Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

53. How to Create an Explosion Of Sales in Q4

ā€¢ Yael Bendahan

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Q4 can be a goldmine for entrepreneurs, but let's be honest - it can also be incredibly stressful. As a mom of six and a business owner, I've been on both sides of the Q4/Black Friday rollercoaster. 

In this episode, I'm spilling the tea on how I turned Q4 into my most profitable quarter, generating $50K in just two months during the 2022 holiday season. Whether you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of another lackluster sale or you're ready to level up your launch game, I've got you covered. Get ready for actionable strategies that will help you create an explosion of sales, all while maintaining your sanity (and family time). It's time to make this Q4 your best one yet!

Get ready to learn:

  • Why Q4 is the golden quarter for sales (and it's not just about Black Friday!)
  • My "offer party" strategy that led to a wildly successful launch
  • How to use lower-cost offers to drive long-term investment in your business
  • The power of mirroring your high-ticket experiences in your lower-priced offers
  • Why your Black Friday sale is just the beginning of your customer journey

Plus, I'll share a personal story about launching a new offer during Black Friday - and why it worked, even when I thought it would get lost in the shuffle.

Make sure to check out my "Baby I'm Back" September sale, where you can grab the Sales Explosion Masterclass along with two other programs of your choice for just $340 - plus, everyone who purchases gets a fantastic bonus! This will last until Thursday, Sept 26 2024 at midnight.

Don't forget to screenshot this episode, share it on social media and tag me for the chance to win a 1:1 Momentum coaching call with me šŸ˜€

Mentioned In The Episode:

ā€œBaby Iā€™m Backā€ September Sale - pick any 3 programs (ranging from $297-997) for just $340! - yaelbendahan.com/september

Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind - yaelbendahan.com/mastermind 

šŸ“ˆThe CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

šŸ”„Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process thatā€™s creating multi 6 figure years (even if youā€™ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

šŸ’°Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

āœØJoin the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.

