Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
Hey there business moms! Welcome to my corner of the Internet. I'm Yael Bendahan - mom of 6, business coach for moms, host of the Raising Your Business Podcast and founder of CEO Mom Academy.
If you're tired of hustling day in and out trying to get your online biz to the income level you're dreaming of, hearing business advice that just WILL NOT work for your life as a mom (5 AM club, anyone? NOPE), and trying to figure out HOW to reach that "work less and earn more" holy grail that's been dangled in front of you since you first Googled "work at home ideas for moms"?
Well, that's about to change!
We help incredible business moms JUST LIKE YOU to go from struggling solopreneurs to Confident CEO Moms! Inside this show, we'll be diving into the highs and lows of raising your family AND building your business. I'm giving you my best strategies for working smarter, not harder - and building more leveraged income with content that converts, an offer suite that sells, and the systems to keep your business AND home running smoothly - well, most of the time!
Nothing is off the table! And to make it even better it won't just be me! I am bringing in some of my biz besties, mompreneurs & fellow industry leaders to give you their best stuff on building your business SUSTAINABLY!
If we haven’t met before, let me tell you a little bit of our backstory! I started my virtual assistant business as a mom of 4 little boys, just wanting to make an extra $1K a month to help support my family. After growing a 6-figure service based business, and having my 5th child (and first girl!) in 2020, I pivoted into coaching moms through building their businesses in a way that worked FOR their family. Multiple 6-figure years later (for me AND my clients), I want to share everything I know about raising a family while being an ambitious business owner!
For more on episodes, blogs, and ways we can help you visit www.yaelbendahan.com
I am so excited to connect with you - let's hang out on social:
IG: www.instagram.com/theyaelbendahan
Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
56. 5 Ways to Scale a Service-Based Business (Without Creating a Coaching Program)
Tired of hearing that coaching is the only path to scaling your service-based business? Let me guess - you love delivering your services but feel maxed out on time and energy. What if I told you there were multiple ways to scale without completely changing your business model?
If you're ready to ditch the "coaching or bust" mentality, this episode is going to rock your world.
In this episode, I'm pulling back the curtain on five proven ways to scale your service-based business (that don't require becoming a coach!). You'll discover:
- The service type that lets you serve more clients in less time (without sacrificing quality)
- Why creating strong boundaries and raising your rates go hand-in-hand with scaling
- How one of my clients turned a simple workshop into a thriving membership bringing in consistent revenue
- The sneaky way your perfectionism might be keeping you from hiring help (and what to do about it)
- My favorite strategy for creating front-end offers that naturally lead to your higher-ticket services
BONUS: I share a real example of how a $47 workshop generated nearly $30K in high-ticket sales!
Ready to scale your service-based business your way? I've got multiple ways to support you on your journey, whether you're aiming for your first six figures or ready to scale beyond. Head to the links below to explore working together in the Momentum Collective or the CEO Mom Mastermind. But don't wait - mastermind prices are increasing at the end of the year!
Don't forget to screenshot this episode, share it on social media and tag me for the chance to win a 1:1 Momentum coaching call with me 😀
📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix
🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage
💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $9 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers
✨Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.
💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan
So you get to offload. The things that are just taking up time for you things that are maybe getting in your way of making more sales and maybe you were pushing off making more sales because you're afraid of this. Maybe there are parts of what you do that you don't particularly enjoy. That someone can do. And half the time that's taking you and get it on fast and all you need to do is stay in your zone of genius Welcome to the Raising Your Business Podcast. I'm your host, Yael Ben Dahan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of six and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success you desire. And be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing business and motherhood, biz models that work for you, marketing simplicity and the mindset of a CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello? Hello, welcome back to the podcast. This is probably going to be a little bit interrupted because I have all my kids home. Long story short, we got a lot of holidays and this is one of them. And so I'm currently recording this. While nursing And that's, I don't know. It just feels very, it's very, it feels very aligned in CEO. Mom-ish in any case I wanted to discuss. Something that I feel like there's a lot of misconceptions about today. And that is scaling a service based business. And I think a lot of people think that the only way to scale a business. Is if you have a coaching business, right? It's like the easiest thing, skills coaching business. And I'm not going to argue that it's coaching business is relatively simple to scale. But. There are ways that you scale your services as well. And add on other streams of revenue. And that's what I helped. Some of my clients do inside of my mastermind. And that is what I want to share with you today. I'm really tired of people saying the only way to scale your businesses to create a high ticket coaching program. It is not, I was hitting 15, 20 K months as a service provider before I switched over to coaching. And there are so many ways for service product providers to scale their business. And my client, Katie reminded me that I needed to talk about this. And so I'm going to be talking about this today. The first thing I want to just share is. I'm speaking of my client, Katie. We work together. Back in 2020. Okay. So this was a long time ago. We worked together starting from the 2020. It's 2021. And she's been in my programs on and off, and she is currently in my mastermind. And back when should we work together? And my accelerator program in 2020. Katie created a workshop. She sold it live and she turned it on autopilot. And I remember her coming in and telling us that she just made her first couple of passive sales. Without