Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

48. Your Roadmap from 0 to Multi-6-Figures as a CEO Mom

โ€ข Yael Bendahan

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Picture this: You've finally hit that magical $5K month in your online business. ๐ŸŽ‰ You're ecstatic, but deep down, you can't help but wonder, "Okay, now what?" You're working nights and naptimes to keep up with client work, but you know you can't maintain this pace forever. How can you scale to $10K, $20K, or even multi-6 figure months without burning out or sacrificing precious family time?

If this feels all too familiar, trust me, friend - you're not alone. So many ambitious mompreneurs find themselves stuck in this "in-between" stage, unsure of how to break through to the next level while keeping their sanity and family life intact.

Tune in to this episode to discover:

  • The surprising reason why what got you to $1K, $3K, $5K months won't necessarily get you to $10K and beyond (and what to focus on instead)
  • How to avoid the common pitfalls that keep mompreneurs stuck and overwhelmed at each stage of business growth
  • The game-changing framework I use with my high-level clients to help them scale to multi-6 figures and beyond while working less
  • Why trying to skip ahead to strategies meant for the next stage of business can actually slow your progress (and how to know what to prioritize right now)

If you're ready to ditch the overwhelm, step into your next-level CEO shoes, and create a roadmap to the business and life of your dreams, this is a must-listen episode.

And if you want to dive even deeper, I've got a special gift just for you. Head to yaelbendahan.com/matrix to download my free CEO MOMS Growth Matrix training. You'll discover the seven stages of business growth and the specific action steps to take at each level to scale with confidence and ease. Plus, when you sign up, you'll get a customized plan based on your current stage of business!

๐Ÿ“ˆThe CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

๐Ÿ”ฅJoin my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process thatโ€™s creating multi 6 figure years (even if youโ€™ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

๐Ÿ’ฐOffers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

โœจJoin the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

๐Ÿ’ƒ Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

Okay. This episode is a little bit different because I actually am dropping an entire training that I did. Inside. My momentum 20, 24 program back in December. And I call it the CEO moms' growth matrix because. I've had so many people ask me at different times, like what makes sense for me to focus on now? What do I really need to be doing? What do I need to be focusing on? And. What ended up happening was that. People, I think at different points. In their journey might see, see coaches doing something or see buy a course that is telling them to do something that is not really going to serve them at their particular stage in business, because they're not quite there yet. And I've seen. A lot of people at one stage taking the actions for the next stage, which is great, except that it's not going to get them as far as they would have hoped because they haven't built the foundation yet for that next stage. And I've seen this as well in coaching programs where they have sold. People into offers or into strategies that. Just do not work for them because they don't have the audience size that they need, or they don't have the ads budget that they need or whatever it is. So to me, it was really important that you're able to know exactly what to do at your specific stage of business. And so I was thinking about the different stages of business. And I. Basically because I'm a mom. I always think of things in terms of mom life. And I. Basically divided the stages of business up into the stages of human development. Because I'm like, oh, this is like a baby entrepreneur. This is a toddler entrepreneur. The zoo elementary school entrepreneur, whatever. And so I basically turn this into a training now. I would listen to this and see where you feel you fit in. And I'm going to be inserting, I'm going to be like inserting into these, this training, just different little snippets and things, that have come up or I'll be like, oh This is exactly what we work on in this particular offer. And that's why, this is for the person who's more at that building stage. This is more for the person who is more at the scaling stage, but I would love for you to listen to this. And if you would like to watch this training, Okay. If you would like to watch this training, I encourage you to go to the link for the CEO moms growth matrix. It is in the description. And the link is. Yeah, Dot com slash matrix. And I. Want you to download it? You can then actually watch it. You can actually see the action steps at each stage. So in the confirmation email that you'll receive, you can just, you can let me know what stage of business you are at. And once you click on that link, you will literally be given a custom. Step-by-step checklist for your specific stage of business. Okay. So this is going to be really revolutionary. It's going to be really amazing. I'm excited about this and I cannot wait to share it with you. It's going to be very basic. Okay. Is not like a fancy thing. It is a Google doc that basically tells you. Hey. This is what you need to do this, the stage that you're at here are the things that are going to come up for you. Here's the map, the mindset work you need to do. And I really want that to be for. I really want that to be. Your kind of little guide for what your next best steps are. And I really want you to dive into that and really just take the actions. And I truly, from my experience and years and years of business, going through all the different stages of business, I haven't gotten all the way up to retirement yet, but please God, one day. But going through many of these stages of business and also being in masterminds, being in high-level spaces, I'm seeing the different things that different business owners are working at these different stages. And I've really been able to isolate the specific actions they need to take in order to get to each next step. So I'm really excited for you. I cannot wait. I cannot wait to share this with you. I'm just so excited. Let me know if you have any questions about it and make sure to send out for the actual training so you can watch it. Actually see the visuals of it and also get your custom plan once you sign up for it. All right. Dive in. I cannot wait to hear what you think of my CEO. Mom's growth matrix. Welcome to the raising your business podcast. I'm your host, Yael Bendihan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of five and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success. You desire and be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing motherhood and business, business models that work for you, marketing of simplicity and the mindset of CEO mom. Now let's dive in.