šŸ’ƒ Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

I've had a lot of friends and clients who are disappointed by their black Friday sale results, especially when they invested a lot into programs or courses that promise to make back their investment with their upcoming sale. And they actually didn't. I made about 50 K in two months in 2022, between a launch of my signature program and then a black Friday sale afterwards. And I've had a really, really great success with black Friday in general, considering that my audience is not really that big. So I wanted to share the things that worked for me, the things that didn't and the number one thing to remember when you're selling something lower costs that will make people a hundred percent more likely to continue investing in you. Welcome to the Raising Your Business Podcast. I'm your host, Yael Ben Dahan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of six and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success you desire. And be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing business and motherhood, biz models that work for you, marketing simplicity and the mindset of a CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello? Hello. Welcome back to the podcast. I'm back here again, sitting in my office with baby natano in the baby carrier on my chest. And this is apparently the way I'm going to be recording podcasts for the foreseeable future. It's great. And today we're talking about how to create an explosion of sales in Q4 and how to use your black Friday sale to create longer term leads and sales for your higher ticket offers down the line. And my goal for you today is to walk away with the confidence that you can make a lot of money this quarter. And some really implementable ideas to inject into your black Friday or holiday sales. I really think Q4 is like the golden quarter. You can make so much money if done. And I want that for you. So before we dive in, I just want to share with you my sales explosion masterclass. If you want to know the exact strategy behind every one of the offers that I sold during black Friday. And how they converted longterm and design your own sales explosion strategy. I cover all that in the masterclass. I'm sharing exactly how I generated almost 15 K in black Friday. Almost completely. Hands-off. And the exact strategy behind different types of sales offers and how to decide which ones are right for you. Plus you get my black Friday email and post wipes to make it super easy for you to have a super profitable Q4. I keep saying super, but I really mean it. You can grab it for just 3 33, or you can snag it for$340 along with two other programs of your choice. At my baby I'm back sale. This sale last until midnight, this Thursday, September 26th. And you can build your own bundle of three programs for just$340 in honor, belatedly of my 34th birthday. Plus there's some really fun bonuses you can find on the page. Just go to Alvin. Alvin and.com/september. To grab your toys or three programs and get a super special telegram channel, which you will see all the details of on the page. Okay. Let's dive in. To Q4. Why is Q4 often the most profitable quarter? So the first thing is it has this new year energy. Especially if your target audience is parents, but even people without kids the fall, there's a certain restart energy starting about September. So I would say not the last quarter, but like the last four months of the year, there's almost like a new, restart back into full summers over. That's where people are restarting their fitness regimes or their health. Things or their diets or anything else they're doing? And same goes with any sort of business related stuff. If anyone wants to try something new September, October is a really good time to put that in front of them. The second reason is holiday buying energy. So people are very prepared to buy during the holidays and before the holidays. So whether it's black Friday deals or holiday shopping, they are any buying frame of mine. And they're already like, the car already earmarked a budget for holiday shopping or prepping for the end of the year. And the last reason is prepping for the next year. So if you serve business owners, they tend to already be thinking about next year's investments towards November, December. And they will very often buy things from coaches or mentors. They're interested in during the black Friday sales to try them out. And I certainly do that. I've done that in the past. I have bought from people during black Friday sales and enjoying their year long masterminds. Okay. So this is a real thing. So here's the story I want to share today, and then I'll tell you what you can do to what you can do to. Duplicate, maybe not duplicate these exact results, but similar results. Black Friday 2022. This was about two years ago. I was getting ready for my son, my oldest son RV's bar mitzvah. I did not have the time to create new offers. I didn't really know what to do for black Friday because usually I would quit. And create something new for black Friday and put it out there. But I was just like, I want to use, I wanna be able to sell a lot of my stuff. And I want to be able to leave room to upsell people into my higher ticket stuff. Because I also wanted to sell my mastermind. And the other interesting thing was I had just wrapped up a launch in October for my signature program com academy. At the time it was a coaching program and it was$5,000 a nine month, five,$5,000 program. And it was a really good launch. I had a great launch. Approximately. Oh, gosh, I think it was about 30, 35 K launch. And then I really wanted to capitalize on that energy and I really wanted to continue to make some more money in cash because a lot of the money that I had made in that launch was in sales, like longer term sales over the next nine months. And I really wanted to be able to bring in some more cash because we had a bar mitzvah and I just wanted to be able to offset some of the costs. So I decided to do a combo of strategies that I'd seen. The first one wasn't offer party. I didn't spend a few different people in the industry, but the basic idea was different offers every day and then offering an all access pass at the beginning. It's for people to just be able to buy the Alexis pass and get everything for a really banana, amazing price. I did it for a week