Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

39. Showing Up as a CEO Mom When #Allthethings Need to Get Done

April 17, 2024 Yael Bendahan

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Have you ever felt like you're constantly trying to balance work and family life, especially during busy times? You've been trying to power through and get things done, but it's just not working...

Today, I’m sharing a major mindset shift I had about getting work done as a mom, especially when my kids are around. It hit me while I was knee-deep in Passover prep and baking up a storm!

In this episode, I'm getting real about the struggles of balancing work and family during crazy times. I'll share my own story and the practical strategies I've learned to maximize productivity while embracing the chaos of #momlife.

We'll dive into:

  • Navigating the challenges of working from home with kids (hello, Passover madness!)
  • Aligning your energy with your tasks and letting go of perfection
  • The power of being present for your kiddos when they need you
  • A game-changing exercise to ditch the energy-draining tasks and boost your productivity
  • And a sneak peek at the MOMentum Minimind - a 6-week coaching program to help CEO moms like you thrive!

So grab a cup of coffee and join me for this real talk on making the most of your time as a CEO mom!

My MOMentum Minimind is still open until the end of April - check it out here if you want to get a preview of mastermind coaching with me! >>> yaelbendahan.com/minimind 

Don't forget to screenshot this episode, share it on social media and tag me for the chance to win a 1:1 Momentum coaching call with me 😀

