Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

49. The Revolutionary Audio Asset That Can Sell Your High-Ticket Offers FOR You (with Tara Counterman)

โ€ข Yael Bendahan

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Have you ever felt like you're spending hours creating content for social media, but not seeing the results you want in your business? Maybe you're a busy mom entrepreneur who's struggling to find time to show up consistently online while juggling all your other responsibilities. What if there was a way to attract high-quality clients and sell your services without endless posting or getting on time-consuming sales calls?

If you're nodding your head right now, you're not alone. As moms running businesses, we often feel pressure to be everywhere online, but that's simply not sustainable (or necessary).

In this episode, I'm chatting with podcasting expert Tara Counterman about a game-changing strategy that's perfect for busy mompreneurs: the Podfunnel. We dive deep into:

  • Why traditional marketing funnels often fall flat for service providers (and what to do instead)
  • How to leverage the power of audio content to attract dream clients who are ready to buy
  • The surprising reason a short podcast series can be more effective than social media for selling high-ticket services
  • Why even corporate clients and high-level CEOs are more likely to engage with podcast content than other marketing methods

If you're ready to simplify your marketing, save time, and sell your services with ease, this episode is a must-listen!

Ready to create your own Podfunnel and transform your lead generation forever? I've got exciting news! Tara is joining us as a special coach inside the CEO Mom Mastermind. When you apply now and join, you'll get access to her Podfunnel curriculum, templates, and personalized coaching to help you implement this strategy in your business. 

Head HERE to learn more and apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind. Let's make your marketing work for you, not the other way around!

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Hey, Hey. Hey. Welcome back to raising your business. I am really, really, really excited to interview my friend, Tara counterman on this podcast and I will explain why in just a minute. But first let's talk about. Why I brought her on here and what her expertise is because you are going to love this. In this interview we we talk about how to incorporate podcasts into your business, both as a nurturing. Weekly podcast to bring in clients on a regular basis. And using a pod funnel to replace sales calls for high ticket services. And the cool thing about this podfunnel strategy is that it works for service providers, as well as coaches. There are so many funnel ideas and strategies and options for coaches, but there are less for done for you service providers. And this is a unique sales and conversion mechanism. That can literally save you hours and hours a week in sales calls enable people to find you. Just through search and without having to be all over social media all the time and why this is one of her favorite and my favorite ways to bring in leads and to create more leverage in your business for moms. And the coolest thing about this is that Tara is actually going to be our pod funnel coach inside of the CEO, mom mastermind. So she is actually coming in. She is because she's contributed her pod funnel curriculum to the mastermind. So when you join the mastermind from June, 2024 onwards. You will get access to not just her pod funnel curriculum. And workflows and templates and everything. You need to create your own pod funnel, but you'll be coming in on a monthly basis to coach you through creating it. So looking at your content. Looking at your strategy, helping you strategize how to incorporate it into your business, um, in different ways to get more people into it. And this pairs so well with what I teach inside of my programs about creating a signature framework and having your signature offers. Um, so if you have a higher ticket offer, whether it is a mastermind, a coaching program, a high ticket service like websites or SEO or, or, or. I don't know, nutrition, coaching, whatever that is. Um, You can create a pod funnel for this. And start bringing in leads on a regular basis without having to get on sales calls over and over again, because people are going to be sold on it before they even apply or before they even sign up for your program, sign up for your offers. You might want to do a discovery call if you'd like, but this will cut out considerable amounts. Of qualification and of basically selling them on the call. I'm really excited about this, and this is why I'm featuring Tara here as well, because, it's something that I'm personally doing in my business as well. And I really want this for you to, I want everyone to have this because especially if you work with very, very busy people or pair or moms or people who are on the go a lot, this is an excellent, excellent asset to add to your business. And I am so excited for this interview. So. Let's dive in. I cannot wait to share this with you. Welcome to the raising your business podcast. I'm your host, Yael Bendihan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of five and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success. You desire and be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing motherhood and business, business models that work for you, marketing of simplicity and the mindset of CEO mom. Now let's dive in.


Hey guys, welcome back. And I am here today with my friend. I always keep saying I'm here with my amazing friend. Tara Counterman what the reasons why I think she's amazing is because she number one helped me launch my podcast which I'm just, she's got me all, all up into podcasting. And I'm just so happy that you did because I love it so much. But she also has some really cool strategies to use to use private podcasts as marketing assets as well. And not just a weekly podcast, but like also other ways to do this. And so I cannot wait to, I cannot wait to dive into this because this is to me like the most mom friendly way to market ever. And I think this is going to be perfect for anyone who knows it should be creating some more long form content, maybe wants to be creating some SEO optimized content, but it's I just cannot be bothered to get on video and do YouTube videos because right now I'm just not ready for that. I'm not just not in my, so I think you're going to love it. And I'm really excited to share this with you. So thank you so much, Tara, for being here.


Oh, thank you so much for having me. I am so excited. I am a podcasting nerd. And we try to literally use it because, like you said, as moms, it is one of the best tools that we have to be able to replicate our voice and the emotion and the energy that we can put out into the world without us having to consciously do it individually every single time we want to interact with someone. So I'm really excited to share whatever I can today.


Awesome. Okay. So first of all I know like we so we've discussed this before, right? But like how'd you get into the podcasting, start geeking out about podcasting in the first place?


Yeah. So It's really funny because I am a mom of two, we now homeschool our kids, so podcasting is something that is really, has always been special to me, especially when it comes to motherhood, because I was plugging into, we live in a really rural town my email list has more people than our town has in it and it's a lot of motherhood It was very lonely being a new mom. So I started listening to podcasts when my kids were younger and I have this story. The first time I ever listened to a show, I was cleaning toddler pee out of our brand new carpets in our house. And I was like, I just remember being so frustrated that I had to do it again. And I was like, Maybe I should try listening to this podcast that my friend keeps talking about because I have nothing else to do and I want to make this somewhat productive. So I started listening to podcasts and went down this huge rabbit hole of just anything and everything personal development. At the time I was in network marketing, so I was like learning about motherhood and parenting and working from home and all of that kind of stuff. And even some network marketing stuff. But I was really starting to tune into personal branding. And that was where. I just, it, it unlocked so many doors for me that I didn't know existed at that time in my like baby entrepreneurship journey. I was like 22 or 23 at the time and entrepreneurship to me was like network marketing and that was it, which I think it's a great gateway. People don't realize how many other possibilities and opportunities there are. Out there. So anyway, I get into all of those and I'm like, one day I want to start a podcast. And I really, at that point, it was like, I don't know enough people. Like I'm not interesting enough. I'm not a celebrity. Like I had all of these beliefs around why I couldn't start a podcast. So it went on the back burner. I continued building my network marketing business, joined a course that was all about blogging. I saw results, but I hated blogging. So I was finally like, why can't I just infuse all of this strategy, but into a podcast blogging was something that took a lot of time. Like I'm not a good writer in the evening after the kids go to bed, but I could sit and put my phone on or put my laptop web camera on and I could record podcasts. So I, I started with my own show and all of my friends from that course then asked me how I did it and if I could help them and I was like, just helping them for free. And then more and more people kept coming. And I was finally like, okay, I can't ignore this knock anymore. I love podcasts so much. It's time to finally dive in and actually make this what I help people with.


