Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

47. From Burnt-Out Social Media VA to Generating Multiple Income Streams

Yael Bendahan

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Ready to be inspired? In this must-listen episode, I'm chatting with my amazing long-time client and friend, Katie Goebel, about her transformative journey from burned out social media VA to in-demand short-form video strategist and multi-passionate CEO mom.

Katie gets candid about:

  • How she broke free from the time-for-money trap and created leveraged offers that skyrocketed her impact and income
  • The mindset shifts and game-changing strategies that helped her overcome overwhelm and build a business that supports her ideal lifestyle
  • The pivotal moment at a flower show that completely shifted what she believed what was possible for her
  • How tapping into her unique strengths helped her carve out a niche, stand out from the crowd, and attract her dream clients

Whether you're a mom entrepreneur seeking inspiration and practical advice or a service provider ready to diversify your income streams and create more freedom, this episode is packed with actionable wisdom you won't want to miss.

Plus, if you're fired up to follow in Katie's footsteps and scale your business to multiple 6 figures without sacrificing precious family time, I've got an exciting opportunity for you.

I have 6 spots open for the CEO Mom Mastermind this month with incredible bonuses (see them below!) - learn how it can help you build a wildly successful business on your terms, just like Katie did.

Check out the mastermind details here and get your application in ASAP to claim your spot! >>> yaelbendahan.com/mastermind

Connect with Katie here!

📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

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💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

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In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

This is a really special episode. I'm interviewing my client, Katie Gable, who we have worked together on and off since the end of 2020, she was in the first round of my signature group program, the baby proof business accelerator. And then she, Over the years. Came into some of my other offers and she rejoined my CEO, my mastermind at the beginning of this year. And her growth has been phenomenal. And I just wanted to share this because I wanted to show you that power. Of. Of what, what happens when you are willing to believe in yourself? When you are coachable when you design your business to work with your life, instead of trying to fit yourself into a mold, that is somebody else's. And Katie has gone from making, I think, oh my gosh. I think it was under, it was definitely under a thousand dollars a month. To having about, A few thousand. I'm not sure exactly the numbers are now, honestly, because it's shifting, she's always bringing on new clients, but about a few thousand dollars a month. Banana. To having a few thousand dollars a month in recurring revenue and incredible membership. A plan for bringing people into that membership, the multiple income streams with various digital products. And she's currently setting up her backend funnels to bring in people from her memberships, from her front end offers into her higher ticket services. And so she is truly an example. Of someone who has. Truly truly grown. Mindset wise revenue wise and just as a business owner and as a person. And I am just so excited to share this because I want you to understand that this is possible for you too. You also can bring on more income streams without having to double your hours and double your workload. You can bring in more income without sacrificing your family and your children and time with them and everything like that. I want you to believe that for yourself. If you have not heard of Katie, you can find all of her details in the description I'm linking to her Instagram and to her freebie. So you can check out what she has to offer. She is incredible at what she does. And I cannot wait for you to listen to this and give Katie some love. I also want to remind you that the CEO on mastermind is now open for our last cohort that I am bringing in before I have my baby. And I am so excited to welcome some incredible women into this container. I honestly feel like it is the best place on the internet. So you hang out, you get so much personal coaching, so much personal feedback. The community, the people in there are amazing. You could access to my entire products. We, and we really designed this mastermind. To help you build that business that is leveraged with the multiple income streams, right? Having your bread and butter offer having your having your front end offers that bring people into that main offer. Knowing exactly what to do and have a repeatable process to bring people in over and over again, to create momentum in your business and then your income. And the bonuses are bananas. Okay. I'm giving away four one-to-one calls for everyone who joins this month in June or the first in the next six people who join, whichever comes first. And we also have$500 off until the end of this week. So it is currently Tuesday, June 11th. So until Thursday. So just a couple more days for that. And honestly I truly believe when you come into this container and you show up and you ask the questions, I'm going to talk a little more about asking good questions in this episode. You are going to not just make your money back, but you will bring in more. I firmly believe that. Just want to invite you into this mastermind space. We were putting so much into it. We have a new co-coach my friend, Tara. Counterman where we are going to be also building your pod funnels. So your front end funnel offer. That is going to be able to bring in more high ticket clients on repeat, without having to spend time on sales calls and minimal sales conversations, because they are so sold on you. And I am just, I cannot wait. This is going to be an amazing here is going to be an amazing summer and. I would love to welcome me in there. So if you have any questions about the mastermind, shoot me a message on Instagram. Or just text me, you can text me in the description and otherwise get your application in the link is in the description as well. And we can have a conversation about whether it's the best fit for you, but I would encourage you to get your application in quickly. Because I want you to get your bonuses. I want you to get those one-to-one bonuses. I also have a crazy bonus for pay in full. So you get, not only do you get those four one-to-one calls there with$4,000 all on their own, but you also get. Your choice of six weeks of one-to-one telegram coaching with me or a one-to-one five-hour VIP intensive, which is normally between four and four and a half thousand dollars. And you get that for free when you pay in full. If you have any questions about it, please let me know. I would love to welcome you into there. So, if you are truly ready to double your revenue in the next 12 months without doubling your work hours to seriously. Built out those leverage streams of income that enable you to be bringing in sales on repeat, without having to do more. This is for you. This is the mastermind for you. Okay, let's move on to the episode. Welcome to the raising your business podcast. I'm your host, Yael Bendihan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of five and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success. You desire and be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing motherhood and business models that work for you, marketing of simplicity and the mindset of CEO mom. Now let's dive in.


