Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

54. Revenue Generating Activities for Moms who are Short on Time

Yael Bendahan

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As a mom entrepreneur, time is your most precious resource, and it's frustrating when you can't tell if you're spending it wisely. After years of trial and error (and six kids later), I've cracked the code on what truly drives business growth, even when you're short on time. In this juicy episode, I'm pulling back the curtain on the activities that will give you the biggest bang for your limited time buck.

I'm sharing six revenue-generating activities that can transform your business, even when you're short on time. From creating valuable content to nurturing your existing buyers and developing a killer referral program, these strategies are designed to fit into the nooks and crannies of your busy mom life!

  • The two-minute trick to reconnect with potential referral partners (yes, even while nursing!)
  • Why your existing buyers are your secret weapon for future sales
  • The "silver platter" method to make referrals a no-brainer for your network
  • How to turn your DMs into a sales powerhouse (no lengthy calls required!)
  • The sneaky way to build backend sales funnels that work while you sleep

Ready to turn those precious work hours into money-making magic? Don't miss this episode! Screenshot and share it on your Instagram stories, tagging me @theyaelbendahan. Let me know which strategy you're excited to try, and let's keep this conversation going. Remember, mama, you've got this – and I'm here to help you make it happen!

And if you have anything you want me to particularly discuss here on the podcast - drop it here! I’m taking topic requests 🩷

Mentioned in Episode:

CEO Mom Academy 

CEO Mom Business Blueprint

Mom-Viable Marketing Method - Sign up for the Fall Fling Bundle to get it for FREE this week!

CEO Mom Mastermind

📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix

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💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $9 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