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And then I decided. Effet. Excuse my French. I would never get anything done well in this mood. I would keep getting distracted. Like I was because they kept coming back to my door and complaining about each other, complaining about what was going on and the food that they had or didn't have, or the boredom that they felt. First of all, I didn't want to record a podcast in this energy. Because I really do feel that when I'm, when I'm working, especially when I'm recording, if I'm doing a video, if I'm doing. A podcast it's like me, like in your ear, like literally talking to you and. Aye. I don't want that for you. I want you to. Get a good energy from me. I want you to walk away from a podcast feeling. Good about your business, about yourself, about, like having some insight. And I know that the energy will come through and I didn't want you to, to have to listen to stressed out, yell. And then I was like, why the hell did I build a business? In this way, if not, to be able to be flexible, my kids need me welcome to the raising your business podcast. I'm your host, Yael Bendihan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of five and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success. You desire and be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing motherhood and business, business models that work for you, marketing of simplicity and the mindset of CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the raising your business podcast. Wow. I'm currently deep in Passover preparation. We are mostly done actually. Thank God. We got it all done with a lot of cooperation and a lot of health. And a lot of working together. And we are now in the PR really preparing our kitchen is ready for Passover. I'm baking. Like baking up. Today's baking day and tomorrow is more cooking and then I'm gonna be doing quite a little more baking on Sunday. I like to batch what I do. I always talk about batching. And so I bring the same kind of thing into my actually brought my batching from my motherhood experience. Into my business. So I batch my baking. I batch my cooking. I batched Friday will be like dips and things like that. Just a little way. I kind of show how I CEO as a mom. Even outside of my business. And this is actually what brought me to today's episode. And today we're talking about the major mindset shift that I had around getting work done as a mom, especially when my kids are around. So let's dive in, but before we dive in, I just want to share with you super quick. That the momentum mini mind. It just started this week and it is. Amazing. You're still gonna able to join throughout Passover because I just, between everything that's been going on. I don't know how much you've been following the news, but if you heard there was a huge attack on Israel on Saturday night from the Islamic Republic of Iran. I don't want to say Iran. Itself because I really truly feel they do not represent the people. Of Iran. We it's been really crazy. And between this and getting ready for Passover and all the ups and downs I haven't really had time to promote and talk about the mini mind as much as I would've liked. So I really wanted to give you a chance to hop in. I'll be sharing a little bit behind the scenes of what's going on in the mini minds. You can see what we're doing, but we just dropped the mindset module. And it is so good. We talked about setting new standards. We talked about thinking long-term. As a CEO mom, and not just for the short term short for the short term. And not just for the short term. Me, I love like things like cash injections. I may even have a course. Without cash injections. But I really believe that cash injections cannot be your entire business. It's a great way to get a kickstart. But I really want you to be building your business from a long-term energy. And I want that for you. I want you to think that way. This is going to be, it's just so good already. And next week we're talking about messaging. And then we have so next week is aligned to magnetic messaging. Then we have irresistible offers that are set the scale. I kind of building your. Scalable offer suite and we have mom Bible marketing and content you're aligned in relaxed sales plan and your smoothest silk time-saving systems. And in this mini mind, you get a private telegram group. You get weekly coaching and you get my eyes directly on your six part business plan. So you can kickstart your CEO mom journey in. Q2. Where they coach. Who's a mom like you, this made multiple six figures selling everything from services to coaching to courses. And six weeks of coaching with me is normally minimum fi four figures. Minimum. And this is not okay. This is just about under. So I would love to able to have you in there. And if you've ever wanted a preview of the kind of support you can get inside my masterminds, you're definitely going to want to hop in there. All right. So go to your Ellevet. And hen.com/mini mine. The link is in the description and and you can check it out and see all the details and everything. Okay. Shifting my mind to that show up. In a different way as a mom and as a CEO. And I want to say, I want to talk a little bit about energy. And talk about how your environment will impact. Your work and something that happened yesterday actually reinforced. My belief that I need to talk about this. Now, because if I like, if I'm feeling this and my mastermind client is feeling this, then there are probably tens of other women, other moms who are feeling this as well. So my mastermind client just dropped in saying her energy levels are so low for the past couple of weeks. And when her energy is higher, she tends to overdo it to make up for all the low times. And then she tends to crash. So she goes