beforehand and I closed it when the sales started. But it was a really great opportunity for people to be able to jump in and just get everything for amazing savings. Even on the sales prices. And then I also did a mag, like a magazine or a catalog. Which my friend, Christina Scalera had recommended as a way to give people a heads up about what you're going to sell. Kind of let them, struggle what they want to sell, check off and earmark again, like mentally earmark money towards the offers that they were interested in. And I ran a sale for a week from the Monday before black Friday until cyber Monday. So I gave it I gave it a full week of launching. And it was, and it went really well. So the offers were a three workshop bundle. Okay. So we had the I had a, a. Bundle of three live workshops. I was going to run in Q1 of the following year. And I also did two self study courses. So my high ticket, low hassle course, and I'm a window marketing master class and my non-Jew mindset makeover. So that was also like these were all self study, essentially. These are all. Like basically. Bye it. Dive into it yourself. Enjoy. I also sold my leverage CEO accelerator, which is my pilot round. Was. Which is where I teach my clients how to automate their business, automate their lead generation. There. Their onboarding, their delivery, their sales, everything like that. And a Q1 Voxer, mini mind. I sold it on pre-sale. So what I did not offer. Was any one-to-one except for the bonus intensive, the Oxys passive. If someone bought an all access pass, they got a bonus 90 minute intensive with me. Because I literally did not have a time. I was prepping for a bar mitzvah, I said anyone who books an intensive is going to have to do it in January. So that was the plan. I didn't want to offer any sort of one-to-one I'd have to deliver on because I just didn't have the time to deliver on it. And I want to be able to be completely hands-off. Okay. Here are a few different reasons that you might want to create offers in Q4 or. Specific offers for a black Friday. So the one reason is to fill smaller offers that will lead to bigger ones. So I always do, this is my workshop on, do I always do a soft pitch at the end of my paid workshops? So the more butts in seats you have the better. So even if I think the workshop window is$47 and normally I charge between 37 to$47 for one workshop. But. I got butts in seats for three. W months in a row. So three opportunities for people to learn for me and then get pitched. The second reason is to validate and offer. So pre-sales or pilot programs are a really great way to get easy yeses and see if you're offering something people actually want. And it also just, again, gets butts in seats for when you launch it officially, you already have a few people in the door. And other reason is to make money without having to deliver on anything. So. This is when you wanna be able to just bring in some cash without actually having to do any sort of post sale delivery. And this is where you can pull things out of your product graveyard and dust them off. So you can sell digital products or tools that you're using with your own clients, or you can even do affiliate offers as well. Like just to have a round of affiliate offers for other people as well. You can do that too. And to give people a taste of working with you. Okay. This can be a mini service or an audit for if you're a service provider or some sort of intensive or mini mind for coaches, but either way you want to have an offer that mirrors the experience of working with you longer term. So this last one is so important. And we're discussing this. I remember discussing this in a CEO mom academy call. One of my clients was asking about what to include in a VIP pass for upcoming free challenge. And the biggest takeaway was mirror the experience you will be giving in the offer. And so when I did my standout for the summer challenge is what I used. I used this. When did I use this in? It was, think it was summer 2020. Two or 2023. I forgot. But when I I think it was 20, 23, when I did my set up for the summer challenges where I teach people how to create. I taught people how to create their signature framework. And I was selling CEO, mom academy, a six months coaching. Version of com academy. What I did was I offered a VIP upgrade with Hotsy coaching and group calls, as well as a telegram chat for maybe a VIP option. Because I want them to know number one, what it would be like to be coached by me so they could see if they liked working with me. Number two, what our calls would actually feel like in CMA and number three, how having a community of people around them moving towards the same goal would impact them. And we have a slack chat. We had a slack channel at the time. I have a slack channel right now from a mastermind. We've got a slack channel for com academy. And so I want them to feel. That, that community. Aspect of the group coaching program. And it worked because about 80% of my CEO, my I'm academy sales came from that VIP pass. If you aren't creating any sort of launch offer or you want it, you want to create a small offer that leads to a bigger one. I would highly recommend you mirror the experience as much as possible, give them a taste of what you're doing. So here's an example, how can you do this? How can you do this from a course to a coaching program or a mastermind, for example? So if you're selling a course, you can offer for an early bird bonus or for painful for painful bonus. Some sort of group coaching call where you can do hot seats. So if you offer hot seats in your upgrade in your mastermind, are you hot to do the one-to-one clients or whatever that is, you can actually bring people. Into a group call and let them see what it's like to have your eyes on their stuff in that really intimate way. So even if you're selling a DIY course, rightly a. A do it yourself. Hands-off I don't deliver. And I don't do, I don't do group coaching calls. I don't do community, whatever that is, even if it's completely hands off, you can offer. If you want to use that as a chance to upgrade people, offer people Short little experience as a bonus that can mirror your upgrade experience. And I think that I think that it's, that is the best way to bring people in the door because. Nowadays, there are so many people online. There's so much going on. There's so many people who do