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There are so many ways that referrals could be a win for both of you. So made that list of people and start reconnecting with them again. And you could reconnect with someone in literally two minutes. In a voice note on your phone in messenger, Instagram, Facebook, whatever. There's no excuse. Even if you're nursing a baby, you're wiping a button. You can still do this. If you have AirPods. Welcome to the Raising Your Business Podcast. I'm your host, Yael Ben Dahan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of six and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success you desire. And be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing business and motherhood, biz models that work for you, marketing simplicity and the mindset of a CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello? Hello. Welcome back to you, raising your business. I am so excited because this is going to be a really juicy little episode. I'm actually recording this without a baby on my lap, which is unusual for me. And I've actually ordered a new little mic that will enable me to record really nicely and clearly to my phone. So that I can record, while I'm like nursing hammer while I'm doing other things. But I wanted to touch on this because I know that a lot of people are very short on time. I know I'm certainly am very short on time. When it comes to running my business, because right now it happens to be the holiday season. The Jewish holiday season. And I feel like. I want to get work done, but I have to make sure I want to make sure. That. I'm really maximizing anytime that I am working because my husband has just gone back to work. He has been in He's been on material. On maternity leave paternity leave for the past nine weeks, and now he's back to work and I'm going to miss him so much. This has been a really incredible time. I don't think he spent as much time with any of our babies. At this age ever. But because of the way things work here, he was able to take off. Nine weeks with full pay, which was really incredible. And I have appreciated it so much. I've enjoyed it so much, but I don't have to get back to reality, which is my usual reality is running my home. 70% of the time alone. And I wanted to share. Did you grab a new gender, any activities for moms who are short on time and my goal for you? In this episode is for you to walk away with ideas, to help you make the most of your limited work time, and also make sure you're moving the needle when it comes to your income goals. So a while ago, so is this question. In a Facebook group and I wrote it down because and I stuck it in my content brainstorm. Cause it was a great question. And I just really I was like, Ooh, this is like the perfect question for me to answer. I love when that happens. I love like when you see like those questions in groups. That is exactly what you do and exactly what you teach. It's really nice to have that validation. So the question was, if you have only two hours a day to do a business, January generating activity after serving clients. Okay. So putting aside you are serving your clients. But now you've got two hours day to actually do. Revenue generating activities. How would you spend it? I have a toddler at home right now. This is my reality. I would love any suggestions. No, I love this question. I want to share my thoughts with you too, because only a small percentage of activities actually move the needle in our businesses. And I actually talk about the four top revenue generating activities that I recommend. For your business. In my CEO mom business blueprint. So I will drop the link in the description. Because it's a really important one. I think that's, it's really the basis. It's really the foundation of my entire business model. So I'm, and it's like$47. So it was like a fricking no-brainer. And I just really love to share it as much as I can because it is so valuable. And my clients who've implemented it have seen incredible results. So only a small percentage of activities actually can move the needle on their businesses in a really appreciable way. So I'm going to give you five of them, plus one bonus once early six. Okay. So the first one is creating valuable content that showcases your expertise. So putting out content on a regular basis to attract new customers and also nurture your existing audience is really important. Okay. And I think that These 365 day calendars definitely can work, but they have to really tie back to your specific offers and to your specific business. And just having like problems like, oh, share behind the scenes, right? It's not just about sharing behind the scenes. It's about sharing behind the scenes in a way that actually ties in to your expertise that ties into how you help your clients, the way you help your clients articulating. The value of what you do top your clients, and also articulating like the exact method in which you do it. Because obviously you're not going to share all your secrets, but you want to really share the stuff that's unique to use, whether it's your stories, whether it's your. Lived experience. Whether it's your client's stories. You want to really show. Your existing audience and also new people that you can help them. As long as it's the right people. So one way to do this and I love doing this. And if you search for my name on Google, you will see that I do this a lot. Is publicity. So it's a really great way to get more eyes on your business while positioning you as a really go-to expert. So things like recording podcast, interviews, and other people's podcasts, guest teaching for a colleague's group program, or writing a really amazing article in a widely spread medium whatever that is, whether it's a, it's an a. An online blog that gets a lot of hits or magazines or whatever that is, that gets really widely shared. Is amazing because it really just capitalizes on someone else's audience to get more views on you. Rather than having to go out and find like individual specific people, you're actually just getting in front of a whole audience of people who could be your ideal clients. And also obviously communicating regularly with your audience, whether it's through email newsletters and social media content are going to keep you front of mind. Because if you want to get more clients, and if you want to get more people into your audience, it's important to create a really good connection with them. Once they come into your world and give them a chance to know and trust you. So you want to make sure that, like I said, that your content regularly connects back to your offers is not just like content for the sake of it. It's not just feel good content. Your