from between Overdoing. And then she crashes from the overdoing and then can't do anything and then repeat the cycle over and over again. And she's not getting a lot of time to work in her business because of this. And so she is getting checked out. She is getting checked out Medically she met with a new doctor. She had definitely had a lot of ideas to bring up her energy levels. But I do like again, it takes time. It's not going to be immediate and this come even clear on why this episode is so important. So listen to the end and I'm going to share the exercise that I shared with her and an exercise that you can do yourself. If you struggle with similar things, you find you go, you rock it between like lots of energy. Getting lots of stuff done and then getting nothing done because you burned yourself out. Okay. So here's a story. I want to share it today and then we'll get into the energetics of it all. So like I mentioned, it's passed over time. Okay. It is basically a. Whirlwind of cleaning and shopping and baking and cooking. And as they're transitioning from from re year round food to pass over food. So for Passover, you not. I'm not a crumb of non kosher for Passover food can get into it. We really have to keep things very separate, and we're trying to use up our. Non kosher for Passover food. Which is why we have a whole. Situation set up on our patio, outside where we have our, all our appliances and we have our dishes. Even, we even have a little outdoor kitchen out there. And our bread, our stuff, everything is in the outdoor freezer so that we can keep it very separate. But the downside of using up all the food is that using up all the food. And I have four very hungry boys and a girl who also eats. A decent amount. Okay. And when she is hangry and some of my kids, when they are hangry, it is They will not rest till everyone around them is as miserable as they are until they get their food. Which I understand I get it. It's been challenging. It's been challenging. And I've been running behind my batching because of Passover and because of having so much to do And I just did not get as much done in investing. As I would have liked because between my energy levels, with the pregnancy between what's been going on. Politically in my country and the kids being home and everything happening, I just did not get as much time. As much stuff done in advance. And yesterday I planned to record a podcast episode while my husband was home in the morning. Cause he has, he's a paramedic. He has shifts or something to tell him in the morning, sometimes he's home in the evening. But we ended up having to do a bunch of errands together that he really couldn't do by himself. And he and we, and I didn't have time to record. And I really wanted to get it done in the afternoon. Also our family laptop broke. Which is really hard. We do not have a TV. We do just have a, a family little laptop and what I want to let my kids watch it's on there. We have not had a chance to get a new one because things have been so crazy. We want to get a decent one and, I don't like making I don't like making, like buying new electronics. Because I'm very picky with electronics. I don't like to just buy new electronics just out of oh my God, we need one now. I like to do a little research, find something good, something that's going to last us at least a few years. And so normally if I wanted to get worked out in the afternoon and my husband wasn't home. I'll park them in front of I'd be like, okay. Go, whatever, watch something. Have you seen. Anastasia yet. And my kids are gonna be going through there a whole bunch of movies. I'm like I watched when I was a kid. I'm like, we haven't ever showed that to you. I've never showed that to you. And they're like, no, you haven't. And so now we're going through the like mom nostalgia Kind of playlist. Of movies when they do get their screen time. So I wanted to record our podcast. I wanted to finish my CMC newsletter. I wanted to draft some private invites for my mastermind. For some people that I thought would be a really good fit, we have really great opportunity right now to join my mastermind at the founding members investment and some really special bonuses and extended payment plans. And I wanted to send those out to them. And I open up my podcast outline. I get ready to record. And then there's being on my door. I have my office and I lock my office door. I did lock it, but they're banging on the door. They're arguing. They're complaining that they're bored. You're complaining that they're hungry. One of my sons wanted to unpack our Passover groceries, which were in my office, but I didn't want him to do it without me because I have a system. I have a certain system where I put things in the cupboards. And I didn't want to do without me. And my house was a mess, we were in that messy middle of the kitchen was spotlessly clean. So a lot of mess moved into the living room area. The boys rooms were not, were not particularly tidy and the garden was messy. Everything just felt really messy. And I was trying to ignore it and just push through and work above, work through it. So I just sat there for about 20 minutes. Coming to. Like a figurative mental boil. Like I felt like I literally felt like a volcano. Getting more and more stressed out and more like angry. And I'm like, why can they just let me work? And was it recording anything? I was not, you know why? Because my head was just so not in it. And I was just feeling so angry and it was like, my, my mind is when blink. I was like, I couldn't even get any effective work done because I was just not. Emotionally energetically there. And then I decided. Effet. Excuse my French. I would never. I would never get anything done well in this mood. I would keep getting distracted. Like I was