Hey everyone. So I'm here with my incredible client, very long time client, I guess I would say Katie Gable. She, we have been working together on and off since the end of 2020. So at the time of this recording, it's halfway through 2024. It's a long time. So I am just so excited to have her here because number one, I want to just talk a little bit How amazing she is because she does stuff that I'm like, I cannot be bothered to do. Her expertise is something that I'm like, I just don't even want to deal with that. And so I'm so happy that people like her exist because I just do not have the patience. But also I just wanted to talk about like our experiences of working together and like where she was when she started versus where she is now, because to me and I, What I can see the transformation has been incredible. And I just want you to realize that so much can happen and you can grow so much as a person in a short time, in a in a few years. And and so just thank you so much again, Katie, for being here today.


Yes. Yeah. Super excited to be here, y'all. And it is crazy how. Especially for online business, I feel for us having worked together now for four years, pretty much this is a long time,


right? It's a lifetime.




Yeah. A hundred percent. It's a lifetime. I feel like I feel like, yeah, I feel like it's almost I feel like internet years are like dog years. It's every year is really like five. Yeah,


it is crazy just because and I think it's just because it's such a volatile space. So like in some senses like what's the word about not hiring and firing but like trust like it takes time to build The trust but once you find the people you're like, oh my gosh I gotta stick with you like you really know what's up because there's so many people that are not authentic in this Online world, so yeah, when you find those people, you like hold on to them real tight,


I agree. I've been, I've had the same coach for five years, so I totally hear you. And I also think that, I think that we very often Like we might there's a lot of shiny objects, I think. And we like jump, you're like, Ooh what about this? Maybe I'm just doing it all wrong. And I should just try this thing. But but a lot of times, like a lot of the value to me I know when I have a gut, I have a long term coach is just like that the coaches knows me and they know my business and they know my personality and they know what I absolutely will not do. And they know what I'm willing to do. And there's that's a really, that's a really huge thing. I guess I wanna say two things because we, I feel like we, we worked together in my accelerator back in end 2020 to like about mid two one. And now you're in the CEO Mom mastermind, right? Yes. So can you take me back to like before you joined the accelerator?


Yeah. Man, that what were


you doing? Tell me more about that. Actually no, before, before we go in there, tell us what you do next.


Yeah. Okay. Such a good question. I am a short form video marketing strategist. But that's, that also encompasses like just general organic content online as well. And the journey there. Was so like so right now what I'm doing is I help people like I help them clarify their messaging and then Morph that basically into short form video. So like for instagram reels And then usually it ends up spiraling out into like also how's their, what's their email marketing strategy with their blog strategy, what's their like, YouTube strategy. So it'll it all blossoms from there. But yeah, so that's basically what I, that's like my, that's my main like service I would say is the messaging and then the short form video marketing. And yeah, I don't know to tie back in even to what when you were asked about the journey like I think when I very first started I was really more working as like a social media VA, honestly, like one of my first clients was. As like a contractor, a team member for somebody else who is a social media manager. So even though I had experience in social media, myself, I was trying to get the hang of it, like for real businesses. And and even though I've always been really a savvy, like personal user of social media myself, like since MySpace days and stuff and like message boards and things like I, it wasn't that I was uncomfortable with the tools. I just want to make sure I knew what I was doing for businesses. I guess that's where I started, but I really quickly pivoted into strategy. And so I think whenever I saw what you were doing, what's really funny is I, you caught my eye first because you were offering the kind of services that I was like, I think I could offer a service like that. Like maybe I should see if I could like apprentice with her and see how she does things or be one of her. Team members and then be like, how do you do the things you do? And then it turned out that was like when you were starting to launch this, like making this pivot into more coaching. And I was like, Oh, that's perfect. Cause when you're coached, basically you're teaching people how to do the things you do. So that worked out pretty beautifully, actually.


That's funny. I didn't, I did not even know that. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. Cause I thought I saw this stuff you were doing, like I think you had been in Michaela shout out to Michaela Quinn cause that's where I got my business. That's where I felt legit about starting my business. Like I had started doing random services for people, but she really like her whole framework helps me set up and be like, okay, I can run a legit business. This is how you manage it. This is how you start an LLC and whatever. You'd have been a guest expert in there and talking about like marketing. And I was like, okay, you I knew I wanted to go to the marketing route and not just like a virtual assistant general admin person. Cause that is not my skillset. But I was trying to find the people who, where I could get that kind of training on online marketing. That was like legit, because everybody also knows what it's like to go through like a slimy sales funnel. And I was like, surely. There's other people who do online marketing in a better way than that. So that's how you first caught my eye,


oh, wow. Okay. See, I'm saying I didn't know you found Mikayla's group, but I didn't know all that whole backstory. So this is fun to find out.