Oh my gosh. I love that. That's such a great story. I didn't even know that. I don't think I didn't even know that whole story. So I love that.


I feel like it feels like one of those things that you know how you like you talk about your story a lot when you first start, but then you talk about it so much that you're like everyone else is sick of it. Then you realize a bunch of people have never heard it. Not everyone knows


everything. I knew parts of that, but I didn't know the whole entire thing of how it came together. Okay alright, so now the truth is, really, I feel you because I am a good writer, technically, but it's not the thing that I really enjoy doing the most. So just because I'm good at it doesn't mean I want to do it. And I used to blog also as, mom blogger and and I used to do blogging for other people and I just I'm really tired of it. And yeah, I totally agree. I'd much rather just sit and talk when I feel like people can get a much better feeling for me and who I am and my personality and the way. And if you don't like a New Yorker who speaks fast, then I am not your coach. So better you find this out before you pay me any money, basically.


It's so true. There's such a deeper level of connection that yes, words on computer screens or phones or whatever they matter. And I'm not saying that you shouldn't focus on any elements of your copy or that you shouldn't be writing. There are tons of things that you should be writing. But there is nothing that really gives the energy. off, like what a podcast does. And it allows people to connect with you so much faster because they're hearing you in your own voice. They're not hearing your words in their own voice, which then has people automatically filtering things through their own filter.


That's such an interesting way. I never even thought about it. That's a really interesting way to put it. Because when they read it, they're reading it to themselves. Unless, again, unless they, unless they know you, right? I know if I'm reading, but even still, like, when you see words, it's just different. I think people, excuse me, people absorb things very differently. And also, I feel like podcasting is, I like YouTube, but it's funny, even with YouTube videos, I find I just end up listening to them because I'm usually watching them, so to speak, while I'm doing other things. So I'm not really watching them. So I have like my friend, Ashlyn Carter, for example, I just love her voice. I love her voice. She just sounds so like Sweet and southern and like relaxing and everything and she does YouTube so I will just turn on YouTube I'll just listen to her because I can get just the same value out of the YouTube Right as it can from you know from watching it because I'm just listening to her and I'm absorbing the information right And yeah, we'll just go, but am I really watching it? Not necessarily. And definitely, I think, if your audience is moms or very busy people, right? If your audience is very busy, right? They have a lot to do. Maybe they're commuting a lot, right? Or they're just busy because whatever. They're running around doing dishes and laundry and whatever the heck, right? Then podcasting is a really great way to, to reach them because it doesn't, it's Interfere with anything else. You can have it playing on your phone while you're doing other things. You can have it playing on, on your, in your car or on your Alexa or just in your head, and your headphones, as you go about your day, just doing your stuff like Facebook lives, you got to be in Facebook. If you don't have YouTube premium or whatever you have to be in each, but with the, whereas the podcast just overrides everything and you could just listen to it while you like literally do whatever. I don't, maybe you're not going to absorb it a hundred percent, but you're much more likely to binge because you just listen and listen and go and go. I don't know about you. That's what I do.


Oh, yeah, 100%. And I feel like you touched on such a great point when you mentioned that if your audience is busy people, especially moms, we have to think about what state people are in when they consume our content. So if we take something like Instagram, moms, go to Instagram, when we are working. Overwhelmed, like trying to pick content ideas up, right? Like we're not in a buying or empowered state or we go when our kids have asked us 10 million questions, everything is on fire at work, and we are just like VEing out. Yeah. Those like that is not the time that you want to meet your ideal client and really connect with them because they're in a disempowered state. When we are listening to podcasts, they are in an empowered state because typically, like you said, they're heading to work. They're filling they're doing the dishes, they're cleaning toddler pee out of their carpets, they're working out, they're walking, I probably already said that, but they're doing these things that they are trying to fill space. with something that is productive and helping them grow to be better. That is the time that you want to connect with your ideal client.


Oh my god, 100%, right? I'm like, I've been doing this for years, since I started my business, right? When my kids were all little, when I had my oldest was like 8, right? And I was like I have to learn this information. So I would consume trainings while I was doing dishes, while I was folding laundry, while I was doing other things. I'm like, I'm not going to just waste my time, so to speak, on the dishes when I could be absorbing information at the same time. And the podcasting makes it that much easier, especially with AirPods, especially with phones, right? Especially with Alexa or whatever, whatever you're using. It makes it that much easier to consume hands off. You're not like, I have to play this, I have to do this, right? You're just like, put it on 1. 25, or if you're me, if you're listening to me. It depends who I'm listening to. If you're listening to me, you're knock. I dare you. I, no, I challenge you to listen to my podcast and speed it up. I challenge you. I have


literally tried to do that before. You cannot with you. Like sometimes I'm even like maybe I need to put it on 0. 8 like 0. 75.


But I do think that it's, It really is true, and I think that, the rise audio has risen so much we're doing, I'm doing this in a private podcast because this is for moms, and moms need to be able to just tune in and listen without having to keep touching things, they need to have they can have wet hands, and sometimes I'll listen while my kids are in the bath, or or while I'm just doing other stuff, or yeah while I just Passover cleaned for a good two full weeks in a row, and You think I was doing all that cleaning without listening to something? Because absolutely not. Like, why would I waste time just cleaning? And just, I'm not, I don't want to be in the moment when I'm cleaning. It's I don't want to.


No. There are times to be in the moment. Like when you're playing with your kids or when you're like engaged in things with them, that's when we want to be in the moment. We don't care about being in the moment when we're cleaning under the sink and, like We're doing


dishes or folding underwear. No, it's not. We really don't care about that.


Or sitting at yet another child sporting event that I can't pull my laptop out because that's not quite appropriate, but I also don't want to just sit there and watch all the little kids run around with their heads cut off either. But,


so something that you can listen to while still keeping your eyes on the field. So you look like you're paying attention. It's a really good option. Okay. Okay. So tell me, so obviously, so you do two different types of podcasts, right? You have the weekly. The Weekly Podcast and the Podfunnel, which is the cutest name ever, and I just, I wish I thought of it. Like, when I saw it, I'm like, oh my god, that's such a good idea. Where would you where would you incorporate, like, where would you recommend to incorporate each? And which one would you recommend people start with? Or, you might be like, you can start with either, here's why. Go for that.