because they kept coming back to my door and complaining about each other, complaining about what was going on and the food that they had or didn't have, or the boredom that they felt. And there's no books and there's nothing to watch and there's nothing to do. And it's really hot outside. And I did. First of all, I didn't want to record a podcast in this energy. Because I really do feel that when I'm, when I'm working, especially when I'm recording, if I'm doing a video, if I'm doing. A podcast it's like me, like in your ear, like literally talking to you and. Aye. I don't want that for you. I want you to. Get a good energy from me. I want you to walk away from a podcast feeling. Good about your business, about yourself, about, like having some insight. And I know that the energy will come through and I didn't want you to, to have to listen to stressed out, yell. And then I was like, why the hell did I build a business? In this way, if not, to be able to be flexible, my kids need me now. I was trying very hard. I'm very type a I'm very I'm overachieving. I was trying really hard to stick to my recording routine. And. I was just like, Forget it screw it. We're not doing this right. I knew I was going to come out. I was going to find a mess. I'd be in a bad mood. The rest of the evening, the kids would be hungry. So it has to be messy and they won't be hungry and they don't have to like order pizza. And it probably take me an hour and a half because everyone's ordering pizza at this time of year. So I decided. Forgot it. No podcast is happening. CMC is happening tomorrow. It's just not, it's just not, it's not happening. Today. And you know what? I've been doing a podcast every Tuesday. Since I started it. And so if I do have a podcast drops on Wednesday instead. That is okay. It is not the end of the world. Okay. It is not the end of the world. Nothing is changing. I love Taylor Quinn says this. From Caitlin and consulting. She says, my business is not my baby. And I really feel that. Wait. Yes. You got to feed your kids because they need. That's your responsibility, but. A podcast coming out on Tuesday or Wednesday is not the be all and end all of your business. And I tend to get stuck. Sometimes in yes, but it has to be this way. It just has to be this way because that's how I planned it. And it's something it's a work, I'm a work in progress. I'm always working on myself because it's, It's not always possible. It's not always possible for things to go the way you plan them. Which I know as a mom, as a business owner. But especially as a mom, right? So I got up. Close my laptop. I'm like, okay, that's it. I'm done. I'm not working today. I was like, really? You're not working. And I'm like, Nope, I'm done. Until I'm done until the evening, because I had a few calls I had, I was actually doing a few interviews for a really exciting project that's coming up. And I was like, I'm not coming back into my office until the kids are mostly in bed or until whatever past eight. I think it was eight o'clock. We cleaned up the living room together. Because I didn't want there to be crumbs all over the place and we vacuumed up. So the room would be clear in preparation for pulling out all the Passover groceries. We put away the groceries. Everyone was so excited to participate. Cause it's very exciting. It's it feels very new and fresh. It's like we're putting all these new packages of everything away and we're organizing it in a new way. It's not in our regular boring pantry, it's in a special Passover pantry. Which we. We say these these like these closets. Every year and we bring them out pass over time. Now the house is clean. Okay. I was more relaxed because the house was clean and everyone was happy. I ordered pizza. Now the kids were happy because they're like, okay, we're hungry, but pizza's coming. So they were okay. And they went outside to play. We had a great dinner time together, hung out together, outside in the garden. I got my littles to bed. I interviewed two amazing women for my upcoming. Project went to bed in a really great mood after after implementing a really cool automation. For this podcast, that's going to save me so much time. So this kind of stuff puts me in a good mood. And now I'm recording this today. Okay. And this whole story, this whole situation. Taught me a lot. Because I find very often. This is what I learned. I find very often. That we. Tend to hold on, Especially if you're like a little bit type, a control freak sort of person like me. We tend to hold onto our routines, like with, by our fingernails or hold on to things that need to happen. Hold on to our to-do list. And we're like, oh my God, but this must happen. This can't. Can't be like this or it can't be like that. And. I think that Routines are great. And I, I have routine, I have my, my daily kind of focuses. And I focus on different things every day because I I like to stay in the same. In the same zone of I was talking to my coach Taylor's lingo about this yesterday. Dividing up the masculine and feminine tasks. So there's some days are we're flowing. Some days that are more strategy, heavy more structured. And I will do things like some days are more planning days and outlining day, some days are recording days or creation days. But sometimes it's just not going to work out right now before Passover. When my kids are home all the time, it is just not going to work out right. Same thing happens, in the summer. Or when you have another baby. Or when, when your husband gets a new job and he's not around the same hours that he was before. And holding onto control does not work. And I would think like any I know this better than anything, because I live in a country. That like our existence right now is a fricking miracle. We had over 300 missiles. Targeted at us