I love that. Yeah. Yeah. And a great point P. S. to your point about collaborations and never knowing where people are going to find you. Like honestly, like when you're showing up in those places, like you truly never know whose attention you're going to catch. Then they'll be like, oh yeah, you said this thing this one time and now I'm like buying your stuff. There you go.


It's really true. A lot of my, a lot of my clients have actually come from me guest experting and other people's communities, because again, it's and I'm, it's not nothing to say about, I was not like, oh, those communities are not enough, but there is a certain level of trust in general. When you like little short tip side tip, right? If someone is trust you enough to present to their community, it means that they trust you and the people who trust them are then more likely to trust you as well. So it's a very, it's a very good shortcut. So to speak tour through that, no, like trust journey very quickly. Cause they're like, Oh, I know you either I like you or I don't think, which could go either way. But if they do like you, then they'll trust you because the other person trusted you first. Yes. Yeah. So I love that so much. Okay. So you were like, okay, I want to learn how to do, I guess the more strategic stuff as well. I didn't want, you didn't want to just do the assistant sort of thing. So what were you so when you joined the accelerator, were you like, okay, so this is it, this is going to help me. I think I remember like you were making like, I think less than a thousand dollars a month when you joined the accelerator, I'm pretty sure like it was a long time ago.


Yeah. Yeah. It


was a big investment because it was a thousand dollars a month.


Oh yeah, exactly. Yeah, I don't even remember. Gosh, I don't even remember because it was definitely like the hourly I think I wanted to learn how to like package things, because I was like, I don't want to do hourly. I want to do package. It's hard doing social media because there's so many different things you can do. And even now, if real Literally outrageous like it's mind numbing to try to figure out how to package your services sometimes. So I know that was one thing. I wanted to learn. I'm trying to remember even who else are like, yeah, I say who else because the other cool thing that I love with working with you is just the I guess the people you attract, but even like the people that you bring in. And I don't even remember if that was as much of a thing then. I feel like it was though. I feel like you've always had people that are like, cool. You guys want to learn about this. I have this connection. This person's going to show up and speak now. I'm trying to remember if that was a thing back then. But I have always appreciated that about the way. You run your stuff that you're like, you know your own strengths, but you can you also See where you can bring in like other people's expertise to like Because you want your people to get a good experience, does that make sense?


Yeah, 100%. And I think it could be something that people are a little worried about. Like they might feel like threatened or but what if they like them more than me? Or what if they're, and the thing is, the truth is as much as I would love to believe that I'm excellent at everything. I'm not, okay. I'm just not. And and there are people who are much better than me. And that is literally like just now, I'm about to go, I'm returning to leave right now. And I have a whole bunch of guys, experts lined up because I'm like, This is what my people need value and I want to help them fill the gaps that I can't necessarily, or maybe would not be able to do as well as these other people could, right? And that's okay.


Yeah, oh my gosh. Yeah, and that says so much to you for your own confidence and your security too and being like I know what I bring to the table for people, but also I have no problem Bringing other people to the table as well that are going to help, yeah, so I really appreciate that part too, but I'm also remembering, I think the very meant that my first round in the accelerator way back in is when I ran my first workshop. So thinking about it now, that was actually like a humongous win because I was at that point of trying, like I was at that point of trying to like package. My I remember I grew pretty quickly there when I first started, but then I was like, okay, now I hit like another roadblock, where you have your services like booked out, but they were like now what especially for me, I've always been learning, trying to manage that. Like keeping up there, the money that comes from returning services, but also being like, I have still so many ideas. I want to help sell so many more people. Like how can I do that in a manageable way? That's not like crazy. And so that's when I think the idea of the workshop first came about. And I remember talking to you on one of the coaching calls about it. And I was like, I don't know if this will work. And you were like, yeah, you should do it. Just do it. And I was like, really? And you're like, yeah. And then basically you sold it to me first. And I was like, Oh yeah, I could do that. Okay. And then I did, and I had 13 people. And then after I finished the workshop, I basically had to go lay down for two days. Cause I was totally like, Whoa, that was so huge. But I did it that very first time. And since then I've run like five different workshops. And every time it's been like so much easier because I was like, I survived the first one, so I should do these other ones. And it's been so much more fun. Cause now I have I need, and you helped them talk through like the copy for it. And like literally. The registration page and like what to say in the emails and like how to and yeah, I remember that though it was that was a game changer, and it was in the summertime, like it was like a July thing like people don't even buy stuff in the summer, but they did. Obviously they do I


know and I feel like that's it's such a it's such a, it is such a misconception that people don't buy things in the summer, they'll buy things in the summer that they want. I, there are loads of things I am about to buy in the summer. I'm having a baby and I have kids home with me. And I and I just bought a course on a very specific topic that I'm like, this is the perfect thing to work on during maternity leave. Okay. So again, people will still buy in the summer. Okay. They will buy in the summer. And if they see the value enough and that's the funny thing is like the time you're like, I don't know if I could do this. Then you did it. You're like, Oh, I'm so tired. And I'm so worn out. And I really was,


man. I was like, yeah, wow. I know. But then it was great though.


Now I'm like looking at you and you're like, I just love doing workshops. I want to do another one. I want to do another one. So it's such a shift in your energy around it from then to now also, which is just so amazing.