Hello? Hello. This is the CEO moms matrix training, and I am so excited to get started. So this is for you. If you're a business mom. Who is already established in your business, but wants to turn her solo efforts into full on offer suite that gives her sustainability, profit and freedom at six plus figures. If you're tired of being a best kept secret, and you want to be known as the go-to in your industry. If you're ready to massively Uplevel your mindset, your business model, and your revenue in 2024 and create a plan that actually works with your lifestyle. If you're meant for big things with your business, and you're just a little stuck on the how and what to really scale consistently. If you struggle to plan ahead in business. And actually execute whether it's because you don't have the support. Or because life keeps coming up and didn't account for it in your plans. And trust me, I am the queen of life things coming up. This year, especially has been crazy. And I just feel like this is really important because we have to take that into consideration as moms that our lives are going to change. Things are gonna change. Things are gonna happen and we have to just, accept that and plan accordingly. Okay. And if you are a mom or mom to be that is serious about building a business and legacy that can support your family and your longterm goals. Not just quick cash infusions. Although those are always fun, too. Hi that. What we'll cover. It will work seamlessly for coaches, consultants, course creators, dieticians, nutritionists, agency owners, sleep coaches, solopreneurs. Basically anyone who sells digital products or services in any niche. And so whether you sell online courses, masterminds, one-to-one coaching online, done for you or done with you services or eBooks or retreats. This is going to help you. So my goal intention for you from this event. Is that you walk away knowing the exact mindset shifts that enabled me to stop getting in my own way. And make more money in seven months than it ever made in a year. And to help you make more CEO, mom moves in 2024. I want you feeling confident that your offer suite supports your clients the best way possible. Feels like an energetic match for you and aligned with your income goals. And I want you on your way to a full 2024 sales plan. That leaves room for vacation, family time. And the occasional random life just lifeing. If you don't know me have met me before I am the And since 2019, I've never had less than a six figure year in my business. I built a six-figure business. Built my business to six figures, I should say, within the first two years. And then I spent the next two years hustling until I figured out the way to have a business didn't drain the life out of me doing which I pretty much created another six figure coaching business, working. Part-time. And my clients have hit their first and consecutive five figure months and had their work hours when we work together. And I've worked as a coach behind the scenes of multiple six and seven figure businesses. And I've pivoted my business in 2020 while pregnant with my fifth child that my little cute girlie over there. She's my first daughter after four boys and I still cross 110 K in revenue while working only seven months out of the year. So as a busy mom of a growing family, I wanted a business that didn't burn me out offers that were scalable. A marketing planning could actually keep up with and systems to make sure that I wasn't wasting any more time than I had to. And so I help moms build scalable, sustainable six-figure businesses working part-time and I want to help you create a marketing plan and a sales plan that will help you work smarter and not harder. So after being behind the scenes of my business, My client's businesses. And observing my business peers. I started to notice patterns and commonalities in the stages of business. And what made the most sense to focus on at each stage. And then I viewed it through the lens of my CEO moms' method, and I was shocked at how clear it made things for me. So I'm going to show that to you right now. This is my CEO mom's method. I created this back. It started off as the business mom. Eh, whatever it's gone through, its all its iterations, but the actual, Pillars are essentially the same, the mindset, the offer suite, the marketing systems and the marketing and the systems. And I realized that. You can look at every stage of business through this lens and know exactly what to do in each part of the CEO mom's method to get you to the next stage of your business. As I see it, these are the seven stages essentially of business. Yeah, the baby just getting started toddler starting to walk, so to speak elementary, setting the foundations high school, getting the hang of things, university, ready to build. And what you have adulting is scaling beyond just yourself and retirement is like again in quotations. But the idea is that your business could essentially run without you. At the baby stage. Here's where you are. You were just exploring the idea of starting a business. So when it comes to your mindset, you're working on you really? It's just the mindset of can I really do this? Can I really make this happen? This is the research phase. When it comes to your offers, you're going to be testing different services, throwing spaghetti at the wall to a certain extent. Just want to see what you're good at and how to sell it. When it comes to your marketing