Yeah. This is, it's a really complex thing. question, but there's definitely some things we can filter through in order to determine what order you're supposed to go in. The biggest thing is if you are like a coach, a course creator a consultant, someone that offers more of the like mindset type of work, A weekly podcast is going to be something really great to help differentiate you from all of the other coaches and course creators and like people who are doing mindset work because you're really able to infuse your personality, your stories, like your unique thought leadership. And it, it just really helps to elevate your whole brand. If you are a service provider, and I know as moms, like we, we really fall in either those two camps, right? We're either like rocking the service provider industry or we're coaching. If you are a service provider. A weekly podcast isn't always necessary for you. And a lot of times we can get caught up and high as a service provider who has done this literally my whole career, comparing myself to coaches. I did so many things that I didn't really need to do. So if you're a service provider, a pod funnel is definitely something that you should implement to help you sell your services. We are able to sell like 12, 000 packages without ever getting on a sales call. And the people that come in are dream ideal clients because they've gone through that and we filtered through the people that are like, Oh no, I'm not in for this. So it can save you so much time, energy and effort. Now, if you're a coach, you still could utilize a pod funnel. But a weekly podcast is something that's really going to be impactful for you, especially as you ebb and flow through different offers. So if you are someone who is live launching a lot in your business, you want something that is a little bit more malleable to what you're offering in your business. So if you have a signature offer, let's say a mastermind. That is a great offer to have a pod funnel for something that is high ticket. And when we first launched our pod funnels, we said anything over 2, 000 could really benefit from a pod funnel. And as we've continued to do this, really the best results that are seen when it comes to our pod funnel clients is people who have offers that are 10, 000 and up. So this is a really heavy investment. That we want to make sure that people are qualified for that. They understand everything that is going to be happening within it and how you're going to provide them the transformation that you're promising them. And they're also getting a lot of time with you in a way that feels really good to them and isn't a sales call because. If you are a bot like people don't like sales calls anymore, that's bro marketing No one likes it. We all have kids butts to wipe like we don't want to be getting on sales calls so that's a really great way to sell some of your higher ticket coaching offers But things like courses a weekly podcast should be enough To do that.


Okay. Okay. And I just asked this question. I'm going to ask this for myself, right? Because I know we just we've gone back and forth about pod funnels. And I was thinking about doing it for my group program and at my group program is a course, right? If I have a mastermind now. So if a mastermind tends to be a little more on the general side, it's not really going to be, masterminds tend to be less curriculum based and more customized, higher level coaching. So would you still say the same thing? Like you still think it would work for something that's more of like a holistic offer?


Yes, absolutely. Because what you are positioning is the process that you take your clients through. And while a mastermind is a little bit more of a, abroad and it's more customized to who's in it and what they need. There is still a coaching framework, whether you know it or not. So you might have to go through and actually uncover what that is. And that's part of effectively selling and communicating those high ticket offers. But there is something unique that you are doing or a process that you have established To get your clients to from a to z in the fastest easiest most feel good way That they can and that is what we're communicating within the pod funnel


Yeah, 100%. And I will say it's very funny because I realized, like, when I was creating my framework, when I created my framework, first I created it, and I was like, oh, this is for people who, this is my CEO mom's method and this is for people who want to book out their signature offer, and this is just to it's for, and people at the stage, and then I realized that the truth is, you can implement this method at every stage in your business, you're just focusing on different things within those pieces, right? And so I'm like, okay, so when you're at my mastermind level, you are at this, you're at this stage, and you're going to be implementing these pieces, right? I highly recommend if you don't have a signature framework definitely create one, okay? And I actually have a Oh, I'll probably link, I'll link it. I have a little mini course that literally teaches you how to build a signature framework, but if you want to see how this, what the what Tara actually means by this, by being able to take a framework and apply it to different things in the framework, you take people through, even through more general stuff. Then I have the CEO mom's matrix training the CEO mom's growth matrix, which are the growth roadmap that you get free access to when you join real secrets. Make sure to check that out. And I think that it's really interesting. Cause yeah, cause you can really. Yeah. teach it at each level. It really just depends what level of person you're speaking to and what their particular problems are within your framework, and then just how you speak to that as well.


Yeah, absolutely. And you could even have courses that are lower ticket that follow the same element elements of that framework or the same framework, and it's still going to work in a pod funnel. It's just how we're positioning it and the social proof that we're incorporating.


Yeah, I love that so much, and I love, I especially love that it works really well for service providers because I think service providers have, in general, had to do a lot more manual work to get clients, right? It's much less funnel, funnelized because, you're like, when I was a service provider, I did get on discovery calls, right? I got discovery calls because that was what I was told to do, and then I got to this point where I productized it more and I had to get on, honestly, I had to get on less discovery calls. Like I would just bring people straight to an intensive without even having to get on a call at all. Because it was so productized. So the more the way, the more you productize your service, the more effective this pod funnel will be for you, because you can really speak to the to, to the system that you use instead of being like, oh, but we customize every single time. You probably don't really like, and I know that really important thing. I,


I think that there's an element where people esp especially as women, because we want to be this we wanna be all things for all people, right? Yes. Like we're the, we're like, yes women. So we want to say, yeah, we can customize it in that way. And yeah, we'll do this special thing that we just do for you. But like the reality is you probably have a framework that you follow with all of your clients that gets them the best results. You are the expert in your field. So you get to be the one that guides your clients. I think my business took off so much when I realized I didn't have to say yes to every single client. And when I took the power of I am the expert. If you want to pay me, then this is the process that we take because this is what has been effective for the people that we work with. You don't need to customize or have customized offers in order to get clients results and to actually within your service, be able to make those custom adjustments that are needed for that Particular client.