Yeah. I love that. And that to me is also like the sign of a good coach. Like even if not in business, but in anything else too, where like your coach sometimes almost needs to push you past, like what you think you can do because they see the potential in you. They. It's not like they have to convince you, but they almost have to talk you out to be like, no, really, I promise you can do this. And if you don't, you're also going to be fine, but also you should just go for it. Just do it. Just go for it. And I was like, okay I guess I will. And then I did. It was great.






I love that. And the truth is I saw, and I still do there's so much in Katie. And I think that was also what you were realizing was everyone's version of booked out is going to be different, right? So some people's booked out is 20 hours a week. Some people's booked out is 40 hours a week. Some people's booked out is 10 hours a week. And you're like, okay, I've hit a ceiling, right? Because there's only so much work you can actually do. And so the thing I really focus on with my clients in the CEO, my mastermind in general, it's okay, so how can we leverage your time more? How can we take, we already doing for services? and turn it into something that does not necessarily need your time to deliver as much or it needs a lot less of your time to deliver, right? And I remember that even the first time she did her workshop and then you were like, okay, great. And I'm like, you're like, now what now? What do I do with it? I'm like it exists. Just, Stick it on your Instagram profile or your link, your link tree or whatever and and just leave it, or promote it every once in a while. People could just buy it now. You recorded it. And it was the first time you're like, someone just bought it off of my Instagram. I don't even know who they are, but they just bought it. And there's something that is It's something that is so amazing and special about when you're, especially when you're a service provider and you're used to like working for your money, someone just paying you money without you doing a single thing or lifting a finger. It's I already created it. I did it. And now they just bought it and I did not have to do anything.


Yeah. Oh my gosh. I totally forgot that happened, but you're right. That is what happened. And it was like, In August and the kids were about to, and oh my gosh, this is wow. This is bringing back such a flood of memories because it was right. When they were going, it was like their first school year back in school after all the pandemics are not after it, it was happening still. And I was at, we were at like a flower garden because things were so stressful and I was trying to get ready for school, but the people were going on and on about all the regulations. And I, our school was trying to figure out what their rules were. It was nuts, but it was so stressful. And I remember this is all the backstory to the fact that day I take them out to, it was like a garden pond somewhere in the city, just so that we could get out of the house and be like, let's enjoy something that's beautiful and not stressful for half a second. And when I was there is when I got the little notification. That had made this like 47 sale, like completely cold. Somebody that had just followed me and bought the thing off my link. And I was like, it's working. So yeah, then I pretty much got addicted to that.


Yeah. Yeah. And now, by the way, she has a membership. She has a membership call the Trend Report, and I'm gonna link it in the description as well so you can check it out. But she literally gives you like trending audios and stuff, and that to me is like the best way of like literally taking your expertise and being like, Okay, how can I do one thing every week or every other week, right? And then serve multiple people at a time, right? So I can, Make more money. I can impact more people and I can spend the exact same amount of time impacting all those people, but just being able to maximize the income I can make without having to add more hours to my week. And I think that's it's such a beautiful thing and it's so fun and it is so addictive. It's


yes, it's right. It was like, oh, I need to do that again. Yeah. I'm gonna do that again.


Yeah. Oh my God, I love that so much. Yeah. Going to the mastermind, right? So we worked together and then you finished your time and then you left. Yeah. And and then we, and we worked together. I think over the years you still bought a bunch of my stuff. Like you were we stayed in the same world.


know in between. Definitely.


So what was that like? So you went, you were in a bunch of other, I think you joined a bunch of other programs, which, from people that I know, right? So on, and who were excellent, right? So what made you, after all that, after? Three and a half years. What made you decide to come back? To continue working together now after all this time?


Yeah, man. That is such a good question. There, I guess there were a couple things. You obviously have also grown in your coaching skills and your expertise and your experience. So it just felt like what you were offering at the time was really a fit for me as well, like in the mastermind that it wasn't so much like it was like, you can offer services, but also you can build out these other passive income streams, And that's where I'm at right now. It's almost like I have and I only have just realized this, since like last fall, I guess that I almost have like multiple arms to my business now, where I have client services, but then I also have my trend report subscription. And then I have my couple other digital products. And But I want to be able to like, I guess everybody else is selling here's this one business model that you can learn. And I was like, I don't need that because I actually know a bunch of different business models. I need to know how to integrate them so I don't lose my mind. And so that and. Gali, the thing I love the most about you too is how you're doing this and raising your kids. Like so many people who are doing the things we're doing do not have the responsibilities and expectations that we do because we are wives and mothers and because we're like, contributing members, like our community and like all those things. And so sometimes like I've had to unfollow and mute people. Cause I'm like, man, I cannot keep up with you and your lifestyle because it's just not mine. Like it makes me feel bad for all the things I have to do all day. And that's not their fault. Like they're doing, what they're on the planet to you. And that's awesome for them, but it's hard because I just can't keep up the same way. I don't can't do the same things. I can't give the attention the same way. So that's what I love so much about what you're doing is that you're, oh, and I remember even, it's funny, I have to give a shout out to Monica Snyder right now, too, because when I saw her in Nashville in January, when I got to meet her, and we went to dinner, and we were laughing about how she, We'll go on these like CEO events and activities and stuff and be at the table and they'd all be like, okay, what's your like one question you want to ask whatever big, huge, marketing dude guru right now. And what's the main thing that's holding you back in your business? And she's Literally, the biggest thing that's holding me back in my business is I don't know what to make for tonight, like how it was like, and that's so different from most other people that are running businesses. They're like, I don't know how to scale. How do I, which team members should I hire like funnels and blah, blah, blah, blah. And then it's for people like us in our position, we're like, yes, I'll get to all those things, but I literally have to feed the children that are in my care right now. And then I. So I love that for you, they're not like competing priorities. They're like, yes, they're all the priorities and they go all together. And that's why you have to give attention to all of them at all different times. Yeah, maybe a long winded answer, but that's what I love the most about the way you blend things that like, you can build out your service part of your business. You can also build out your. Products part of your business and you've done it all yourself and you've coached people and you've seen other people and the people in the mastermind are also doing all those different things like, we all have different angles different experience there. But then also, yeah, but that you're doing all of that also while you're like taking care of your family and managing all that stuff so that's I guess my answer to the why I thought it was the right thing right now for me, oh,