and sales, you're probably going to just be using your personal profiles, experimenting with starter clients, maybe applying for jobs on job boards or on Facebook groups. And just again, really just testing it out and seeing can I do this? Can I get clients, can I sell my services? Can I sell my own products? Let's just see how this works. And when it comes to your systems, you're not going to really have many systems in place right now. All you really needed is a discovery call calendar, and you're good to go. Okay. When you're just starting off, that's really the minimum that you need. And then at some point you are just, you're just had a really good, you're just a really good place where you're just like able to. Make this really simple. And it lets you iterate and experiment that you can set up the systems that you realize you need later on. So you're not gonna really be creating systems right now because nothing is going to be happening. That's like the same every single time. You're still trying things out. Okay. At the toddler stage, you know what you want to sell. You're getting your first few clients and you're getting into the mindset of an actual business owner. So the mindset that you're working on, you're working on your imposter syndrome. You're creating this oh my gosh, this is really my work sort of feeling. There's lots of trying to educate yourself on the things that you're interested in. So right now you're like, okay, I cancel my services. This actually is working. But. Now you're going to be looking at like maybe courses, To educate yourself, like deeper on the things you're interested in. So for example, this was the stage where I bought like a Facebook ads course, because I wanted to go deeper into Facebook ads. So it's a little, it was a little more, I'm like, okay, I've been doing social media. But I really want to go deeper. And so I'm going to go into ads. When it comes to your offers, your action steps are going to be. You will have a direction, an idea of the direction of where you want to go. And this might change, but you're like moving in the right direction and you're committed to making it work. So you're starting to create like packages and you're like, okay, so I'm going to maybe stick to, like when I was at the stage, I was like sticking to. Social media and Facebook ads. So I was doing social media and then I would add on Facebook ads. People wanted it as an upsell. wHen it comes to your marketing and sales. You're going to be trying different types of marketing. Can you try out different platforms to see which resonate with you? You'll be honing your sales skills on discovery calls. You're still really in the trying phase, but now you have more experience. Now you have more knowledge and you're gonna probably be trying new strategies that you're seeing in the courses that you're buying. You're like, oh, should I try Instagram? Maybe Instagram will be my thing. Maybe Facebook groups is going to be my thing. You could have just seen what really works for you. Now that what you're selling to an extent. And when it comes to your systems, you're still gonna be doing a lot of manual work, but I highly recommend. That you start using naming conventions and documenting any processes that you're doing more than twice. Okay. So if you are doing any sort of process, like you're like, oh wow, I've done this before. I've done this a couple of times. Document it make a loom video and just document it right there, because I really do feel that. You. Maybe feel oh, this is too early to do this. Like maybe, and maybe it is, but the fact is having these processes down are going to enable you to outsource when you're ready a lot quicker than, what if you just start thinking about this when you start being like, oh my God, I'm drowning under the weight of all my work. I really need to hire a VA. And now you're stuck being like, oh, now I have to record everything I do to show them what I do know. You'll have a lot of this stuff already created. Um, Entry school. Okay. So where are you? Are you currently have your business, possibly a side hustle. You might be making around one to three K, but you don't really know how to get clients consistently. And you're probably doing all different kinds of things and you also might have multiple offers, right? So you might be like, oh, I do this as through social media. I also do, ads. I also do. I can also build you a funnel. I can also this again, this was me at this stage. Okay. So I'm literally like telling you, this is I, this is my experience. And I see other people doing this as well. So you're offering a whole bunch of different things cause you can do a lot of different things and you haven't yet honed in on your real zone of genius yet. So the mindset that you're working on is imposter syndrome, which by the way, fair warning, there's going to be imposter syndrome. Every single stage of business, because every stage you'll be like, whoa, I can't believe I'm here. Is this really true? Is this really happening? Ah, you're going to have this fear that maybe you got your clients by accident and you have to work on being more intentional about it. You might be struggling with a lot of limiting beliefs around the amount of money you can make and might be nervous that you might not be able to balance your business, go through your family. And that's the mindset. Those are the mindsets you want to work on eliminating, right? Eliminating your