the same thing as you. And I'm not saying this to make you discourage or anything, but I am saying is you're gonna need to stand out any good need to show people rather than just tell. So the best way to show people what they can. You. What experience do you would look like? What working with you would look like is to literally show them in a tiny little way so they can experience it. And that will build that know like trust. So I want to also share an email that I wrote last year during my black Friday sale. After I was speaking to a client matter, disappointment in our sales numbers, after putting so much work into it. Okay. If you were doing a black Friday sale this year, and you're feeling stressed about hitting your sales goals. I want to share something that I recently told my, see you I'm academy student when she was feeling stressed, overwhelmed, but our first black Friday sale ever on the small side. Size of her audience. This isn't a short-term game. Okay. Your black Friday sale is to get people to become a customer for the first time. And once they do, they're much more likely to become a customer again. And this has been proven from my own sales. If you don't believe anyone else, if you want to believe stats, and I'll tell you from my own sales. People who have bought from me during sales have gone on to buy for me later. Again. And don't forget, there's also room for upsells later and ongoing nurture. Okay. So it's not just the initial sale that you want to get, but it's also the lifetime value of your customers. So if you're a little worried about that, you're like, I don't know my email list. Isn't so big. I just want to share that my client last year did a black Friday sale offered one. One-to-one package. For the, I think it was normally, it was$4,000. She offered it, sorry. Normally it was$5,000 and she offered it for$4,000. One spot one spot. And I discussed this more inside of M instead of my sales explosion masterclass, but The whole idea of that is. To anchor in the value of your offer. So if you're like, normally three months of one-to-one with me is$5,000, right? You can get one spot, there's one spot available for$4,000. Once it's gone. But then everything else you sell after that is going to look so cheap in comparison to you'd be like, wow, this is an amazing deal. Because normally working with her for three months is$5,000. So the goal of that was an anchor. It wasn't even the goal wasn't even. To sell that offer was essentially an anchor point for the rest of the sale. But I told her, open up as many spots as you feel good working for$4,000. And she said, I only feel good about working with one person. I'm like great. Open up one spot. It was snapped up. Like within a couple of a couple of emails about our black Friday sale snapped up from her email list of 150 people. Okay. So having a small audience does not mean you will not make sales. It does not mean you will not make sales, but if you are a little bit worried about your audience size right now then I will actually give you a few audience growth and sales ideas so that you can that you can actually grow your audience and make the most of your black Friday sale. Okay. So the first one is doing a freebie swap with someone. So you can do a freebie swap with with a friend or a colleague who has a similar size audience to you. Where they send your free offer to their email list and you send their free offer to your email list. And you basically just as long as you have the same avatar and your audience. This can do really well, same with a story swap. You post someone else's story and they post your story. And have them have the people who see them like follow you for something, maybe use a special code word and you'll send them a free gift once they follow you. That's actually a really good idea. So say they do a story swap for you. And you say, because you're coming from, I don't know, Bethany's audience. I wanted to offer you a special gift. So if you hop over and follow me here on Instagram, shoot me a message with the word Bethany, and I will send you a special free gift valued at$47. Directly into your inbox. So that's a great way to greet and gain followers and grow your audience. Or really another cool way to make the most of your black Friday sale and to get people buying quickly is to do some sort of giveaway or every purchaser who buys anything. Enter to win an all access pass to all your black Friday offers and get refunded for whatever they bought. So what you do is basically anyone who buys gets one. One entry into a raffle. And they get refunded, whatever they bought and they get the all access pass, they get everything. So they have a chance to win. Everything, all of your offers that you're selling during that time. So the black Friday sale or whatever it is, cyber Monday holiday sale is just the beginning for you. It is not just a one off this sale can actually catapult you to more sales, more nurture, more amazing. Clients down the line. If you are planning a black Friday or any promotion through Q4, here's what I suggest you do. The first thing is consider a black Friday offers in the bigger picture. Okay. Remember that it's not just about the one sale. It's about the longterm value of the customers. Number two is prepared beforehand. The more you can prepare beforehand and schedule the better. Okay. If you want to be really, type a like me. You write all your emails beforehand, even create stories with the promotions, with the offers beforehand as well. And that will enable you to just literally schedule the emails, send them out. You'd probably be, you can even schedule stories to be honest. Although I found it hard to do that in the meta creator studio. So I just like to just post it on the day, just directly from my phone. Because I want you to consider how much you actually want to invest during the sale itself. Okay. If you are celebrating the holidays with your family, right? It's black Friday. And you have your kids home or whatever, like you might decide. I don't want to be stuck to my phone all day. I want to make money. While I'm, while I'm chewing down on Turkey. Amazing prepare the emails beforehand. Prepare the post beforehand. Schedule them all out and go off and have your Turkey. Okay. So that is the that's. That's the second thing. The third thing is decide if you wanted to put in a ton of effort to create a whole