thank you. And I love that. And it's true. I think that, you have to just accept that it's all going to be, I don't know if you watch manifest, but it's all connected. It's all connected. It's always connected. It like, you can't, and I feel like men that even men who are dads, are much more able to shut off their brains a little bit. Not compartmentalize the different parts of their life. Like when my husband goes out to work, he goes out to work and then he's fully immersed in Paramedic world and like then he comes home. He's okay, now I'm home, right? And so there's, it's very much easier for him to divide his attention. Whereas for me, I'm working and I'm like keeping an ear out for what's going on out there and to see if anyone's killing each other. Or, my kids are like, I have, my kids have knocked on my door like five times during this interview and asked me for different things. Because, That's my life. And I don't even know how to do it without kids. I said, this is a joke. I'm like, without kids, I feel like I could become president. Like I can do so much, and I don't want to become the president. I feel like that'd be a very hard thing to do. But on the other hand, I'm like, it doesn't matter because whatever I have done in my business, and I've sometimes taken a hit to my business occasionally, financially, or time wise or whatever, but I knew that the one thing, the one rule for me in my business and I don't, I break a lot of rules I'm not gonna be like, oh, you have to do it this way, you have to do it that way, because you can't have to do it anyway, but what I will say is my one rule is that this cannot affect it's going to affect a little bit because, obviously, a stay at home mom who has no work or anything is going to be a lot more, absorbed, but it cannot affect the role as a mom that I want to play in my children's life,




a wife, honestly, right? That is my rule, right? My family has to come first, and everything I do has to be through the lens of how is this going to affect my family, my time with my family, right? The time that I'm spending, how much I'm spending with them, how I'm spending my time with them. Because if it does, then what was the point of doing this in the first place? Like, why did I even, I started this business so I could stay home when I had my fourth son and I didn't want to send them out to daycare. And I was like I got to figure something out. So I think it's a really important thing to remember what are your non negotiables? What are your like lines that you will not cross or, don't want to don't want to compromise on? So that's like really important. Okay. Okay. So you came back into the mastermind and, oh my God, I love working with you so much. You're so amazing. You're so positive. And I will say Katie is like an amazing example. She's one of my best question askers I've ever met. Yeah. Okay. And how do you ask a question? Is you give the background, right? You give all the details and you're like, okay, based on all this information, here is my question. And I can coach her so much better. Not necessarily better than other, like other clients ask questions in different ways. I'm just saying there is just, I can coach her so much better as a coach because I have the context, I have the information, and I'm really able to like, take all that stuff and kind of Be like, all right. Based on everything that you've told me, here's what I would do. And she's okay, that answers my question. Amazing. Because she's given me that context. So I just want to say that if you are in a coaching relationship, or whatever investments you're making make sure that you're asking good questions, because if you're not asking good questions, you could be losing out on like probably 50 percent of the value you could probably be getting right now in whatever investments that you're currently making at the moment. Okay. So That's my compliment to you. You're like, you're an amazing asker of questions. But what is your, what has your experience been like so far? You've been the CMO Mastermind, for six months already, right? It's been since the beginning of the year. So what's the experience been like for you? What have you really, your favorite parts been, or what have you really enjoyed about it?