loop, your limiting beliefs, believing that you can make a lot of money. And I'm also believing that you will be able to balance your business with your family is a hundred percent possible when done the right way. When it comes to your offers, your action steps are going to be narrowing in on a signature high ticket offer as your primary service, because this is the next step to really scaling. If you're a coach, you'll have a signature coaching package. And if you're a service pro you'll create a productized service to focus on. When I say productized service. It basically needs a service that is essentially a product, which means it's done the same way every time. So like a product I service is. A lead gen funnel, right? A five page website. And you're going to systemize each part of the process. So yes, you're customizing it for each client, but the way you do each thing is the same. And that will help you save a lot of time. And sell your stuff much more easily. You're also going to be creating your signature framework now that you've really honed in a little more on what you're offering and how you do things to help you deliver your offer and market more efficiently and with more clarity and actually. Did a, a three day workshop. When I actually taught this how to create your signature framework and how to actually use it to market and sell your offers, how to use it, to create content, it is. It was brilliant. And so this really is going to help you, simplify a lot in your business. When it comes to your marketing and sales. You're going to be settling on a marketing platform. You use a lot. You're going to be utilizing your framework. To create content. You're still seeing what kind of content works best for you're getting clear and clear on your mom viable marketing plan. That's what I call it. Which means the marketing plan that you can actually implement, in a timely fashion. Bearing in mind that you are a busy mom and you have a lot going on. You also will create a lead magnet to attract your ideal clients for your services. While growing your audience in preparation for scaling beyond services. Okay. So you might think this is too early, only making a little bit of money, but every one to three K is not a lot. First of all, it's like a good, it's like a decent part-time job. Okay. 1, 2, 3, K. That's not, it's not something to sneeze at. And. Trust me. If there's anything I wish I'd done earlier, it was starting to grow my email list. Okay. And so you want to start growing your email list early on because eventually you will want to sell other things besides for services, and you want to start growing your audience in preparation for that now. And when it comes to systems, you're gonna be setting up a simple CRM system, which is a client relationship management system, something like HoneyBook or DUP Sato. You're going to be seeing what needs to be automated now that you're honed in on one specific offer. And now you're now that you're productizing things, you see what system needs to be created and what things can be automated. And you're building more and more templates to be used with your clients and in your business. So things like tools, resources, email responses. Questionnaires that you send to your clients. Strategy documents that you create for your clients, right? So you can be creating more and more templates like that. That you're going to be reusing over and over again to save you even more time. Okay. High school. Here's where you are. You're making around five to 10 K, but you're maxed out on time and you're ready to automate more and get some more income streams in the door. You might also be having a baby or planning for one, and you want your business to work mostly without you, or at least have some recurring revenue. So you can take a maternity leave without stressing out. Okay. Which is the dream, right? Isn't that the dream like just. You'll have a baby. And I still have money coming in and knowing that you do not have to go back to work yet. Like it's the best feeling. And I, when I had my daughter, I think I started working again around six weeks after she was born, but very low key. I was just showing up for one client call a week. But all my content was repurposed. I was actually running promotions. I had my VA run promotions for me. We love the content that it already created in the six months beforehand. So that she was able to just repurpose, reuse, all that stuff during my maternity leave. And I did not have to even touch it. So the mindset that you're working on, okay. You're gonna be focusing on abundance. You're ready for more. You can be wondering how to scale the limited time that you have and working on the mindset of hiring, right? This is not just you anymore. You actually might need to think about growing your team and enlisting more support in your business. Some thoughts that might be coming up with you for you. My will, might be things like, I'm not sure how to keep up with one-to-one clients and make more money because my time feels so limited. I want more automation in my life. How's everyone making so much more money than me and saying, that they're working so little, it's things. People always wonder, like I can't take on more clients. I don't have time to take on more clients. That's where you're going to start wanting to automate and add other income streams in. And you might be wondering if you need a big team in order to scale past this