bunch of new offers or a new offer for black Friday, or if you want to do a mix. So I have a client right now. In my CEO, my mastermind, who we are preparing, she has a course that she really wanted to create. And I'm like when better to launch a new course at an amazing presale price than a black Friday sale, because everyone's in sales mode anyway. And they're like, oh my gosh, she's finally selling the thing that we've been wanting to learn from her for such a long time. Amazing. And you can get it at an amazing discount. Sign me up, take my money. And so she is now prepping her black Friday sale to focus all around this one offer. And if you think, oh no, I'm just going to get lost in the shuffle. There's no way. I want to tell you that I launched my first low ticket products funnel. Okay. So that was my LinkedIn leads mastery mini course, and I had the LinkedIn leads mastery. I had an order bump. I had a$97. I think it was$97 upsell. And had a really amazing black Friday bonus for anyone who bought. And. I forgot. Okay. Now this was just for, just to, excuse me. I had just found out I was pregnant with my daughter. This was black Friday, 2019. And I was determined to make, to build this low ticket funnel. And I was like, I'm going to do this by the end of November. And like the end of November, which I think is like the 29th of November or something was a Friday and it was black Friday. And I totally forgot about black Friday because I don't live in the states and it was, my head was just not in it. And I completely forgot. That'd be launching it on black Friday. And I was like, oh my God people are not going to pay attention to my emails. Because this is going to get lost. It's going to get lost in the shuffle of all the other black Friday sales. And let me just tell you, I made over$4,000 that week I sold from black Friday until the following Friday. I had a$4,000. And basically passive sales. During that week. And obviously I was wrong. Like it was such a high because I, that was my first major offer that I created that had been like completely hands-off and that like I, as a service provider, I was so not used to just making something and then selling it, not having to like, do a single thing afterwards. It was pardon my language. It was orgasmic. It was, I just, I remember looking on Saturday night, turning on my phone on Saturday night and just seeing one after the other Stripe, PayPal Stripe. Should I check? And I was like, oh my God. Look at all. All this money. And it was so exciting. So it was a new offer, but because I had spent some time educating people beforehand on why they needed LinkedIn. And all that kind of stuff. And yes, I did launch it on black Friday, but when it came down to it, It worked out. Okay. And they still want it. So if your offer is good enough, people are still going to buy it. Black Friday or not getting lost in the shuffle or not, if it's good enough. And if you make sure to prep them ahead of time, let them know that it's coming. They will pay attention. And the last thing I want you to do is focus as much as you can and audience growth now. Penn in general in between promotions, right? So obviously right, for a promotion, you're going to have to focus on the sale, but. When you're not promoting something, you should always be looking for ways to grow your audience. Okay. Numbers are numbers and traffic is traffic and the more of the right people see your offers the better. I speak to myself as well. Like I grew my audience significantly the summer while I was on maternity leave because of a bunch of collaborations. That I had set up ahead of time. I was able to just sit there and nursing my baby and I literally had just leads coming in, people just buying my upsells. One after the other, it was really amazing. It was really fun. So the more of the right people who can see your offers, the better, the more traffic you can get to your page, the better that is. That's just math, right? The more people who see, the more likely more sales are gonna happen. I'm not saying you can't make any money with a small audience, but you definitely will make more money with a larger audience if you're selling the right thing. And you're speaking to the right people. And of course. Just to wrap up. I want to remind you again. To check out my sales explosion masterclass. In my in my baby I'm back September sale. The link is going to be in the description. I'm teaching a slew of black Friday strategies in that masterclass, the things that you need to avoid best type of offers for you, how to maximize your sales in the backend. So this is your time to join and I have an amazing one to one bonus. There's still a few spots left. So check it out right now. This particular offer is going to be going away in a couple of days, but if you do not see it anymore, and it doesn't exist anymore, you can still buy myself explosion masterclass. And the truth is you can use this at any time of year. It's not just about black Friday. You can do a. Launch for your higher ticket offer and then turn around and do a black Friday sorry, not black Friday sale and turn around and do an offer party or some sort of fun birthday sale or whatever it is you're going to do. You can absolutely do that. At any time of the year, like literally anytime it's about a six week sales cycle. You can honestly just plug that in wherever you would like to create explosion of sales. Obviously you can't run these big, crazy, offer parties or things like that all the time. Otherwise people are only going to buy during a sale cause they'll be like, oh, she probably can do a sale next month. But a couple times a year. You can definitely do this. It's a very repeatable strategic process. So check out the September sales Bonanza that I have going on right now. And of course I would love to hear back from you. What landed with you from this from this. Episode. And so make sure to screenshot this. And then tag me on social media. And I'm happy to have a conversation with you in the DMS about what you can do for your sales explosion. In Q4. So great to be here with you. I love this new way of recording my podcast. It feels very CEO, mommy, and let's make it happen. Let's create an explosion of sales. This Q4. And go into 2025 with loads and loads of cash. Who's with me. Alright, I'll see you. The next one. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.