Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

51. What's YOUR Version of Success? The Mindset Shift You NEED to Stay In the Entrepreneur Game

Yael Bendahan

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Have you ever felt like a so-called “failure” in your business because you're not hitting the same revenue milestones as other entrepreneurs you see online? 

Maybe you're constantly comparing yourself to coaches who seem to "make 6-figures overnight" while you're working to juggle your business with motherhood. What if I told you that you might already be more successful than you realize?

As ambitious mom entrepreneurs, we often fall into the trap of defining our success solely by our income - but there's so much more to the story.

In this episode, I'm challenging you to redefine what success really means for YOU. We dive deep into:

  • Why the freedom to walk your daughter to school or have lunch with your spouse might be more valuable than a 6-figure launch
  • How to identify alternative "data points" that show you're already succeeding (even if your revenue isn't where you want it yet)
  • The importance of recognizing different seasons in your business and life (and why comparing your journey to others' is a losing game)
  • My personal reflections on success while on maternity leave with baby #6

This is the most crucial mindset shift you need to make so you can stay in the entrepreneurial game long-term. If you're ready to celebrate your wins and feel more fulfilled in your business journey, this episode is a must-listen!

Ready to design a business that gives you true freedom and flexibility? For a limited time, you can grab my Maternity Leave Program for just $34 (price increasing soon!). This comprehensive course (dropping in Fall 2024) will show you exactly how to set up systems that allow your business to thrive even when you step away. Head to yaelbendahan.com/maternity to lock in this incredible deal and start creating more freedom in your business and your life!

Other programs mentioned: The Non-Woo Mindset Makeover

Don't forget to screenshot this episode, share it on social media and tag me for the chance to win a 1:1 Momentum coaching call with me 😀

📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

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In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

