a minute, when you talk about marketing. If you're like, oh my God, I'm multi-passionate. This is just, I can't talk about just one thing all the time, which is what I thought too. And that's what I complained to my coach about it. I'm like, this is. I'm going to get bored. I'm just going to get bored. So that was, it was really important to me to have a way of not getting bored. And so I was able to use my friend and offers to. Indulge my creative side of creating new things, but really everything leading back to this one. Primary offer. Okay. So when it came to my marketing, Back to the framework. Okay. Because I had the signature framework and it had this consistent message. Then it became 10 times simpler. I could sit and talk about, like for days I was able to map out content ideas for days. I knew exactly what I was talking about every single week. I knew exactly what my main topic. I'd basically divide things down and I'm going to, I'm actually going to show you. In my leverage event, exactly what I did. Okay. I'm literally showing you my marketing spreadsheet and exactly how I would plan my marketing and my content every single week. So you get to see behind the scenes of that when you joined leverage and I knew exactly what I was promoting every week, whether it was directly to work with me, or it was towards a freebie that was going to lead towards that, or whether it was towards the front end offer that was going to lead towards it. Or some sort of growth event or. Conversion event. Because I knew exactly I was promoting every week, creating content was simpler. That was very focused on my Facebook group, my Facebook, it was the main place I showed up in. And the reason why I did that I don't really do that anymore because I like the podcast better. And you're like Instagram and. And I just found Facebook groups have gotten a lot less reach than they used to. But. I liked focusing on my Facebook group because. I was able to really visualize the women in there. I could just click on their names and I would just see their profile. I. Etsy with their family, looked like out, see exactly what their business was. And it made it really easy for me to feel like I was speaking to them. Whereas if I focus my thoughts, it's just on like my email list. It's very hard to know who is exactly on your email list. You don't really know who's on your email list because. They put their name, they put their email address and that's pretty much all, that's the only information you get. And if you're lucky you, you happen to recognize their name from social media. But when it comes to my Facebook group, I was able to literally just go to my group. And see oh, this person commented on this. Which meant that, I recognize her from this group we were in together, or I recognize her from when she joined the group. And I remember that she asked about, I don't know, balancing her time as a mom of three little kids. My content was like, I would have in mind, I'm creating it from my Facebook group, my poster for my Facebook group. I would take my favorite post. Turn the into a weekly email and then I would add one more email per week, leading people towards my weekly Facebook live. It was very simple. And I'll, again, I'll come. I'm not going to go all into marketing because that's a little bit of a longer story. And I want to really just dive deep into that inside of leverage. Hop over to yeah. han.com/leverage, or you can get it for free for now. I don't know if I'm going to be keeping it free. It's probably going to become paid after I run this live once. So that was the nurture. That was like the consistent nurture in selling to my audience. But it also very intentional audience growth. And because I had one ideal client, which was a CEO mom, who's making, who's already had a business and really wanted to scale to six figures. It just made things much simpler because I knew exactly, Now it don't when I would pitch people to be on their podcasts. I knew exactly who I was speaking to when I would create growth content. I knew exactly who I was speaking to. And the truth is. When you are growing to six-figures, you can do it with a tiny audience. I a hundred percent believe that you too. I did it. I did it with a very small audience. At almost no email list. I had just my Facebook profile audience really. And I connect with people. One-to-one with relationships, added people as friends from Facebook groups. And it was a very small audience, but scaling sustainably beyond that is going to take eyeballs. Okay. Especially now. And there are so many different ways to get more eyes on your stuff, on your content, on your offers. There are organic ways to do that through SEO. Or YouTube or a podcast right there, there are organic social media waste. Do that with with Tik TOK or Instagram reels are probably the best. Growth content. You can honestly create. But either way. Whatever you choose to do. You have to have a plan to continue growing your audience. So if you run, for example, this growth event, like this event, Right now this leverage event is is going to, is both a growth and a conversion event because I'm growing my audience.'cause I'm running, I'm running my reels. Most of my reels right now are leading towards comment, leverage and get the link. So I'm getting, a few new people into my audience every single day. And I also have a couple of people I want to get, I'm going to probably post it in front of a few groups. But so it's the growth of them, but it's also conversion events, right? So you can have events that do double duty. But honestly, if you want to save a lot of time and you really want to. And you really want to make the most of your existing assets then probably having some sort of ad strategy is going to work really well for you. And that's a whole other, that's an entire episode in and of itself. But you actually do not need to run so much money to ads. In order to grow your audience, you really don't, there's different types of ads that you can focus on to really get people into your world on the daily. And I highly recommend that because at this point, social media is pretty much pay to play and I'm, and I have a actually have a plan for ads as well. That's going to be happening while I'm on maternity leave. So I know that my audience is growing on a regular basis with the right people. Okay. But the last thing I did that I think was really important and that worked the best for me, honestly. And I think I'm going to, I'm going to be going. I'm gonna be going harder on that. Once I come back from maternity leave. Is running front end offers or events because. I during that year. I ran one day paid workshops that really. Organically. And genuinely sold from that workshop up into my accelerator program. And I believe, I think I can trace over$80,000 that year directly from just from those front end paid events. Directly. Okay. Which means someone bought the event, like or bought the ticket for