content has to position you as that person. And I cover all of this inside of my content course, which is. New it's on beta now. If you want the link to the content course, just send me a. DM on Instagram with the word content, and I will send that over to you. But I literally cover all of this inside of that mini course is actually an entire portion of my CEO mom academy program. The second part. The second thing you can do is nurture relationships with your existing buyers. So we know this is not a new concept, but someone who's already invested in working with you, someone has already given you their credit card. Is much easier to sell to than a cold lead. So we really, your best prospects for future sales are your existing customers. So how do you nurture relationships with your existing buyers? So a few things you can do. Is it stay in contact with them. So email them regularly. So then you can send a personalized check in on video or view via email. If you do a Facebook live in your group of buyers. Really just say, stay in touch with them, touch base, then don't forget about them once they bought from you and be like, okay, forget it. I think that it's a really important. To not only do you stay in contact with them personally, but every time you sell an offer that someone already has and they see that you're selling that offer, it gives them this really good feeling of, Ooh, I already got that. Oh my gosh, I already got the best deal. All right. I already got that bonus. So What makes them feel really good? It makes me feel really smart for investing early with you. If you're worried about oh, if I sell too much, then people who already bought it are gonna be like, oh, they got this bonus now. First of all, you should always be going up as far as value goes. So whether you raise the price Or, it'd be offered something at a beta price when you first launched it. But now you're offering it at the full price with a special bonus. The people who came in at the beginning. I get a really. Incredible beta offer. They get a say usually in how it goes. Everyone is going to get something at the point in which they buy, it may not be the exact same thing, but they're going to get something for buying that early. So I'm just checking with them and stay in touch with them. I've stayed in touch with my clients. Who've been in my programs, then left my programs. They finished their time. They left. I've stayed in touch with them for, But years and years after that, and my clients have gone on, I actually have someone in my mastermind right now who signed up for my group coaching program. The very first time I launched it back in 2020. And then she came back to me inside of inside of. The. Inside of the mastermind. Staying in touch with them is really amazing and important, and it makes them feel very seen. The second thing you can do is celebrate their wins. So you can privately. Congratulate them on publicly congratulate them. Right when they're posting wins in your group or in your slack channel, listening UTMs. Celebrate them in your Instagram stories. And talk about how amazing they were and talk about like the, how far they've come. You could even send them some sort of physical gift. I give him some sort of award or special recognition. But really words of affirmation are huge. And people love being shouted out by their coaches. It makes them feel really good. Okay. The next thing you can do is go the extra mile. So if someone is struggling giving them an extra bonus gift that will support their success. So maybe offer them an extra call or have someone on your team, reach out to them personally or maybe connect them with people to help them reach their goals. Maybe tag them. If you see someone looking for someone just like them. Tag them and help them, help them. We potentially connect with someone who could be a potential client for them. So that is that is another way to, to to really connect with your existing clients and customers. And the last thing is embody excellence. So provide excellent service to your clients. And this could be having a smooth onboarding process or preparing for calls, asking really great questions on talking about specific questions that they've been asking you and turning those into masterclasses or trainings offering really good solutions to their challenges following up with them. So the better your service is, the more likely they are to come back to you later and buy something else from you. The second thing is nurture your existing buyers. The third. Thing you can do to generate revenue is developing eReferral program. Okay. So this is, I highly recommend doing this. I don't think there should be your only source of income and your only source of clients because. Having your entire business, depending on referrals, essentially waiting for people to remember that you exist. And I don't like putting my business in the power of other people. I was speaking a little fast because I thought I had soup that was burning, but I sent someone to go mix the soup. So there we go. The thing is though. I have gotten so many clients and customers from referrals. And honestly, those could be some of the best clients you have because odds are, if someone's referring you to them they have a feeling already that this would be a good fit. That feels to be a good partnership. And and also if someone that you like refers someone to you, odds are, it's going to be someone else that you like. So making a list of people who to refer clients to use this could be your existing clients. It could be what they call super connectors in your network. People who are connected to a lot of people. I am one of those people. I somehow, I don't know. I know a lot of people from a lot of different places, so it's really great. And maybe colleagues who work in the same market, or maybe people who serve the same people as you do, but in a different way. So very simplistic example. If you're a website copywriter and, website designer, you guys can refer clients back and forth, so reconnect with these people, either on the phone or via video. And in the course of your conversation, you can let them know that you're looking for new clients and you can maybe send them an email and discuss who and their net, what could be a good fit for your services and vice versa. Okay. I really think that you want to make it feel as much of a win as possible for both of you. And so one way to make it a win is to write cross-refer, which I just mentioned, but another way is to create incentives, right? So this could be financial incentives. So giving them. That's what I do. I just give a percentage. The first payment or a specific number amount, right? So people who refer people to my mastermind to get