Yeah. And you can make custom adjustments within your framework and within your service. And I was just talking to a client, like just now on a call and she's I have this offer and we were building your offer. And she's I want to teach them how to do it, engagement for Instagram. I'm like you can always offer that as like an upgrade, right? It's you can have like little upgrades and little add ons a, like a little secret menu situation, but I think also the cool thing about the pod funnel as well, is that you can Usually by the time, I know, listen, I bought your, I bought all your stuff after I listened to your podcast basically. So I'm just gonna say like I, I was totally sold. But the thing is, by the time people get through listening to 10 episodes of you talking about it, they are really sold on it. And they view you as the expert and they are then, and for all those of you who are listening who have had really nightmare clients, and again I just spoke to another former client who's going through this right now, she's we've been going through this process, it's supposed to take X amount of time, and we're still just on like step one, because they keep second guessing me and going back and going back and revising, these are going to bring in much better, much more qualified clients who are willing to trust you as the expert, because you've already sold them on your expertise. They've already listened to you. They are convinced they're like, she knows what the heck she's talking about. And so when you come down to the thing where they're like, but can we just do it like this? You'd be like we could do it like that. Technically. But what I found is that it's better not to do it like that because of all the experience that I've had doing this thing. And they are much, much more likely to take you at your word and be like you are the expert and move on and agree with you if they have, if you've established that authority and credibility. So instead of having to, and I'm not, I'm a big fan of content. I think that you do need to, Create content to bring new people into your world in a regular basis. I'm not saying that you don't have to do that, but when they've gone through the pod funnel and I've experienced going through it and I've experienced mapping out my own. So I'm like I'm, and this is one of the things that's one of my maternity leave projects. Like I'm like, I can sit and record while nursing a baby. That is actually like the easiest thing. Yeah. That's like literally like the best kind of project to work on maternity leave. Cause I can literally just sit there with my mic and a newborn baby and just. edit out all the little like snuffles and that could be like, that could be my thing. So the fact is that I, having gone through the process of listening to the pod funnel and being sold through the pod funnel, like if Tara told you something, I freaking listened to her. Okay. Because I know that she knows her shizzle like really well. And I, but I felt this. Not just now that we're friends, we've been friends for a while and I know her very well. I felt this already from the first time we spoke because I'd listened to her podfunnel and I'd really just absorbed it and been like, okay she, this is obviously proven. She obviously has a way she does things for a reason and if she tells me to do something and I say, but I want to do this instead and she says I really think that you should do it this way. I'm probably gonna listen to her because she really she is the expert here.


And it's amazing that something like that can happen in so few episodes, right? The whole reason that we came up with this pod funnel concept, what I was literally doing dishes because, that's where all either in the shower or doing dishes is where all of my genius ideas come from. Oh, with me holding laundry. I don't know why that happens, but it does. And so I was doing the dishes, and I started down this rabbit hole of thought, of like, how can I help someone who doesn't want to weekly podcast, because it is a commitment, I'm not gonna lie and it is a long game. You can see results right away, but it is something that you are committing to for an extended length of time. Like you, you can't start a podcast and think, okay, I'm going to see what happens in a year. And then I'm going to decide you're at, you're in this for five years.


Yeah, it's a compounding. It's a compounding asset. Like the more, yeah, the more you put into it, the more you'll see out of it for sure.


So the thought that I had was how can I create something that will work for people who don't want to weekly podcast and service provider as a service provider. This is something that I thought about a lot is how can I like make my life easier? So I don't have to get on sales calls because at this point, my calendar Was horrifying to look at like I had so much anxiety and stress about every Monday, like pulling open my calendar and seeing how many sales calls were booked. Like on one hand, that's really a great thing and like a good problem to have. But at the same time, like I was so stressed out to even look at my calendar. So I went down this like train of thought of how can I create something that helps people who don't want to have a weekly podcast and specifically service providers because there's not a ton of resources out there to help us like truly streamline our sales and marketing process and that I, it was how it was born. It was like this divine down, Of 10 episodes. We started to test and figure out what that content needed to be. Then we brought it to clients and had them try it. And the results were mind blowing. And what is really fascinating is that we think that people need to be with us for so long to build that expert credibility. But the reality is when you have an intentional path for them to journey down. So not just a bunch of random content, which again, you need to create content. I'm not saying you don't, but your Instagram, like it's not a cohesive journey. It is randomized content related to your niche. Are you trying to go viral? Are you trying to attract in your ideal clients? It's the top of funnel. And most women are missing. A middle of funnel like really intentional nurture to the sale point that doesn't happen on social media So you're able to build this deeper connection with your ideal clients You're able to filter out the ones that you do not want to work with those red Like I specifically call that out in all of our stuff of If this is the result you want, I don't want to work with you. And you're able to build your expertise and credibility in such a short amount of time. Because the reality is Podfunnels, it's not ten hour long episodes. These are like, five to twelve minute long episodes, and then a couple interviews that are a little bit longer.


Yeah, and I think that's a really important point to make, because I think that Over time, I do, I think over time people can build up enough credibility that they don't need sales calls anymore, right? Like I've not got on a sales call with a coach since I joined my first, my second mastermind in 2018. Okay. I just don't really do it because I don't really need to at this point. I will have consumed enough. I will follow them for long enough that I'll have consumed enough from them that I don't feel like I really need the sales call, but the thing is though, yeah, I could follow someone for two years before I work with them because I'm consuming Bunch of the reels here and masterclass there and like a whole bunch of other, just like just following them and maybe I'll see their, maybe I'll see all their content. Maybe I won't see all their content because the algorithm is finicky, right? Whereas with the pod funnel, once people opt in you get the information that you need. I think like the whole reason content, good consistent content works is because it, number one, it gets, you get to know the person, right? You get to know them through their content. And if they're creating content that will address objections and you see enough of that content that addresses objections, then you're basically sold. You don't even need to get on a sales call because you've already seen what you need to see, but no one can guarantee you're going to see all that content. That's the thing. No one can guarantee you're gonna see all the Facebook posts. Even all the emails, because sometimes emails go to spams. Emails are more reliable but less, you never know. You still don't know for sure, right? And you don't know if you're gonna see all the Instagram stories. And again,


it's not it's not that we shouldn't be on those platforms and doing those things, but Instagram is very, it's like the Wild West right now. Who knows what they are doing, what they're moving towards. This announcement of they're gonna start pushing you out to new people before they push you to your people. Like, how is that, have you heard that yet?


Yeah, I did hear that. And then I saw someone who was like, actually, it didn't happen. Because for the first 12 hours, it was mostly my audience. And then once. the algorithm picked up that my audience liked it, then it starts showing it to new people. So I don't know.


And it's also something that's rolling out between now and this summer. So we just don't know what's going on. And really any of these platforms, we don't know what's going on. So by having something in place that is yours, that you can drive people to that's not dependent on an algorithm yes, you can incorporate SEO You can be, like, do things that will make you be more searchable, whether it's a weekly podcast or a pod funnel. It's something that you are intentionally driving people to, to connect with them outside of whatever the fu Can I say that? Go for it. Whatever the fuck the algorithm is doing, right? It is something that you are able to, You're able to leverage that, those types of content that you're creating, but your connection should not be reliant on those platforms because it will take a hundred times longer.


Yeah. No, a hundred percent. And you can have, and you can use those platforms to drive towards the pod funnel to get people in that, that like just get their foot in the door. But especially if you use something like hello audio or these other like podcasts, the private podcast hosts so you can even see. Yeah. How much people are actually listening to it, right? You can literally see how long people listen to things and, and that's a really good information to have too.


Yeah. This is a pretty common misconception we get with pod funnels. I don't recommend that they're on a private podcast feed. I recommend that they are like searchable and public and yeah. Like it hosted like a normal podcast would be because we want people who have the problem that we're solving with our offer to be able to find it. And then to go through it, we've literally had that happen to us where people have gone through they found it and because it was public, there was no barrier to get in. Now, we do have it's after our application, so we have their email address, like we're strategically placing it and our clients are doing the same thing where it's in multiple places, but it is also 100 percent public. That's so awesome.