the event. This was between 27 to$47. They bought a ticket and within a couple of weeks, they had converted directly from that event. Okay. And it's possible that, there's more long-term revenue that was that it can be attributed back toward those couldn't have they signed up for it. And then they joined something later. I don't know, but I know that year specifically I made over$80,000 from these front end paid events. And if you have a high ticket offer, I'm not saying that you can't do free events. Like right now I'm doing my leverage program. It's free. I'm not saying you can't attract high ticket clients with a free event, because I think if the topic of the free event is good enough and the topic of the free event, Does appeal to your higher ticket clients? Then then you are going to be able to continue to convert people into higher level offers. But I do think that having a really good. Strategic front end. Front-end paid low cost paid offer or low cost paid live event can really make a difference for you. And I did this. I ran one day paid workshops. I even did this in, I still, I actually pre-sold a few for the next year. I think. What was it? No in 2023. So at the end of 2022, part of my black Friday sale was. Workshop bundle so they could buy it for$47 and they got three workshops for the price of one. And and I actually sold a couple of people into higher-level things from those workshops. Okay. I really do believe in the power of these low cost Fernanda workshops between 27 to 47 to 97, whatever you choose. This can really make a difference to your bottom line. So obviously has to be something that's very valuable, but it's also going to solve a problem, but then create that question, mark. Okay. I'll be like, okay, great. I did this. Or I can do this now, but what next? And I really love, I really love that. Okay. So I'm going to be definitely focusing a lot more on that going forward in the rest of 20, 24 and going into 2025, I think it really is amazing. Those are the things that I focused on to level up to my first multi six figure a year. So it was the mindset, right? The mindset playing a bigger game, making, making investments. That's that kind of scared me, but. I really saw the potential ROI in it, and then making a decision to, to get an ROI, having those bigger conversations, building relationships with these people. Creating a signature productized, a group offer that was leveraged and enabled me to really cut down on my weekly client work to just a few hours a week. And having that really dialed in marketing, having that one framework, that one message knowing exactly who I was speaking to, having a very intentional content plan and creating front end events in front of offers that led directly back towards my higher ticket stuff. And that. Actually where I was able to dial in my creativity. that. was where I was. I'll be able to like, Ooh, let me talk about this topic or that topic. And that's why I was able to continue selling my accelerator because I was able to. And Delta, my creative multi-passionate side of these front end offers. While still being able to sell people up into my higher level offers. So if you take away one thing from this, I want you to remember number one is you make your own rules. I decided what I wanted for my life. I decided what I wanted my life to look like. I did not let anyone else tell me that it was not possible. I said, I want to work only a few hours a week. I only want to get on one or two calls a week at most. That was what I want. And I want to get to multi-six figures this way. And then I found the mentors to help me do that. Okay. So you can make your own rules, you can decide how you want things to be, and then you will, and you will find that way you will find your path. And the second thing I want you to remember before we hop off is that simplifying is going to create so much more leverage for you. The more you can simplify it the better. And I'm not saying you have to have only one offer ever, right? You're only like this amount of offers or whatever one. one. place that you promote anything. I'm not saying that, but. The more you simplify things down, the more you distill things down to. To. like the simplicity of, okay, this is for you and this is for you and that's for you. And that is it right? You are going to see that you are saving so much time. I know people who sell so many things likely sell something new all the time. Okay. Fine. That's Fine. I can't do that anymore. I actually was doing this in 2020. I was just like, I was just honestly playing. I was playing in 2020. Playing around just trying to see what I like talking about what I liked selling. And at this point now I know. I know what my goals are. I know what I want to sell people into. I know. my most scalable offer. The most scalable offers my momentum collective, which is like a mini mastermind, which I really haven't spoken that much about. And I think I'm going to make it's own little mini launch for it as well. But it's a really amazing little group. And and that is actually very scalable because it doesn't require one-to-one time for me besides for coaching twice, twice a month. And it's, and. and. I'm able to go really deep with my clients that twice a month to the point where they can really get so much value even out of those those two opportunities to work with me every month. So I know what is the most scalable for me. I know what I'd never want to let go of. And that to me is my mastermind because I love being able to go really deep with my clients, dive into their stuff, one to one, audit their content, audit their offers and their strategies, and really just like dive in deep with them without having to have multiple one-to-one calls every single week. So I really enjoy that. So I know what's important to me to keep and what I can really just cut out and I can just simplify and what I can delete or delegate, or just push off and be like, I don't. I used to do this. I don't need to do this right now. And the more you simplify, the more leverage you're going to create in your business, and I'm going to be talking. Again, so much more about this inside of the actual leverage three-day free program. I want that for you. And so if you are listening to this, you have not yet joined leverage. I don't know what the heck you're waiting for. Jump into. Yeah. I'll bend to hen.com/leverage. And claim your seat. My goal is to, I would love to have 250 amazing women in there. We already passed 50 at the time of, at the time of recording this. So I really think we can get there. I really do. So let's make this happen. I am so excited to see you there. And I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on all these things that I did to level up to my first of all, the six figure year. And I would love to hear that you did the same. All right. Have a wonderful rest of your day and I'll see you next time. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.