a$500 bonus. People refer people to see your mom academy Getty$200 bonus. So it's a very it's a very easy thing for them to do. But even if it's just a physical gift or maybe a service with you, if you could offer some of your services to them whatever that is, makes it much more likely they're going to refer you on. And you can also to make it easier for them. And I know this makes it easier for me to refer anybody or to send promotional pieces to my list or post promotional pieces to my social media. Is to create copying. That they can use to share your offers with people. I really think that is. Really. I really think it's a very, it takes some work upfront, but odds are, if you have sales copy for your offer, you can just tweak it. You probably even use chatty beauty or something like that to tweak it for affiliate copy. But it really makes it like 10 times more likely that someone's going to send that email to their list or, send an intro email because you're just saving them the mental brain, the mental work of having to be like, oh, what ha what should I say? What should I highlight? How should I let them know that this is for them? You're basically giving it to them on a silver platter. So I also think that if you have a little referral circle and I learned this from my friend, Zoe, Linda she is amazing at affiliate staff is literally just saying I had this referral circle and just sending out like, monthly newsletters, maybe to your referrals circle with value for them. So value for them in their businesses. So maybe a newsletter that you send out once a month to your referral circle with. opportunities for them for them maybe collaboration opportunities for them, or wait for them to be featured potentially in your, to your audience or to or maybe you've seen opportunities like bundles or summits that would be good fits for them. Maybe industry news or updates in your industry. So give them some value and remind them again. What the value is of referring you, right? So remind them, this is my referral program. This is the percentage that you get here are the offers that I'm currently selling. And if this is, if this is a good fit for you, then just reply to this email and we can be in touch about how we can create some sort of JV partnership, maybe do a webinar together, maybe send a promotional email or cross promote each other to each other's lists. There are so many ways you can do this. And I have an entire section. In C CMA that I've created all that audience growth. And this is one of them is cross-promotion. So there are so many ways that referrals could be a win for both of you. So made that list of people and start reconnecting with them again. And you could reconnect with someone in literally two minutes. In a voice note on your phone in messenger, Instagram, Facebook, whatever. There's no excuse. Even if you're nursing a baby, you're wiping a button. You can still do this. If you have AirPods. Okay. So that is the third thing, different developing a referral program. The fourth is making more calls to action. So I refer to touched on this in the first part, which is creating content, but. Keep reminding people that you're accepting clients, there are different ways to work with you. Okay. Because people may assume that if you're not talking about what you do or not talking about that the fact that you have spots available, they might think that you're booked out and there's no real need for them to reach out. So make sure that like you are telling people that you actually have spots available to work with them. So you could add a PS new newsletters. Or your social media posts, you can just, you can use Instagram stories. I like using Instagram stories too. To post about my offers. And you can just invite people to book a call with you, apply to work together. By now I have APS in all of my newsletters. I can't ways to work with me. And it literally just has here are the ways you can work with me right now. And I get clicks on that every single week that I send it out. Every single week. Do I get applications every single week? No, but I get clicks. I get interest and I have ways of following up with people who have clicked on my mastermind, clicked on my other stuff. It is a really great opportunity. To keep reminding people that you are available for them. The fifth. The fifth revenue, January activity is have more sales conversations now. Most entrepreneurs tend to dread sales calls, but this really is the fastest and most effective way to close a sale, especially a high ticket one. There is a proven process to follow, to have a successful sales conversation that makes your prospect feel heard. It makes them feel understood and eager to work with you. So investing time in refining your sales skin. Your sales skin. We've writing your sales skills her courting, your conversations, and potentially getting feedback from an expert. Like I know. My friend Renee. As a sales expert. And she offers this she will literally listen to your sales calls and give you feedback on how you can make them better. So you can find someone to do that for you and making sure that you carve out time in your calendar for sales calls to happen. But if you don't have a lot of time for sales calls, which is me. Okay. I do not have a lot of time for sales calls. Sales conversations can still happen via DM. It just might take a little longer and I'm okay with that because I just do not have the time to be locked in front of the computer at, multiple times a day. Or even multiple times a week. So I prefer to sell via DM, but I but I do think that it can still work via DM. And as long as you're paying attention to the questions people are asking, you can still do the same exact sales. In DM form and actually have an entire lesson on this again in CEO, mom academy, I'm talking about exactly how to sell in the DMS and the last bonus thing. The last bonus revenue, January activity is. Building sales funnels on the backend building passive ways. To get people to buy your stuff. Now, this is not going to make money the second today. But I was just thinking about this because I've been I've been working on creating some, a lot of passive leveraged ways for people to buy for me. And there are so many ways to create evergreen kind of pathways for people to to work with you. I'm personally here. This is what I'm doing right now. So first of all right now, I'm creating. A webinar for CEO mom academy. So I'm creating a webinar funnel for CMO academy and it's going to be basic webinar Basic webinar funnel. It's not a basic webinar. It's actually a really good. But I'm. Working on buildings out in the back end. I'm probably going to be launching it towards the end of October. But that is a sales