That's really cool. I didn't, that's actually true. I didn't realize that. So you're saying, but then, so then I guess the question is like, how would you, let's say they find it publicly, right? So do you have a, do you have, is there a strategy to move people to your email list with it once they find it?


No, that is they're just going through the process. If they have found it and they are listening to it, it means they have the problem that we're solving. Because our Podfunnel was designed really intentionally, right? So they're trying to solve that problem. And I trust in their autonomy to go through it and say, this is for me or it's not for me. And a lot of times they'll follow on social media, they'll jump in to our email list, but the Podfunnel is just there to sell the offers. It is not there to do anything else.


That is so interesting and very cool. Yeah, I didn't even realize, it's been a very long time since I listened to it. So I did not even realize that, that it wasn't even necessarily an opt in. But I'm saying, and you honestly, you could make it an opt in. You could make it an opt in on your website. We have


clients who, yeah, we have clients who have done theirs through opt ins. And then the other strategy, especially for done for you service providers, is after you have an, Let me just preface this before I say this, Podfunnels have been, like, we have curated an episode formula that is very intentional to connect, build your authority, to share how people are going to work with you and how they're going to experience that transformation. It's not. Your launch event put onto a podcast. It's not just like 10 random episodes of what I can talk about. Like you need to curate a very specific journey, but we will have clients who will have an application for their done for you services or their mastermind. On the thank you page of that application at the very top it directs them to listen to the pod funnel And it's hey, we're so excited to get your application. Here's your next step. This is what you need to do in order to be ready for our call if you're doing them Which hopefully you'll be able to phase those out after you see or like this is the next step and then you know when you're ready This is where you check out or whatever like whatever your application process looks like for me we do Application and then I have all this automated workflow, so it'll send them to the pod funnel. Thank you page Then I get their application review it and we'll either put them into the yes workflow or the no workflow And it'll send them like okay You're a perfect fit. Here's the here's the checkout link. Here's your contract, like all, all that stuff to just get started. And at the very bottom, in a PS line, that's like really small, say PS if you still want to, if you want to get on a sales call to make sure this is right for you, you can book one here. Never had a single person book a sales call. Never.


Because we're busy! Yeah! Okay, we're busy, all right? And I'd rather just, I will go, I would rather go back and forth to the DMs if you time, or back and forth in emails if you time, ask the questions I want to ask, and then just buy the thing. I just do not have the patience. To get on a call.


I think there's another thing like sales calls are very bro markety like there people have scripts and there's Pressure and like even if you're not putting pressure is the person that's let's say you're the best person To host a sales call ever in the whole world other people innately are still going to come in with some type of negative energy and feelings because they have Inevitably had a bad experience in a sales call You They automatically assume that you're just trying to get the yes. Which, for a lot of coaches, for service providers, that's not necessarily true. But it's so hard to break people's walls down subconsciously where they come into that sales call completely guarded. They go into a podcast that no one knows they're listening to. They're like, they're open. They are ready to receive the information, the expertise that you have, and the solution that you can provide to them.


Oh my gosh, I love that so much. So so the cool, so basically the cool thing about the podcast, the PodFunnel really, is that it can go anywhere. It can be your top of funnel, to bring people in through search. And it can also just be As part of your conversion process behind the scenes. So either it can bring people to the application or, and I think it'd be interesting things to be like, on the application, just to have a check yes or no, have you listened to our podcast, to our podcast with this name yet, yes or no, because that will help, that'll help you figure out like where people are even coming from. And if it's working well as a front, top of funnel thing. And I know all those different ways you can incorporate them into your funnels as well. It's not just standalone.


Yeah it honestly is one of the most adaptable things, and you can use it to, to enhance everything that you're already doing in your business. And, listen, I have done these a lot now, but I can literally knock out a pod funnel in two days. So it's something that if you decide and you're gonna have to learn the information So i'll give you like a week or two. Okay, but most people say two weeks Most people should be able to do this in two weeks to a month It doesn't have to be this like big massive We just finished a webinar for one of our lower ticket offers and I say lower ticket It's still high ticket, but it's not like Our high ticket services are high ticket, so it's more of the lower ticket range and it's something that we just wanted to automate. I literally spent probably four and a half months building out a perfect webinar. And I can do a pod funnel that converts like hotcakes in literally Two, two days.


Yeah, because you know it. But yeah, no, a hundred percent. And I think that also, like I said, like it's easier to create because. You don't have the production aspects of like slides and whatever and pictures and all the stuff and having to sit down and also if you think about it like, when was the last time you like sat down and watched an entire webinar like from start to finish looking at it? Okay I don't know, I do not remember the last time I actually did that. I would just fast forward.


And I will just throw out there that our webinar is converting at 100 percent for the people that show up okay that's great. I'll still take that. Yeah. It's the same thing. Where I, there are always people that are gonna do multiple things, right? There's always a webinar masterclass audience that's gonna be out there. But I'm list, I'm listening to the audio, and that's all I'm doing.


Yeah. No, 100%. I'm saying, and I am planning, I'm saying, I am planning a webinar for my signature course. Because that course is, it, I. Do it the webinar. It's whatever 45 minutes to an hour and you see how it works and it is a process and I don't, I don't necessarily think it needs all that backup. But the cool thing is, the cool thing is when create the pod funnel, when you create, when you have a weekly podcast, like you said, you can always incorporate the episodes into your funnels as well, right? It's to expand on a topic. So even if you create that it's just a really good sales and conversion asset to have in your pocket. And now this is really yeah. Pushing me to be like, just get mine done already.


I know. And I feel like every time I talk about them, I just get so much more excited. The other thing that's really cool about a pod funnel, and I will admit, And my service providers that are listening, you're probably going to feel this too, right? When we do something for someone, we tend to tear it down and redo it way more than it actually needs to be. But we have clients, so I've done that. Ours is down under construction right now, reconstruction right now with all the changes that we've made. But we have clients who, what year? It's 2024 for the last two or three years. have used the same pod funnel to sell their services. Like it's not something, I'm never ever going to tell you that something is set it and forget it. Because they're still driving people to it intentionally and they're still probably doing some optimization on that front. But the content itself is done, it works, and it continues to sell for them.


That's amazing because there's not a lot of marketing strategies that you can say that about. I was actually gonna ask, I was literally my next question was gonna be, okay, so this was working in 20 20, 20 21, 20 22, 20 23. Like I get that this was working. I know.'cause I found you and I don't even know, what was it, 2022? I think Maybe. Probably. I so I think so. It was a while ago. But the question is does this still work? Everyone's oh, and things that used to work aren't working anymore and things that aren't working, we have to try new things and new blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Is this working the same way it was working when you started doing it? So there you go. So if you want a timeless strategy or a timeless funnel that does not go out of date, right? And the cool thing is if one particular thing does go out of date it's a 10 minute episode, you can re record it it's fine.