and you don't. But you will probably need some level of team. Even if it's very small. Okay. So at this stage, now that you're booked out with your primary package or service, this is where you might decide to add another leverage stream of income, like a front end offer, or launch a signature one too many offer. Now that you've built your audience, you build your audience, you have your lead magnet going out. People are joining your email list on a regular basis. So now you can actually launch something to that audience. So your marketing and your sales action steps. So if you notice, by the way, this is like the mom's method, right? So mindset offers marketing systems, it's all there, and it's exactly what you're doing at every stage. You know what content works to sell your offers. You're confidently showing up in selling with ease. And now that you know how to get clients organically, it's time to add automation to your arsenal. You might start running ads or at the very least have an automated email or DM funnel to get people to book calls or applied to work with you. You'll run your first live launch. We'll give you data. I'm all work next time. So you can launch a few times and then go evergreen, if you wish. When it comes to your systems, this is a great time to hire a VA sake, admin off your plate. If you haven't already. You're. Are you going to have all your client processes down at this point, but you'll now you'll be creating marketing processes, content and curriculum processes, and financial ones as well. And you will want help with that. University. Okay. So here's where you are. You're making good money in your business. 10 K 20 K plus. You are officially ACO, but either number one, you want to add it in a second big piece of your business or other income streams, aside from your signature offers. Number two, you might want to bump up your income without adding more time. So hiring or outsourcing more. Number three, you may feel like you need more synergy balance between your business and personal life. And you want a mom, who's done it to show you how, or number four, you want to prep your business for maternity leave, which you might do at any stage, really. But this is a really good place to, This is a really good place to have a baby. I'm not saying you should have a baby. You shouldn't have a baby earlier than this. But this is a really fun place to be. So the mindset that you're working on, the thoughts you're having, I want more synergy in my personal life. I love the money I'm making. I'm not balancing my business with my life. I'm back in hustle mode. So you want to focus on the possibilities and the mindset that you can have more synergy that just because you're making more money does not mean you have to work more. You're going to be thinking about next level stuff. I'm creating more income for really big goals by refuse to work more hours and maternity leave maternity. Sorry. My business is great, but I'm just not sure if it can really run without me, how will it survive a baby? And I can assure you that it will. My business actually thrived in ahead of baby. Not just survived. When it comes to your offers, your action steps. We'll be building out your offer suite and adding an upsells. And cross-sells for your signature offers. When you launch, you might decide to keep your one-to-one clients or pivot entirely into one to many, or have a mix of both. But the main thing you'll have at this stage are offers that can be sold and delivered without you so that you can take the time off while still making money. So if you add on a group program, for example, you might hire a support coach to be there instead of you, or you can sell courses that require absolutely zero of your time after the actual launch. When it comes to marketing and sales. This is where you're going to be optimizing. You have your content processes down and you'll be optimizing your ads and your funnels. And you might expand out to other marketing platforms to repurpose your anchor content. Anchor content means like your primary content that you're putting out. So whether that's videos, YouTube, podcasts, blogging, whatever, there's the season on 80% doubling down on what's working and 20% experimentation because you're always going to want to experiment. You're an entrepreneur. You want to try new things? That's totally okay. But you want the majority of your time to be spent optimizing the stuff that you already have and making it better and, just making it more profitable. When it comes to your systems. Your action steps are going to be probably hiring a VA or an OBM, or you might bump your VA up to that role to manage the various moving parts in your business. You might add another assistant and then hire experts like copywriters or designers as needed. At this point, you're optimizing your systems to you already have a good foundation, but if you want more time off or the possibility to take time off. You're going to want to outsource more of the day-to-day of your business and stick to your zone of genius. From here, you're going to continue to optimize and scale. Okay, adulting. The adulting phase. So here is where you're making at least 20 K plus a month consistently and heading towards seven figures. And the goal here is to start moving yourself out of your business and start doing minimal work only in your zone of genius. So the mindsets you're working on is going to be working on moving more into team