Yeah. It's funny you say that too, about the questions and how you really appreciate, like how you appreciate that about me, because a lot of times I want to say I don't know. So many coaches just from what I've seen, just are like so stuck on their one method that when you ask questions, they'll always be directing you back to this is the way this is the way that I told you this and that's fine. But for somebody like me that's not what I need. Like we just did I just did a launch debrief with you over Slack. And I wouldn't have been able to debrief the launch the way I had, unless, I'd learned what numbers to look from. And that was like, that's from like Funnel Gorgeous Society and other things that I've learned, but also because I've seen the way you do your launch debriefs, and you're like these are the numbers you pay attention to, and this is how you know what people said here, and here, and you even helped me figure out how to get that feedback from my audience, about pieces of my launch, and and so then, so the fact that you are willing to take in all that information is really awesome on your part too, because plenty of people will just like. Here all that. And they'll be like, okay, but anyway, this is the method I keep trying to send you to, so I do want to say, I really appreciate that about you. I really like the, cause I know we had a Facebook group the first time around and, a few years ago that worked, but now with the way Facebook is so cluttered, I really love how you have it in Slack at the moment because it's a more organized and it seems like you can just keep track of. You know your notifications better and the threads and the different topics. So I do that part of it and I like i'm trying to think what else oh and the reviews I feel like I haven't always taken the best advantage of those in the past So i've been trying to use those to like as like personal deadlines for myself of okay I wanted to get this landing page done or I wanted to get like the, the bundle review and I've submitted like a, a job description for a team member. Like it's all kinds of things. It's not just it's not just like I sent you my website and I was like, what do you think? It was like, here's this piece of my business. Like I want your actual eyeballs on it and a real review that's personalized. And then you make the time to do that. So that's huge. Just that alone, people charge, separately for items like that. Like hundreds of dollars, like on their own. And then the fact that we, every week, it's like, what are you working on? Let me know. So I can let you know what I think about it. That's actually super helpful. And it's just, and it's not just the fact that it's your it's not just, it's not just your feedback that's helpful. It's the fact that you're like keeping me on track to be like, look, this is the deadline when you have to submit it. So if you want to publish this next week, then. You should probably submit it by now and, it helps me keep me on track that way too. Yeah.


I love that. Yeah, and actually it's funny because I was just, I just actually just tried to do her, I tried to do her bundle. I guess brief her bundle brief as as she's creating something up coming up, which is going to be really exciting. And and I was like, can I do this while my daughter's in the bath? And I recorded myself for a couple of minutes. Then I went back and I was like, actually, I cannot because the bath is too loud. But I was like, I was prepared to do that. Because I'm like, I could do it on my phone. And I think that it's it's really like there's some things you can do, some things you can't do. And that's why also, that's why we have our copy coach Jen, by the way, because I'm good at copy, but Jen is phenomenal at copy. And so I know I'm much, I'm like really good at the strategy stuff and I'm really good at seeing the big picture and putting it all together and I'm good at copy too. But Jen takes us like this whole new level of amazingness. And that's another part of again, bringing in people that bringing in people that are experts in their fields, so that I can help serve my clients better. Because I really do believe that everyone has like their very unique expertise. And it's really important to me that like my clients get the best of the best. I really want you to get the best of the best because you deserve it. Okay. You freaking deserve it. They're amazing people. Okay. And speaking of the people. So how has that been for you as well? Like I'm, cause again, like I really try I really try to cultivate like communities and My goal with this mastermind is really not to scale it to a hundred people or whatever like I really want to keep it like on the smaller side because I'm like I want everyone to know each other and I want everyone to each other's businesses and I want everyone to be able to refer each other when called to, right? How has that been for you as far as the community goes?


Oh, yeah. That's really important to me and I would say already. It's so different. Like I've been in so many communities where we're all just marketers. And so I like that it's not just marketers, but for example, there's somebody I remember that we both tagged her in a Facebook group and she got like a huge contract out of that because we were able to like vouch for her that way. And give that referral. And then even I did like with Jen and, I only met Jen because we were in, your accelerator together way back when. And so now we're both in a position where we can do these collaborations. So I was able to be a guest expert in her training or give a guest expert training to her community. And then share before my trend report sale and get and it was cool because people were like super pumped for it and purchased from the fact that Jen and I had that collaboration and they trusted her and they trusted me because I was in her group. So yeah, it's already been. Working out really well. I


love that. Bring it back to that's why that's the power of collaboration. That's the power of guesting, and other people's and other people's spaces, right? You have to just be really amazing at what you do and believe in it and go freaking pitch yourself because you can get so much out of it in so many ways. And I think that's the other thing as well. Like for me, the masterminds I've been part of I don't say more, but some community some programs I've been in, I would say more, but like equally equal to the amount of coaching I get from the coaches. And the information that I learn is the value of the network, like the networking, the community, the people because really that is like the relationships are. The shortcut to me, to everything, to being less lonely in the online space. Number one, cause it's very lonely to be an entrepreneur that no one understands. And what'd you do again? Did you do, you just did me on Facebook. I'm like, yeah, I do that. Yeah. And there's something so amazing about being in a room, a virtual room. And I've tried so many times to make it, to turn it to a real room. And there's that challenge of being overseas, but it's going to happen. I am determined it's going to happen. But like even just being in a virtual room with other people who really get you and understand your unique, that's why it's the CEO, my mastermind, like for a reason. Okay. Because we need people around us who understand when we say, I was going to do all this stuff today and then I didn't, or like I had all these plans and like I was going to launch this thing and then all my, and then I forgot that all my kids were coming out of school and so there was just such a, it was such a different, it was just like, it, I needed that. I'm like, I've been in other spaces where I would say stuff and they would be like that's just an excuse. And I'm like, okay, if you say so goodbye, because kids can be an excuse and they can also be your reason. And I think that's a really important thing. It's like you, you can choose to decide what you want to make of it, but they can also just be like a reality, right? People are like, oh, oh, you have kids. That's just a limiting belief. I'm like, they're not limiting belief. They're limiting reality. Okay. They exist. I can't manifest them out of the way, while I get something done. I can hope that someone might watch them or something or babysit for them or, set something up for them or put them in the pool and I can watch them through the window, right? But there's only so much you can do. And, especially when you are the primary caregiver as well, right? So that's a really important thing to remember as well, is is really just being able to find other people in your world and in your space who really can get you and understand you and support you. and cheer you on and be willing to also contribute to the collective as well, right? Being able to give feedback on other people's stuff and whatever. And that's that's the idea of the mastermind. And that to me is, that's why I will sell, I will always have some sort of mastermind or group program going on, please God, because even like when I bring in one to one clients, I'm like, and you also get the mastermind included in the one to one, right? Because there's, you can get amazing coaching from a coach, You can get so much from the community and so much from other people, like all these other perspectives and stuff that are like so important. So I just, I will die on that Hill where I'm like, this is, I find it almost more valuable than just the one to one coaching. Because you get so much more perspective when you're surrounded by people who understand your point of view and can also give you like that, like unbiased look, because they're not you and they're not in your business.