That, or you can snip out the little part, or the price change, or the whatever there's we had one client, who sent, she's okay, I have just like a few edits. So she bought this upgrade editing package and it was literally like three things that were all under a minute that she just wanted to swap out. That was it. How easy is that?


It's pretty easy. Yeah, and, I don't know, I love this so much because, again, especially because there's so many marketing funnels and options and strategies and stuff like that for coaches and course creators. There's so many of those out there, right? Which can be very overwhelming also, actually, because it's Oh my God, like I don't have to do, right? There's so many things we could do. We could do a webinar. We could do a challenge. We could, but I really feel as service providers, I really feel like you could do a challenge and you could launch a service. Like you could launch a service. But like really when it comes down to it, when you're selling services, you are looking for a very small subsection like the topic one to two to 3%, maybe of people. Who are qualified to work with you, who have the money to work with you, who are willing to pay your higher rates, right? And it's a lot of work to try to build this whole big audience, try to find that like little minimal subsection of people. Whereas this is really very much designed around productized services. Especially, okay, which I am a very big fan of, if you have not heard me mention this about a hundred times before I'm a very big fan of this. It is a really great way for service providers to have, again, it's to have to not set and forget, but to create an asset that can really work for them in a way that Instagram, reels and posts and emails and stuff really won't necessarily do.




And higher level clients, like I was saying higher level clients, like busy CEOs and like people who are making a lot of money still listen to podcasts, like they do. They're less likely to listen to it to watch a webinar because okay, what can I learn from a webinar? I don't have time to sit at my computer for an hour.


But they also know that like this is where audience like understanding your audiences. What is the word? I'm trying to think of it. I talk about it all the time. Their like level of expertise in marketing, like how, there we go. Yes. Their market, like marketing sophistication is so important to understand when you're trying to market to people, because my clients. For the most part for something like a service like this They know what a webinar is and they don't want to go through it because they know what a webinar is And you can title it the greatest thing you can package it up However, you want to it's still a webinar and they don't do webinars So finding ways to reach that higher level client That busier client that actually meets them where they're at and where they are Is so important because you can sell to people who are not sophisticated in marketing in a way that's it's so easy like some of our clients that we work with i'm like man I wish my audience was like this because they can do they're great at what they do and they're amazing But it's like creepy Yeah, and it's this mind blowing thing to everyone i'm like You And I really wish that worked like that for us.


Yeah, I know. And the cool thing is that even people who are not like, because people are like, okay, watch your weapon. Like, why would I sit down and watch a masterclass? I don't watch masterclass. If you work with more corporate people who are maybe not in this online space as well. But they know what a freaking podcast is and they will listen to a podcast, right? They are much more likely to listen to a podcast than opt into a weapon.


You're not calling it a pod funnel. It's like a mini podcast series or this super bingeable 10 episode like podcast like you're not calling here listen to my pod funnel because I'm gonna sell you on this offer. It's like it's giving them all The details, but also the tools that they need to self qualify themselves. And those are the people that you want to work with. You do not want to work with the people that need to hold your hand through every little tiny thing, because that same thing is going to happen when you're actually providing the service to them and I'm all about. Customer support and experience. We are well known for our customer support and our client experience. You don't have to do it in a way that is like toxic for everyone. And you can have really good boundaries in place, and it starts before they ever buy.


Yeah. No, 100%. And I think that the The thing is, as well, is that I was just talking to a client about this a little while ago, because she is really looking for higher level these bigger corporations that have teams of 10 or 20 people, right? And she's what kind of freebie would they want? What kind of free thing can I offer them that they'll actually want and download and sign up for? And I was like, a private podcast. Because they'll get that. They understand what a podcast is. If it's really it's very like snackable, so to speak. So if it's if you do short episodes, you like really keep them on topic. They're much more likely to plug into their ears and listen while they're commuting to work, while they're doing whatever they're doing. And it will automatically build that know, like trust to a place. But because these are the kind of people who, Again they are not, they're not at that place of Oh I wanna download a checklist, or whatever. They're, they just want information. And if you can give them that information in a really easy to consume way you gotta get thinking about, like, where are people when they're, Where are people when they're consuming your content, right? If you can give that information in a really easy to consume way, even higher level very, whatever, CEOs and CMOs and all the Cs C suite people and if you are working especially if you're on LinkedIn or something like that, when you're working more with with corporate clients I'm not saying you're never going to need to get on a sales call with them, but to establish like it's worth its weight in gold to establish yourself as that expert coming in, because like we said like the people who are going to second guess you and the people who are going to know whatever are the ones who really just don't respect you. And this will just give them like having a podcast automatically, just even if it's like a short podcast, I feel like especially outside of the online world, it really is Oh, she's she's, she must be legit. She has a podcast,


This is such a fascinating thing that you just touched on because I was actually recording something for a program today. And it's You, we struggle so much as women with like imposter syndrome and with I'm not enough, I'm not big enough, I'm not famous enough, I'm not influencer enough to like have this asset this pod funnels, weekly pod, this is an asset for your business, it's not like a TV show, like it's not a thing that you do to stroke your ego, But it is something that other people have such this like barrier around of What these are not that hard. They're not that difficult to do to be completely honest But people think that it's like a huge production and it's really hard to have a podcast So I get it elevates you as an expert just with that people who get who have podcasts get more speaking deals They get on more stages. They get more brand deals if that's I don't recommend that's a whole nother story But like they get more opportunities Is Because they have a platform like a podcast and one thing I hear a lot So i'm just going to address it right now is if you're like that sounds great, but there's so many podcasts It's so saturated. There's too many there is less People there's less podcasts than there are any other thing on any other platform So if you're on youtube instagram if you're on facebook if you're on anything else It's not a valid excuse and I don't want to hear it


Nope, that's a cop out. Sorry. Yeah, don't go on Facebook then cuz it's saturated. Don't go to Instagram then cuz it's saturated, right? Yeah, why are you


doing anything? Saturated how many emails are people getting in their inbox every week? Oh you shouldn't have a podcast


no, 100%. And I, I agree with you 100 percent and I think that's the cool thing about what you do is because you live this, you have your homestead, basically, you have your family, your homeschooling, your kids, which I take my, I don't have


five kids though. So I'll,


I know. I was like, I'm like the only reason I'm having my sixth child is because I'm not homeschooling them. We'll put it that way. Okay. Cause I don't think, I don't think I could do that. And that, I don't know. Listen, we, so we all think we can't do things until they happen. Like we all thought we couldn't have kids home all the time and then COVID happened. So I'm sure anything is possible, but I will say that it's the cool thing about this is that, um, and obviously SEO is a factor, right? SEO is a factor, and I always say it's do as I say, not as I did, because I didn't I really dropped the ball on SEO, right? And I'm telling you now, I regret it wholeheartedly, and I'm trying to catch up still, and I really am upset at myself, right? Because as a service provider, I'm like I don't really need it, right? Because I just connect with clients on social media. Who needs a blog or SEO or a website or anything, right? But I will say that Even, whether you have a weekly, whether you have a weekly podcast or even just the pod funnel or the private podcast or whatever you want to call it, the podcast series itself is a really, when you SEO ize it properly then If you think about like how much work you do to get people to opt into stuff like on social media or like you have to pay money for ads and stuff like that, like this is a really great way to get more traffic once you've set it up and you've optimized it. This is a really great way to get more traffic to your stuff from, again, people who are already searching because it's search optimized, people are already searching for what you do.