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Welcome to the Raising Your Business Podcast. I'm your host, Yael Ben Dahan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of six and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success you desire. And be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing business and motherhood, biz models that work for you, marketing simplicity and the mindset of a CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello? Hello. Welcome back to the podcast. This is another maternity leave recorded. episode. I'm actually recording this on the day that it's coming out. Because. I was going to. I was going to, use something else. And then I decided this, something I really wanted to talk about. And it was inspired by. Something that happened this morning. Okay. And. I'm currently nursing the baby. As I record, this is peak CEO, mom, life. And today, I want to talk about how to define your version of success. And this is a really important conversation because I think that for someone like me, who's, I'm an Enneagram three and achiever. Overachiever. Very type a firstborn. All the older first born type a. Three daughters, raise your hands. I know there are a lot of us out there. And. I think that very often, we, especially as entrepreneurs as business owners. We look at. Metrics that I'm not going to say they don't matter, but metrics that don't necessarily define what success actually would mean to us. And I think as moms, we need to really understand what our version of success actually looks like. So that we can celebrate ourselves along the way and actually realize that we may be much more successful than. We may think, or then numbers will tell us because data can only give you so much information. Because we are not robots. And. I want to give you some alternative data points to look at. To help you maybe redefine what success means to you. Michael for you after this episode was to walk away knowing exactly what your personal metrics are for success in your business and. your life. If you don't walk away, like I'm gonna actually going to give you a journaling prompt at the end of this episode, to help you figure this out. So keep listening. So a while ago I saw this post from Justin Welsh on Instagram, and I shared it to my Instagram stories. And it got such an amazing response. And what it said was if you're a business, gives you the freedom to go to lunch with your spouse or take your kids to school whenever you'd like. You're already a successful entrepreneur. And this really hit home with me because. I in my Instagram stories, usually like the first, my first At first stories of the day are me walking with my daughter to school. And I always think about that as I'm walking her to school and we're usually late. Okay. We were usually late to, she's four, she's just turned four, so she didn't really miss anything major, but we were never like. First to be in preschool. We were always like running a little late and, especially when I was pregnant, I was more tired, so I wasn't waking up early and I just didn't have the energy to get out as early as I used to. And we would just go off to school whenever we felt like it. Obviously I tried to get there before a certain time, but. And I'd be walking and just feeling so grateful. So grateful for this. So grateful for this. opportunity to be able to go to school whenever I wanted. Okay. Got interrupted by a phone call from her husband. I'm back. Okay. The thing is that. When we're on social media, especially on social media, but even like more in our inbox, reading people's emails, but especially in social media. We see all these. Big gurus and, very successful business owners and coaches and whatever. And we expect it to be easy because they say that it's easy for them. Right. I just woke up. And made$10,000, or I, Just, just posted three stories over the weekend and brought in 40 K or whatever it is. And. Because of that, we expect it to be easier. And we expect to be overnight successes because we're told that maybe we should be. And. We will then consider ourselves failures. And I must, I speak for myself, right? I'll be like, oh my gosh, I did not. I didn't succeed. I'm not doing, I should be further along. I should be further along because they've been in business for this long and this person went to business after me and they are so much more further ahead of me than I am. And so obviously they're further ahead of me than I am. But, andy. The fact is that. My life has looked different than any of the other people's lives. And everyone has different. Everyone has different resources when they start off. Everyone is at different points in their life. When they start off everyone. Has different backgrounds and experiences that can give them a heads up. I'm pretty sure most people I follow. Did not have four or five kids when they started their business or while they were growing their business. And I'm not saying that it means I can't learn from them because I do learn from them. But a lot of them started their business before they had children or they started their business with a lot of support or having their first one or two kids. Everyone is in a different point in their journey. It was a different point in their life. Everyone went through different seasons as they grew their business. Cause there were seasons that I stepped back and that I, there were seasons that I was still just learning about all this stuff. There were seasons that. I really accelerated very fast. There were seasons that I pulled back to spring forward. This current season is a Slingshot season for me. I'm pulling back. I have a lot of things. A lot of resources, a lot of courses, a lot of offers that I've created over the years and now I'm in a place of creating them and turning them into this ecosystem that will sell itself. And I've already started. And I'm going to share what that's meant for me in a few minutes. But this is where I'm like, okay, I've created all this stuff now. How can I create the ecosystem that will sell it all for me, without me having to show up consistently. And I always talk about show up and sell show up and sell. Sell every day, right? And a hundred percent you, I think you should be selling every day and you will be even after a certain point. But you don't necessarily need to be showing up, live and selling when you have back end things working for you. And there were seasons where I took a job because I, I felt I needed to, I didn't really have a mental health capacity to depend on my business. And then after a while I realized the job was actually damaging and affecting my mental health capacity. And I realized that when it came down to it, I prefer to just depend on my own business because that really gave me the freedom that I wanted. And. I've had income dips and I've had income jumps. I