activity. That is not something that's going to make sales the second today, but I'm working on it is an activity that is going to generate sales in the future. Because even if I. I deliver it and I make one sale or it makes zero sales that still tells me I'll be able to see from the data where this may have worked or may have not worked right. So maybe the person bought on the webinar and paid in full because there's a really good, painful, fast action bonus and they wanted it. So I'll be like, Ooh. So how can I send device where Payson from painful is how can I turn this into an evergreen funnel with this fast action incentive? So these are good opportunities to get data. So another way that I'm in other way, that I'm building some backend sales funnels is right now, I have my mom Bible marketing method. It is my new, like mini course that I've pulled again, pulled out of a CEO mom academy, which is really pretty much my signature program for the foundations of a lot of my business. And it's all about how to create market and sell out your signature offer. And your product I service in a way that is simple in a way that, gives you margin in your life in a way that is viable for moms. And so I pulled out my mom, Bible marketing my mom viral marketing. Method out of the volt from CMA to turn it into its own little mini course, because a lot of people have asked me, how do I plan out my content? How do I, how was able to show up and create such consistent content? When I was pregnant with my daughter, During the pandemic. When I had my kids around me. With, without a VA. And so that is the method. That I share in there now. What I'm going to do. Is currently it is going to be in a, is actually right now as, at the moment of recording. I'm launching it for free. For one week, it is going to be in my friend. Nicole's a fall fleeing a bundle. So people are going to get it for free for one week, and then it's going to be$37 at least. And I believe three, a$37. And I am really, I'm really excited about it because it is some of my, like my best content that I'm pulling out of CMA. And it is also a part of my content course, which it was called cash converting content, but I saw someone else had that had a program with the same name. And so I'm going, I want to change the name of it because it was a good name. That's why I called the module, but I want to give it something a little bit different because I don't like being exactly the same as everyone else. It is part of my content course, which is in the 200 to$300 range. Depending on whether you're getting it in a funnel or you're getting with a coupon code or not. What I'm going to be doing. Today actually, as I'm recording this as a recording, this podcast. So this evening. My plan is to finish writing the email sequence that is going to upsell people from the mom Bible marketing method, into my cash, converting content. Course. And and that is a very simple way to do this. Now I could put this as a one, one click upsell. I could do that. But the bundle does not allow one-click upsells because you have to put in your credit card information first at the beginning. So I'm going to be just. Having it in the email sequence. About a week after they sign up for it because her bundle is still going to be going on. I don't want people to be getting too many emails from me. So I'm going to be creating the email sequence that works on selling them into the. Mid level course. And writing this email sequence. Is it gonna make me money today? No, but it might make me money. In a week or two, when people start getting the emails, once they start joining the content course. Once they start implementing it. They're like, wow, this is amazing. But now I want to help actually writing my content and then I'm going to give them the content course. There are so many ways you can do this. And there are so many small ways you can create opportunities for people to upsell without even having to create really complicated email sequences, like even just putting a coupon code at the bottom of every lesson in your mini course reminding people that they can use a specific coupon code to upsell into a bigger offer. That is a revenue, January activity. Okay. I sending out an email to everyone who has bought a particular small offer in the past saying, Hey, because you joined the small offer, I'm launching this big program. This small offers me part of it. You can get X amount off of the bigger program because you are an existing customer of this offer. This is just, these are just a few ways you can do things. This is not obviously covering the entire gamut of opportunities to generate revenue in your business. But if you are like, what do I do now? What do I do? What do I create? How do I make the most of my time? These are six revenue generating activities that you can do to start really moving the needle in your business, even when you are short on time. I'm going to wrap up with that because because I am, because I'm really excited. I'm really excited about this. But I'm also really excited for you to see how it's all working and I'm actually going to be sharing in the wheat in the next week or so an opportunity to literally see behind the scenes of my business. Exactly how I'm building out these backend pathways. Because I'm really working now that I have my baby. I really want to spend as much time with him as I possibly can. So I really want to be able to show up, serve my clients like at 150% when I'm showing up at serving my clients and then be able to lean back and still make money even when I'm not working. And this is all part of my master plan. If you want to follow along with me, keep listening to the podcast, I'll be sharing it. On the podcast, I'll be sharing it on my Instagram stories. So follow me on Instagram, tag me when you're listening to this episode and let me know what landed with you. And If you want to grab them on viable marketing method. You can get it. If you're listening, you can get it this week for free inside the fall fleeing bundle. And if you're listening to this next week or the week after. You can hop in, it is going to be under. I think again, under$40, I believe at the check, I think it's$37. Yeah. So$37. But it's going to be. Really awesome. And you're gonna be able to see, but just that kind of hop into my funnel and to see exactly what I'm doing to move people into my world and give them more and more value in a really aligned, amazing just like really. Flowy sort of way. And I'm just so excited about this. I cannot wait. So I hear my baby. He is. Capeci as they say in Yiddish. I have to go feed him now. So I'm going to sign off and I'll see you back here next week. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.