And those results compound over time. So like we have a client And it's I love her messages. She podcast, she calls it podcast spamming and she'll podcast spam me like, for the, over the past month of all the things that came in that were directly tied to her clients joining her programs and her coaching tied to her podcast. Like the reason that they cite they want to work with her is because of her weekly podcast. And she also has more than I, I have really seen and in any other way, like these people don't have social media. They're finding her, enjoying her, but like what unicorns are there? And how amazing of a life would that be to not have social media? That they're finding her through the podcast app and investing in her offers, and they're not on social media. That's crazy. She gets so many of them. It's so crazy. It's absolutely insane.


That's amazing though, and I think that's the thing. That's the power of it, I think, as well. And I'm not saying, okay, create a path funnel and you can just delete all your social media, no, I'm not saying that but when you have an asset like this, I really feel like it can considerably cut down on the amount of time that you spend on the social media platform.


And honestly, there are two different things. Like a pod funnel. Definitely two different things, but even a weekly podcast, like your if you look at everything that you do in your business, like everything is a funnel, whether you have a funnel or not. And so you need like top of funnel attraction, marketing, short form content, like all of that goes here. Yes. Sometimes a piece of that content can directly convert into a client. Things can happen in the funnel at all times and all places. It's like an ecosystem. It's all yeah. But when we really look at the purpose of social media, That is to, especially now that is to attract new people. It's an easier way to connect and meet with new people that you then direct down your funnel into further ways to connect with you and that's not necessarily gonna be consuming every reel that you post. They're not gonna do it. You need to have something that you can send them to that really is intentionally designed to prime, nurture, and sell to them And whether it's a weekly podcast and that ebbs and flows through your different seasons and your different sales, goals or it's a pod funnel that's Strategically there for one thing You have to have all parts of the funnel You can't just focus on attraction marketing and I see way too many people doing that and they're so burnt out So quickly because you have to generate so much content when you don't have that middle of funnel place


Yeah, no, a hundred percent, because if you think about it, if you're like, if you're like trying to do everything, you're trying to attract and nurture and convert all through short form content, that can get extremely exhausting. Because that's for the, first of all, it's three completely different types of content in the first place. And I was just literally just, I literally just recording a module early today about different, like the types of content you create and yeah, like reels are, things like reels, things like that, like quick snacky sort of whatever that's just to bring people in just to stop the scroll and get them to pay attention to you. And then, yeah yes, people follow you. I'm not saying people don't cover. I grew my business on social media as a service provider. Of course it can be done. Of course this was in 2019, 2018, 2020, right? So it was a while ago. And that's like eons in like internet years, right? But on the other hand you have to be showing up like daily in order to stay relevant. You, you can't take a break. From social media. And, and then you have to, then when you come back, you have to build up momentum again. And then Facebook, or Instagram, whatever, doesn't want to let you.


They punish you so hard. Right now, so we just launched our new funnel and I committed to a 30 day Instagram growth thing. Here's what I have to do. Are you ready for this? I have to. Post three, I have to do three live videos a day, two Instagram reels per day. Sorry, hold on. I just, three lives a week.


Three lives a


week, not a day. Yeah, three lives a week. I got all excited. Three lives a week, two reels per day. I have to spend 15 minutes engaging with other people that I finding new people to connect with and engaging with them. That takes up so much time. And. So basically we launched this new funnel. I'm trying to like re engage Instagram a little bit because don't tell them but I hate it there. And so I'm not consistent. And so my account gets punished because I don't consistently show up on a platform that I don't like to be on.




Shocking. But guess what? My last launch one person converted from social media. And everyone else came through other things.


There you go.


It's just, it's, it can be such like a hamster wheel situation. And it's so important that we really look at what our goals are and what we need. Because if you're just spending all that time trying to attract new people in, but they don't have anywhere else to go, it's gonna take so long before you actually see a return on the time that you're putting in.


Because it's like a leaky, it's like a leaky net, like where you're like you're, yeah, fish are coming in, but they're just swimming right back out again because they're getting distracted, they're like, Oh, squirrel, or they're fish. They have a three, three second attention span. And that's where I think humans actually have a shorter attention span than fish now at this point, which is ridiculous. Oh, that's so sad. I heard that like that, like goldfish have three seconds and people have two seconds or something. I don't know. But I


also truly believe that is being done intentionally to make us not as smart. So if you want to connect with smarter people, maybe find a way outside of social media.


No, I really believe that though. I don't know if it's done intentionally to make us not, but I do think that there's a certain that we have gotten less intelligent as a species because of this. Like I I love, and I love the little house books, the little house and the prairie books. And I know I grew up reading them and my kids, my boys love them, which is. Really cute. Because they're like really into them. And I'm like, and these are boys who are like, oh, it's about a girl. I don't want to read a book about a girl, but they like them because they're, because it's very, it's fascinating. And like, when you read about like the kind of like long division they used to do in their heads, not even on a chalkboard, like freaking just standing there just doing 5, 787 divided by 200 and it's ridiculous. And I'm like, Oh my God, like we, we have really just like the easier things I've gotten and like the quicker things have gotten like we just are just less and everything is going faster and faster. But I really do think that again like you will absorb things better. And you will speak to the people who are listening to the long form who are absorbing the long form content, are much more likely to again like just, Think more, be more, yeah just be more a little, I don't want to say more intelligent, but they're definitely going to be more informed people. They're going to be, more, I hate using these words, quality people. Like they're willing to invest a little bit of time to get information. They're willing to invest, like they're willing to invest in general. They're not just just scrolls, flip, flip, flip, which is nothing wrong with that. We all flip, we all scroll through the, we swipe through the reels all the time.