and the. On Saturday night and the system that. That. Intercepted all those missiles. Ha normally like in, in testing. I had a 90% success rate. And this time it was 99%. Okay. It's a freaking miracle. Okay. We can not control everything. And also, I forgot that I was my own boss. If I, my boss told myself that the podcast, what happened tomorrow, what can happen tomorrow? And that's okay. So I definitely think that planning ahead is the best I like planning ahead. But sometimes you can't because life is fluid life. Isn't flexible. That's just how life works. Things are always changing, especially when you have kids. And the energy in which you get work done will affect your productivity. Okay. Pushing against your nature or environment. We'll not do you any good? And that's the takeaway I want you to take from today. Let it go. Okay, let it go. Let it go. That song was just fricking great. It's it's a great song. It should be my Anthem, right? Trying to get things done with kids all over. You will make things feel 10 times harder. I'm not saying not just make things in his heart also make them feel more overwhelming. So there are so many ways to figure out how to not do that. Whether it's choosing to work earlier in the day when they're not around or, or while they're in school or trading babysitting days with friends or. Incorporating judicial screen-time. If your computer is not broken. But understanding that like you are not able to get the same kind of things done. With kids all over you than you would, if they weren't all over you and that, and then you have to find the things that will work for you. And I talk about this with my clients when it comes to cycle sinking. So like the idea of cycles thinking is doing the right types of activities during the right time of the month. Different activities align better with when you're ovulating, when you're on your period, when you're in your luteal phase. And I'll talk about this as well in, in com. I'm on academy. I talk about the time task match, right? When are your, when do you have the most mental energy during the day when you have the most physical energy during the day, and how can you match your T your tasks to those times? And then besides your matching a task, those times also take into account your environment. You might have, you might be at your peak mental capacity at 4:00 PM, but if your kids all come over from school then you have to find a different time of the day where you might maybe not have the hundred percent mental. Peak capacity, maybe we'll have 90 or 85, but it's still better than trying to work with, in a brain fog at 1:00 PM or at 7:00 AM or 5:00 AM before they wake up. But I'm not, I've said this before. I'm not a morning person. I never will be a morning person. And that's okay. That's fine. But like the idea being, I don't think you, I'm not saying that you don't have to always be in peak form. You will never always be in peak form. All the time because you can't. You literally can't but sometimes it's better to just accept what is and flow with it. And I realized that I was just fighting. I was fighting reality at that moment. I'm like, Even if I push through, let's say I'd record the podcast. Let's say I've written the emails. They probably wouldn't have been good. I probably would have had to redo it. I would've had to redo it. It would have been exhausting. It would have been. Mentally draining. And. And I just, I don't think I, I don't like that kind of content. I don't want my content to come from that place. Okay. And I just had to, I accepted my environment. I accepted my current reality. And you know what it put us all in such a better mood to put me in a better mood to put my kids in a better mood. My house was clean. Like this morning when I woke up my house was tidy. I just felt so much better about life. About like everything, there's this amazing what a clean house can do. Literally, it is amazing what it can do for you mentally. And I was so glad that I did that. And you know what? Now my husband is home at this particular moment in time. He is home he's around so the kids can go to him if they need anything. And I can record this. And a really chill. Laid back, throw it away. And it's amazing. And I love it. Okay. Here's what I told my client to do. Okay. So if you find that you are pushing, And then you're burning yourself out and then you do nothing. And then you push you get, and you burn yourself out. I told my client to do is do an energetic audit. Okay. And. The idea of this is. Figuring out what in your business gives you energy and what in your business drains you now? What I'm not saying is this, okay. I'm not saying that every single thing in your business that you ever do is going to give you energy. There's just some things you got to do as a, as a. As a CEO. That you may not enjoy the most. You may not enjoy it the most. Okay. That's part of life, not everything's meant to be fun, which is what I tell my kids. Okay. But on the other hand, You can hack. Your energy and you can hack the activities that are draining your energy. So what I want you to do, and you can do this too. If you're feeling like, you're being drained, energetically a lot in your business. Make a list of all the things that you do in your business. And this could be. I make lists of all things you do in a particular offer, make a list of all the things that you do in your home, right? Like it doesn't have to just be in your business, but. Does he make a list of the things that you do on a regular basis in your business? And next to each one, I want you to put a little G for gives you energy or a D for drains your energy. Okay. And so when I want you to take each of the energy drains and ask yourself a few questions, you don't have to ask. Ask yourself, all these questions