think everyone has that, every business has ups and downs, every single business. But the question is, what do you actually make those dips mean for you? And does that mean you're not successful? And obviously the answer is no. I've I know that summers are usually, can be slower for me. And sometimes they weren't. I had one summer. That was my biggest summer ever. And then I had some summers that were slower. I don't expect my maternity leave to make me the same amount of money as it, as when I'm at full, a hundred percent capacity in my business. But I do want it. I did want to make money and I am. I am making sales and new sales, not just like existing recurring revenue coming in from existing clients. New sales from new people. And. My question is though. Is your goal money or is it what the money will give you? And. Obviously I love money, right? I want to make buckets of money. I want to help my clients make buckets of money. But the question is it the money that you want is that is the money. Your goal or is it what the money is going to give you? And. The truth is that. You may realize that. The stuff that you want the money to give you, you may already have some of it. I have huge goals for my business. Huge goals. Much further along than I am right now. Alright, I want recurring 30 K a month. I want recurring 50 K months. I want recurring. A hundred K months. Eventually one day. But. My business gave me the freedom to take days off whenever the hell I want. It gives me the freedom to spend time with my husband when he has a free morning. And he doesn't have a lot of free mornings. I like to be able to take advantage of that. It gives me the freedom to leisurely walk my daughter to school every morning and chat with her about all of her little life observations and answer her questions because she has a lot of questions. And it gives me the freedom to buy a new oven or a new baby furniture or a pool for my kids so they can enjoy the summer. I woke up this morning to a few hundred dollars in sales overnight. A whole bunch of new followers on Instagram and over 200 new leads from a collab that I prepped for. Well before Netanel was born. And. This I prepped for this, I don't know, six weeks ago or something. And a new sale just came in right now as as I was speaking. It's not overnight success and it's not easy. And I spent time prepping for this. Okay. I'm not saying that doesn't take time to prep for this because it does take time to put into this, to build this. Kind of freedom. And is it where I want to be? No, I'm not where I want to be. I don't think I ever will be because I'll always be looking for ways to streamline and improve. And you're probably the same, but you have to identify. The metrics of success. Along the way. And show up with gratitude for every step along the way, because the things that you want the money to give you, you might have some of them right now. And you may not realize it because you're so focused on. The number. In side of Stripe or thrive cart or whatever. And oh, I'm not saying it's not important because yes, you should make a lot of money. I want you to make a lot of money. This is a given. This is what I help moms do. But. You also have to consider what. Data points. You can look at. They can tell you if you are successful now. And odds are you already are? Okay, odds are you already are? And. If one of your metrics of success is sales happening on autopilot while you take time off and nurse your baby, or do whatever the heck you want. This is the last week to get my maternity leave program for just$34 for my 34th birthday. I created this in honor of my 34th birthday and my baby's birthday. He was born. On my birthday and it's going up to$97. The end of this week, it will be going up more throughout the summer. Honestly, it's still worth thousands. And 34 is a ridiculous price for it, but I'm I went crazy. So you can jump in right now. The link is in the description So inside this program, you're going to get access to in the fall, I'm going to be delivering the full program, but you will get access immediate access to the maternity leave planner, which is coming at the end of July. Which will be step-by-step guidance to map out your custom leave, including the strategies that are going to skyrocket your passive income and lead generation on autopilot. You're also gonna get access to the full maternity leave program when it launches in the fall, which is where you're going to instantly identify your time off goals. That's spending days and weeks and distraction projects that feel exciting, but don't actually move the needle because how many of those have you started? I know for me, it's been a lot. And. You are going to get my best strategies on how to grow, nurture, and sell to your audience while your laptop stays closed. 90% of the time, I'll also be gifting you my parity matrix that will have you figuring out your next best steps based on your projected ROI and your current availability and resources. And you're going to get. Loads of templates and swipes. Swipe files, email sequences, project plans, everything you need to achieve a spacious maternity leave, or just any time off that you want to take. And honestly, like I said, this is worth thousands of dollars. It's not going to be thousands and thousands of dollars, but it will be considerably more than 34. So jumping now while you still can. And if you learn nothing else today, and this is the, give me the journaling prompt for you. Okay. I want you to define, right? What is your version of success look like? What does your perfect day look like? In your life. Okay. What feels like success to you? What is the money that you want going to give you? And not just like the stuff, but also the feelings. Because the feelings are free. You can feel those feelings right nOw. And I talk about this inside of my non Wu. The mindset makeover. I'll link that below as well. What are the feelings that the money is going to bring you? And how could you feel those feelings right now? How can you feel abundance? How can you feel wealth? How can you feel joy? How can you feel? Spaciousness, how can you feel calm and relaxation? Feel those feelings now, the feelings are free. You can, if you've got ways to feel those feelings, even without millions of dollars. Okay. So I want you to journal this, right? What does success actually mean to me? What kind of things. Do I want success to bring to me. And. I would be willing to bet. That. Your business is already giving some of them to you already. I'm willing to bet you already. have some of those things. And you are so much more successful. Than you thought. Okay. So sending you lots of love. Check out the maternity program. It does not have an official name yet. But it will soon. And I will see you in the next episode. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.