leadership mindset, rather than doing all the work, focusing on building leadership qualities and the mindset of creating a supportive and healthy company culture. Building on what you already have. This is important even when you have a very small team. Okay. When it comes to your offers, you have your offers dialed in. You might add something new every once in a while, or create new ways to promote your offers. You have a very solid offer suite and a solid method for getting customers in all year round. Your marketing and sales action steps, you can rinse and repeat your annual bi-annual quarterly launches that tons of new content you will just like repurpose, reuse and tweak your evergreen funnels are running and you'll be diversifying your traffic sources, different social and search platforms. As well as probably doing some public speaking or events. To get more leads in and to get more. General credibility and, get, become more. Well-known. When it comes to your systems at this point, your goal will be to remove yourself from the day-to-day, if you can. So setting up systems and hiring employees that can run the business essentially for you while you stay in your zone of genius, whether that's showing up in coaching or consulting with clients. Ideating new offers, delivering live webinars, recording your podcast, whatever it is that only you can do. And last of all, we have retirement and I put this in quotes because I don't think we ever really retire as entrepreneurs or I was going to have more ideas, but you'll probably be making high to six, seven figures a year. Cash is flowing in, but you're spending a minimal time in your business. So the mindset you're working on is considering ways to diversify your income, outside of your business, you're going to have, looking at investments or considering your identity outside of being the CEO of your business. When it comes to your offers, you will have your offers dialed in. You might add something new every once in a while, or create new ways to promote your offer, suite your offers, but you have a very solid offer suite and a solid method for getting customers in all year round. The difference is that your team will be ID ideating and implementing the majority of it. You can rinse and repeat when it comes to marketing and sales, all your launches. Again, like I said, in the last. Stage your evergreen funnels are running and you'll be diversifying your traffic sources as well as doing some public speaking or events. And when it comes to your systems at this point, it's your businesses essentially running. Mostly without you. It's very close to being sellable, right? So if this is something that interests you, I highly recommend reading the book built to sell. In fact, even if you're not interested in selling your business, I still recommend reading built to sell, because it really talks a lot about productizing your services, which I'm a big fan of. And it helps you just look at the blind spots and the gaps in your business, where you might not realize, you have places where you're almost like self-sabotaging your business growth. I just, I highly recommend the book. I read it a few times already and it's an excellent book. And a very easy read. So here are just some clients like you and their results after going through these stages. And it's funny because I'm looking at this and we have these people. Funnel flippers. I would say they were like about high school. Level in their business. This client was around. I think about elementary and this client was about. I guess. Yeah. I would say like probably adulting level. Okay. So this is like really different clients at different stages. Just a little love note that this is the most transformative program we've ever invested in. It's one thing to teach skills and strategies, but to shift someone's mindset and make them feel like they're businesses valid and can grow without losing all sense of work. Balance is absolute magic. Yells. Passion is so obvious and it's never a question that she cares about her students. I really do this brand is an absolute light in a mucky online world. There was no glad to be here. And this happened a little bit later. She, they were telling me how they just got this new client. They were so excited. And they said, more super excited. We sold this. I'm more excited that we're so systemized. We know exactly what our process looks like. And we won't have scope creep. Couldn't ever reach this point without, regarding, because scope creep was their biggest issue. When it came to taking on new clients, they closed their clients like gangbusters. They closed like almost, I think a hundred percent of all their sales calls, but people just kept adding on and adding on. And they were not able to predict the amount of work they would need to do. And so this really helped them. This client, she, we discussed, we all helped her create her signature framework and actually showed her how she took her. She could take her framework and turn it into a pitch from a free training that she was doing in Facebook groups. And, and she ended up having two sales calls and one week and booked both of them. So that really did help. And then of course, this was Teresa. She offboarded a client who was misaligned with filled five seats in her group. Accelerator had our highest month ever filled, the first hundred founding members in her membership and she had huge mindset shifts. So this is huge.