Okay, I had another shout out from last fall, like another collaboration deal that I just remembered from Beth, whenever I was trying to decide if I wanted to do my Black Friday sale again, and then she was like, literally, your turn report was the best. It's the purchase I made over Black Friday, so you have to do it. And then I was like, okay. And then it was like my best quarter of the year, but I wouldn't have done it unless she was like, you should do that. So I'm like, oh yeah, okay. Like again, and it was, the people you brought in. So anyway, just thought of that story as you were talking too.


I will say I do think I bring in the best people, not that whatever, but I do, I, I will say I've had very few you're always going to have a couple over the years because that's the reality,


but people change and people change. Yeah.


But on the other hand I would say 95 percent of the clients I've brought into my world have been the most incredible humans who have just, oh my god. I've learned so much from them. I've equally learned from them as much as they learned from me in different ways. And I think that they've all learned from each other as well, which is wow. The point of a mastermind, right? Tell me a little more about just like what what were your, what have you done since we started together? Like this, let's just say this year, okay? What were your, what have, some things that have happened for you this year in the mastermind?


I guess just a couple of weeks ago we were recapping again. Oh, we were just talking about my summer plan. And I think that's when I realized how much I love speaking in workshops, actually, like how that first one nearly killed me since then. I'm like, wow, actually I'm good at it in real life. Like I've actually done a lot of different. Speaking events in real life that aren't even marketing related. And now I'm starting to realize how I can translate that into marketing. So like how, I've gotten like from an, like a, an in person, one of my very first in person business events, and I, have gotten what even happened there? I'm trying to remember. Oh multiple collaborations, plus like clients that I got from that event, and then I realized I probably need to keep doing stuff like that. So now I've been like speaking and booking more like speaking events where I've also gotten. More like the more sales and leads from that, from like my digital products, even not just like retainers and services, but also like just people buying my stuff or people where they'll buy the thing that I didn't even pitch. But because I showed up and showed how good I was at this one certain thing, then they were like, Hey, can you actually also do this and this? And then I'm like, yes, actually I totally can, but I didn't know until we started that conversation. And I started, and I did the presentation. So yeah, I guess that's yeah, those are some things that. First come to mind, since January. I think


also it's very much what I really try to do with my clients is really lean into their strengths, right? Because, you could tell someone oh, you should, whatever, blog or something, I don't know, whatever. You should do YouTube or, you should, I don't know, I don't even, whatever. There's always a should. Because everyone always has their own. And I think that what we realized about Katie was that she really loves, she loves giving value and she loves collaboration and she loves presenting. And I was like, okay you have this membership. And so number one, I think we came up with a kind of a backend funnel to even potentially funnel people from your membership, even into your services as well, potentially.


But also it's to plug it in. But yes, I know I'm saying, but


there is,


There is a 30 seconds and all of a sudden we're like, there it is.


Yeah. And it's


how we're going to do it. It's


so amazing. It's so amazing to see because it's Oh wow. Like it is all connected. Everything can be connected. And also like leaning into your strengths of. Presenting and being like, Oh wow, I did this presentation. I worked out really well. How can I maximize this presentation and turn it into something that's a repeatable lead generating and sales generating strategy. And we literally created this incredible repeatable strategy for you that you can like literally just take and just rinse and repeat every single month to be bringing new people into your world every single month and using your strengths of the collaboration and the presentation and the speaking, which is amazing. Yeah


yeah, it is because. And I think that's not a thing that I could have come to on my own because it was so close to me because I'm like, like I was in youth ministry before this, like I have no problem ever, like in any situation, almost getting up on a mic in front of an audience of almost any kind and keeping them engaged for three to 15 minutes, like truly that's not hard for me, but. I don't think I realized how easily I could translate that to the online world until you were like, Oh, yeah, this is exactly how you should totally use this now and go make a bunch of new friends and get in front of a bunch of new people. And I was like, dude, I was totally overthinking that. I never would have thought or felt it was that easy before you just broke it down and you're like, here's the steps. Go off now and be awesome. And I'm like, perfect. That's exactly what I needed. Yeah.