for every single one, but here's a few questions to ask about the, ask yourself to think about when you are doing this. So the first thing is this absolutely necessary or is that a story I'm telling myself because I'm afraid to do it differently that I always do it this way. And now I'm afraid to shift them afraid to change. They believe I can't make money any other way. That's a good question. If I knew I would inevitably make all the money that I ever wanted. Would this still be necessary? All right. And I'm making this harder than it needs to be, because I think there's a right or wrong way. Again, I. I automated something in my podcast process. Thanks to my friend, Monica Snyder and I she's amazing. And now she has, she's creating these like little, like recipes, like these automation recipes in her digital shop. So I will put the link. I have to get the link from her actually, but I'll put the link below and I have it. And I actually inspired one of her. One of her recipes. So yay for me. So I was spending so much time on a certain part of my podcast process that now is going to take me literally zero time. How amazing is that? Like I literally went from taking a good, let's see, let it go. Five to 10 minutes per episode to nothing. And it adds up. If fricking adds up. Okay. And I over-complicating this right. What if it were easy? What if it were easier? Am I over-complicating this for someone told me I had to do it this way, because I've always done it this way. Because I like to overcomplicate things because I feel like I'll, I'm. I'm more worthy if I work harder, am I just giving more of myself. Then is it actually necessary because I think that's gonna be the thing that's gonna make me more money. Maybe. I feel if you have a people pleasing personality, you might feel like the more you give the more you'll get back in. Sometimes, maybe that's true, but not always. And I don't think you need to burn yourself out or drain yourself to make other people happy. And that's going to be what makes you more money? Because I think that am I making more money in the short term, but in the longterm it will burn you out. And again, what if this were easy? What if it were fun? And can I outsource it? You'd be surprised. Can. You can answer it at number one, two automations, or you can outsource it to somebody else. To another person. And these are just some great questions to ask yourself. And I would highly recommend if you can outsource or shift. Energy draining tasks. When I say shift, maybe change it up. Maybe if you get drained by live calls, try doing boxer instead, or telegram coaching. Or again, you drained by video, so do a podcast because audio is less of a commitment. Or just save them for when you're at your peak performance, you can't get rid of every single energy and energy draining tasks in your life. You can't do that. Okay. They're going to be something that you do. That will just take energy, but be aware of that. And. Try to not do too many of them at a time and save them for when you're in higher performance mode. I want you to do more of what gives you energy. I want you to do more for gives you energy, and I want you to understand. I want you to understand that. Fighting your nature, fighting your environment, fighting everything around you is not going to get you further in your business. It's really not. Okay. Because you were fighting reality. And you were fighting your own energy and it is just, it's just going to. If you're going to bite you he's come back to bite. You. It will. And it's. And as someone who really believes, I can just mind over matter my way through all kinds of stuff, I could just power through and power through that. I'd done. And I did that for years. I did it for years and years. I'm really like with this pregnancy, I've had to learn so much. About my capacity and about how to slow down. And accept that about myself and not make myself wrong or not good enough for having to slow down and thinking about, okay how can I do this? I still want to do this. How could I do this differently? Or how can I do this better? How can I do this in a simpler way? How can I do this in a simpler way? I hope this helped you. I just felt actually had a different podcast episode idea in mind for this week. And I just was like, I need to. I need to offload this. And I think that you need to hear it too. And then when my client posted that, I was like, oh my gosh, like I was already feeling like it. I was already feeling like it. But I was also. I was also like, Wow. I had this, we're talking about energy thing about fighting environment thing or fighting. All this stuff. And then my client came up with this question. I was like, okay, this is the sign that I need to talk about it now. If you have not checked out the mini mind yet, I would love to work with you in there. We cover the strategy and we cover the mindset as well. It's a mix of that and you get ongoing coaching that I really didn't offer in pretty much any other container. Except for my mastermind. We're still accepting people in until the end of Passover. Cause we're gonna, we're dropping content, we're dropping coaching and stuff in there. But I would love for you to jump in earlier sooner rather than later, because the more you earlier, drop-in the more coaching you get. And. I cannot wait to be back next week with you. Let me know if you have any questions, let me know how this landed with you. Shoot me a message on On. Instagram. And tell me how this landed with you. Tag me if you feel called to and I would love to hear what your biggest takeaway was from this episode. All right, I'll see you next time and have a wonderful rest of your day. Can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at theelbendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.