You just need to remember how we feel when we're doing that. I think that's the big thing to take away, is really notice your social media habits. You're not getting on there to search for something. You're searching on YouTube or Google or you're trying to find a podcast. You're not searching on social media, like, how do I get 10 more clients today? Yes, that could stop someone in a scroll but they're not in this like empowered state and I think that's something that's really important To think about when we're trying to sell Versus attract and like the other thing when it comes to attraction marketing and just social media content in general, I Can't tell you how many times I have seen someone multiple times on reels and i'm like, okay Like i'm interested and then I like Something happens, and I think back to that video, and I go try to find it, and I can't remember their name, and I don't know what their profile was, I didn't actually save it. Or it just refreshes for you! It just refreshes for you, and you can't find it! Yeah that happens so often, and then guess where I'm going? I'm going on Google to search for something else and find whoever's there to solve that thing that I was like, oh, they talked about this, now I'm gonna have to figure it out because I lost it. I don't remember that person's name. Have, I know what they look like. I know what their video style usually is, but I could not for the life of me remember that profile name so that I could actually go and see that.


No, a hundred percent. So basically we're not saying get rid of social media. We're not saying get rid of social media, but we're saying have a better net to catch people in. So that you can do less social, you just have to do less on social media. You need less people to come into the funnel in the first place. So I think it's


yeah. And if we look at things like, cause I feel like we've neglected the weekly podcast people. Yeah.


We got


really excited. I have a weekly podcast. Okay. So


nobody here is saying weekly podcasts are not good because you literally helped me make, I know you wouldn't help me make it if it wasn't good. I know. But


I like, I feel like we've neglected them a little bit. The biggest thing that like, It can give you a deeper connection, it builds your authority, it gives you credibility, but it gives you time back, because when you are intentional about the content that you create for your podcast, so this is not sitting down at midnight after the baby's been sick, and you're just trying to like, what do I talk about, what do I talk about, and then record something, when you're like, Strategically utilizing this as an asset in your business, you can create that long form piece of content and then either you or someone on your team or someone you could pass it off to can create shorter form content from it, which gives you multiple ways To connect with people from one thing that you did, because it's always going to be easier to take and chop and turn into from something else than it is to sit and stare at a blank cursor or an empty Canva design.


Yeah, no, a hundred percent. And that's why I really love I really I really love that I I'm much more likely to sit down and create a thing when I have a plan, right? And I much rather create two or three good podcast episodes than sit and have to record seventeen reels. Because I'm just tired of it. And also, you could turn the podcast episodes into reels. And you could use b roll reels to send people to the podcast episodes so you have to say just quick little things and move them to the podcast episode where you can actually expand on it. Because I don't know about you, but I am not a short form. I do not think in short form. I think in I'm like, I need to give you context. You need to understand this. I cannot give this to you in 60 seconds. Okay. It


feels in genuine. It doesn't feel, especially when it's related to business, but this could happen. Like even if you're working, if you're coaching moms or this can literally happen with anyone, but those short gimmicky hook thing are. Not real. It's so hard to accurately portray all of the nuances that go into things, and it still be sexy enough that someone stops their scroll.


100%. 100%. And you don't, you really don't know you really, like how quality is that going to be? Like, how quality, what level of quality advice can you give in 60 seconds?


Not a lot.


Not a lot.


You can give some very small perspective shifts, but thinking that's really gonna stick for someone in that amount of time and with that amount of context is it's not super likely. No one is changing their life from a reel. I know people that have changed their life after a podcast episode.


Nope, it's really true. It's really true. I know mic drop. No it's a hundred percent. A hundred percent. Oh my gosh, this has been so good. And basically, I'm gonna just give you all the links to find Tara below. You can go straight to her website and she has a place where you can opt in for her masterclass. And she has a bunch of great she has a bunch of, she has whatever. You can find her podcast, podcast on there, you can find her masterclass, you can find all of her things. And you can literally just. Just see how she does it, just watch how she does it, and buy all her stuff, because Whatever. I just do it. I did it. I don't regret it. I go back to it all the time. All the freaking time. And I'm going to be going back to it when I create my podfunnel on maternity leave, apparently. I'm really excited for this. So thank you so much for this, Tara. This is such a great conversation. And it went like way longer than I thought it was going to go because I'm like, I feel like we just, we both feel so passionate about all this stuff. But really, seriously, thank you. If you are a service provider definitely check out the Podfunnel option because I really do think that it could save you so much time and when you're a mom you need your time. Your time is precious. Thank you so much. It's the only thing




not renewable. And you're, oh my god, for those of you who have little kids and feel like it's never going to end, I have a 14 year old and guys, it goes by so fast. It goes Mine,


mine are now nine and almost eight and like I don't understand how time works anymore, or like where it's gone. And there are so many times in those early days of my business, I'm like getting emotional thinking about it, like that I really wish I would have put down work to be able to spend with them because now they're older and they give me attitude and like they just don't want to spend that time like what it could have been at that moment, so sad.


No, it was really




but that's life. You make the most of the time that you have. Yep. All right, Tara. Thank you so much again. This was amazing. And I cannot wait for people to listen to this and to check out all your stuff. And I'm really excited for this. So thank you again.


Thank you for having me.

I hope you enjoy that. I know I did. I loved interviewing Tara and obviously you could tell we were having so much fun, but this is the kind of vibe that we have in the cm on mastermind. By the way, we are like, not just. Coach and a client, but we're also friends. And we also are very, very focused on collaboration as well. And so I want that for you. So if you would love to incorporate a pod funnel into your business, you'd like to have a coach alongside you, not just helping you with the strap, the overall strategy of your business, but also helping you create this specific asset. I'm the CEO of my mastermind is honestly the best place you can get that you get access to the pod funnel curriculum for the entire time that you're in the mastermind. You get access to Tara on a monthly basis. You could access to me to help you build out your framework and to map out your offer suite and incorporate the pod funnel into your overall marketing plan and your funnels and all that fun stuff. So. I'm really excited about this. If you are interested, if you feel the poll, if you feel like the CMI mastermind might be a good place for you. Check out the application. The link is below. Read it. Apply. If you feel the pole. It is not a commitment. It is literally just a way for me to see where you currently are in business, so I can see how I can best help you. And it might not be the mastermind, but either way. I would love to have you, if this feels like the right next step. So if you are currently a mom making five to 10 K a month on average, and you want to get to more consistent. Five five figure months, or you want to scale beyond five figures a month. Um, this is the place for you. Okay. Because we do this, we don't just focus on the scaling, but we also focus on doing it in a way that is actually sustainable for you as a mom that protects your time, that protects your energy. And that is really that's really my goal for all my clients is to have a business that not just. Gives them the money, but also gives them the lifestyle. That they want to come along with it and the lifestyle that is actually the point of making the money in the first place. So check out the CEO, my mastermind. And let me know if you have any questions about it. I will still have team members checking in on my DMS on Instagram as I'm offline. And I cannot wait to hear from you. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.