You don't need, to be told to be awesome, but that's the point. It's I feel like sometimes just pointing people just in the right direction. It's not like they don't know what to do. It's you just need to point them in the right directions. They can just go do it, and that's been like a really fun thing for me as well. It's just seeing how you've been utilizing all of your talents and all of your skills and all of your strengths from all the other areas in your business and just, and it just, it's feel so natural and it looks so natural on you because it's what you, it's what you do, and we overlook, we very often overlook the stuff that we, that comes naturally. Cause I'm like, it's it's so easy. That can't be that easy. Yeah.


It can't be that simple. Oh my gosh. 100%. Yeah. And that's what coach can help reflect that back to you and be like, no, you don't understand. Like people spend thousands of hours and time and money on this and you just whipped that out and you're like, I guess I did. And they're like, no, really, you should go do that for a bunch of people. Yeah. So thank you for that.


Yeah. And that's, that, that's what I call the, the magic mirror. It was like, it's that's, and that's what I really love is I can really see, I can see just like people's. natural talents and gifts and everything and be like, okay here's your gift. And you're like, Oh my God, that is my gift. I should do more with that. And and very often, again, like you said, we're so close to ourselves. Like we, we can't, we will always judge ourselves more harshly than other people will judge us for sure.


Actually, and that was another part of your mastermind that I absolutely want 100 percent shout out that I always thought was worth it and has definitely proved to be worth it. Sorry, I just got so excited when you talked about that because of the mindset, learn the mindset work that I've learned with you has honestly, truly been the most like game changing personal development wise, even outside of business.


Okay. So I know we, I want, we do have to wrap up. What would you say to someone who was like on the fence about potentially joining the CEO of my mastermind or considering it and I don't know if it's for me or what would you say to them if they were to ask? Yeah.


Oh yeah. Okay. Number one, if they are wondering about if it is for them, the number one thing is always to talk it through with you. Yeah. Because you're so good at, like obviously you wanna help people, but you're never gonna put them in some kind of precarious position. To like work with you. You're not going to be like, Oh, great. You have no money coming in. I guess you should spend no money that you have to do something that's not helpful for you because plenty of people do that. You don't do that. So that's really good. So if they have any concerns, they should definitely talk it through with you. And then number two, if this is if they're looking for you need people in the online world that are going to be like that are going to have your back whenever you're like, maybe I should burn everything down. Maybe this one thing went terribly wrong and now I should stop business altogether. So you definitely need people who will help talk you through that. And that alone is. Worth its own weight. Like I don't know. Yeah. Is that the phrase? That alone is worth it. Yeah. If you've ever gone through and if you're a legit business owner, like you will go through those. Those periods of time where you'll be like, maybe I'm done forever. Maybe this is the worst idea. And you need people like yell, who can get into your stuff and be like, when I've done that before, you're like, okay, but also though, what was your conversion number on that? Like launch you did. And then I'm like, I don't know. I have to go look. And then I pull it up and I'm like, Oh, wait, actually. It was this and you're like, are you kidding? That's like amazing. Yes. So anybody who's ever gone through that cycle of feeling like they need to quit, they probably definitely would appreciate a mastermind and a coach like you because You're exactly the person you need whenever you're like, feeling like you're failing and you need to put everything because number one, you'll either remind them that they're so amazing and they need to keep going. And then, or you can be like, number two, maybe this is actually what you need to look at to decide if you need to make a change or not, instead of just like completely throwing it all, in the garbage. So just that alone is worth it. Aside from all the other amazing ways that you can grow and collaborate and get Your sales copy literally spit out to you within 30 seconds. That has happened so many times. Where I'm like, Hey, I think this is my offer. I think I want to do a thing about it. And then you're like, Oh yeah. And then all of a sudden you get like a headline, a pre headline. Here's the features. Here's the benefits go. And then I'm like, okay, I don't know if I can type that fast. So I have to get the transcript from the call afterwards so I can keep everything you just said. So yeah, it's totally a hundred percent worth it. And especially if you're in that position where you've got services already, they're bringing in money, but you want it to bring in better or you want it to be like. Your bread and butter, but you also want to like, try out and, build up some other income streams. I feel like that's the best person for this currents. Situation, thank


you so much. You made me sound like AI. It's yeah, like L. A. I. Just give me your idea and I'll give you your sales page.


You're even better than I am. Because you can do it that much faster from your own brain. It's amazing. Like it's literally so astounding to watch and I can tell right about, right when it's about to happen and you're like, okay, let's get your notebook out. Here it comes. And then you just start like throwing out all this stuff and I'm like, this is the best. This is so juicy. So yeah.


so much. And yeah, thank you. And again, if you are a service provider or a one to one coach or consultant who wants to expand your income streams, if you want to leverage your time more, if you want to be able to bring in, more money than what your hours will allow you, then this is the place for you. If you are a mom who also prioritizes her family a hundred percent. And if you have not checked out Katie yet, while you're listening to this podcast, or while you're watching this live, you should check her out. Because she is amazing. So I'm dropping all of her links and stuff in the descriptions so that you can find her and binge her stuff and see how awesome she is as well. And I just want to say if you like Katie, then you'll like the Mastermind because that's the kind of people that we have in there. Okay.


Yes. 100%. Come hang out. It's a great party.


Yeah, it is. It is. So thank you so much, Katie. This is amazing. And I really appreciate you being here. Thank you.

I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.