So if you have been listening to this and you're like, oh my gosh, elementary, that's totally me. I'm really at that stage of foundational building and narrowing down on my signature offer. Really like in that building stage of business. Then CEO mom academy. Would be a great place for you because as a really good place to start to really just start creating your signature offer, booking it out narrowing it and your signature framework, really getting clear on. On all that stuff, because when you have that foundation, as you can see, as you can hear from this episode a lot of stuff builds on it and it really creates a very solid foundation to grow because. When you have your signature offer. You can spider out from their user signature framework to create other offers. You can start having front end offers. You can start, turning your IP into a coaching program or a course or things like that. So I feel like if you are at elementary stage, CEO, mam academy is an amazing place for you. If you want more support. Then com academy because it is a self study course. You do. We do have twice monthly, Q and a threads, so people will submit their questions and I will enter them in a loom video. But if you want more support than that, you won't be able to get more live coaching. Going to be able to get more ongoing coaching you want to really just help, get some help creating a plan. In a more interactive sort of way. The momentum collective is the perfect. Compliment to CMA. And when you joined the momentum collective. It actually includes CEO mom academy in it. So you get access to com academy along with the rest of my product suite, which is over 10 K in value. If you bought them all separately would cost you over$10,000. And then you can use that coaching along the way to really build. The momentum collective is really, that is my most accessible mentorship container. So if you are in the elementary trying to move to high school stage, I find that is more of the building stage of business. And that is the perfect place to, for you. And I currently have a secret bonus happening if you're listening to this. As it comes out, um, there is a special bonus for the next eight women who joined a couple of spots are already taken. Um, Four. Uh, really, really, really incredible September sales mini mind that I'm going to be running is going to be 1297. At full price, but you get it for free when you join the momentum collective in June as one of the next eight people. So if you're listening to this and you found this little Easter egg in there and you want to inquire about it, I've currently just been offering it to people who signed up for my leverage. Um, free three-day program, but if you're listening to this, I want to reward you for listening the whole way through. And reach out to me. If you want to know more about the bonuses and I'm happy to share them with you. If you feel you're a little more beyond that, you're more at the high school scaling stage. And at high school to college, so to speak, and you really just want to scale what you're already doing. Maybe you already have other offers and you really want to create a more flowy offer. Sweet. That all leads one to the next and it really just, oh my God creates that beautiful momentum in your business and has those funnels and has those front-end offers and automatically upsells into your higher offers and things like that. Then the CEO, my mastermind is the place for that. It also gives much deeper support than the collective. Where we literally have me and our copy coach, Jen, looking at your stuff every single week. You can submit things every week for us to look at whether it's your strategy, your copy, your offers, your your launch plan. Your content, whatever you got to really give you that crucial feedback that can literally take your. Offer your strategy, your plan, your copy from great to fantastic and amazing and high converting. So those are two kind of different tiers of support. And I will link all of these in the description below. But if you have any questions, if you are like, I'm not really sure where to go or I don't know which place is best for me. Definitely sign up for the com's matrix. Training. Pick your spot, pick your stage. And you will see some recommendations in there if you're feeling a little more confused and you're like, I'm not really sure where I am. So I'm linking the matrix training for free and also my collective, my mastermind NCO mom academy. And you can see all those different levels of access, those different containers. If you have any questions, if you're like, I would love to work with you. I'm just not really sure where I fit in. What makes the most sense for me at my stage of business. Then reach out to me on Instagram. And I'm happy to chat with you and answer any questions you have so I hope you've really enjoyed this episode and I will see you again next time. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.