any marketing, like someone came onto her Instagram. Checked out her LinkedIn bio and bought, and she is an expert in video short form video. In short form, video marketing, as well as messaging. And and she's just really fantastic and amazing. And. That actually was something that really. Like the idea of creating a workshop. Like really freak her out. And she said after she'd done it, after she created it, She was so exhausted. Like by the process of creating a workshop and downloading her information out of her brain, instead of just doing the work for our clients. But doing the workshop actually hosting a workshop and creating that. Digital product essentially. Made her realize that. She actually loved doing this. And. Inspired her to create her membership, which she currently has now called the trend report. And she now has eight membership. And so it is an additional her reels. Or not just real. It was really, it could be Tik TOK or YouTube shorts, but her short form video membership where she sends out trending audios and specific suggestions on and prompts on how to use them. In your marketing. Is an additional stream of revenue. Added on to the intensive. She delivers at her retainer services that she delivers. And so I just felt like I wanted to talk about this a little bit, because there are so many ways for service providers to scale your business up. If you feel you're hitting your limit. Work-wise if you're like, oh my gosh. One more client and I'm, it's just too much. Or like the clients they already have are taking up too much of my time. I don't want to bring on any more clients, but. I do want to increase my income. So I wanted to share it five different ways you can do that. And I just I'm really excited about this. So the first one is to productize your service. I'm gonna talk about that more. In an upcoming episode, but turning your best selling offer into a productized service. And that means there's a process and a system, which means you're going to know exactly how long things are going to take. You're going to know how many clients you can take on at one time. You're going to have airtight contracts and airtime. Eric T airtime. Airtight systems. And I'm going to, again, I'm going to talk about this in an upcoming episode, because we're going to dive deep into what exactly a product I service is what makes something a productized service, the pros and cons of a prototype service. And it's too deep to get into in this one episode because we're gonna be talking about just different ways to scale in general, but when you have a productized service, this enables you to create better boundaries. Okay. So switching to things like VIP days or one week packages. You're going to be offering it quicker, deliverable for your client in less time. Which means you can work less days per week and you can raise your weights because. If you were delivering something good and you're delivering something fast, you can raise your rates. Okay. Because. People will pay for not just the thing to get done, but the thing to get done well and quickly, and they'll pay more the quicker they get it done. If you can deliver the same quality of service without dragging it out for weeks and weeks, then that has been tastic. And that's what you should do. Okay. So speaking of raising your rates, if you do good work, if you have great testimonials. If you have proven results for your clients, raise your rates. Okay. Now, The truth is that when you raise your rates, you probably will have to upgrade your messaging. And you're going to be speaking to a different caliber of client. But that is okay. All right. Because. Again, the people who value their time more than their money. Are the ones who have money. And so you want to speak to those people and speak to you how fast you can get them results. And there are people who will pay for that. People will pay for speed. And it's freezing your rates. Those take a lot of mindset work. And you have to stand behind the res. Okay. Not just do it because someone in a Facebook group told you to raise your rates arbitrarily without really knowing what you do and without really knowing your results. If you can stand behind it, if you know that your results are proven, if you know that you can help them get a result of right now, that's relevant to what they need right now, you can solve a problem that is truly bothering them. All right. Or you can create something that is life-changing for them. You a hundred percent. Can raise your rates as long as it is aligned with the right person. So as an example I have a client right now who is moving into coaching. Okay. So this is regarding coaching, but this can work for services as well. She was charging. I don't even want to say how much he was charging for coaching, but it was a ridiculously low amount for one-to-one coaching. And she was telling me how she's having a really hard time selling our coaching packages. And I'm like, okay. Tell me about that. And she told me how much he was charging for coaching on a monthly basis. And I was a little bit horrified. And I said how much are you charging for your current service clients? Because she is actually working with freelance clients right now as well. And she told me, and the amount that she was charging for coaching was probably like a 10th month wise a 10th of what she was making, or even though even less than that. Less than a 10th of what she was making with her freelance clients. And I was like of course you're not. Selling your coaching. You don't even want to sell your coaching because why would you sell. Go to the trouble of getting a discovery call and convincing someone to buy something that is an actual fraction of what you could charge it. Freelance client. Okay. And she's making a good. 2 3, 4 or five K a month. From a freelance client. So I promise you, this is possible for you too. But the point is she was not behind her. Lower rate. She was just afraid to raise it. She was afraid to bring it up. But she was also self sabotaging because now she was not committed to selling the packages because she didn't freaking want to, it didn't excite her. Why would it excite her? To make a tiny drop in the bucket compared to what she can make with other clients. Whatever you choose, whatever you charge, you have Delta stand behind it and you have to really feel aligned with it. Whether it's raising your rates or whether maybe it's creating a smaller service that. Is a lower investment, right? It doesn't matter, but just doing it because you saw someone else doing it or doing it because someone on Facebook told you to do it. Or because someone just had to raise your rates and you're like, oh yeah, I should do that. No, you have to be totally aligned. But odds are, again, if you are an expert at what you do. If you've been doing this for a long time. You can raise. Your prices, the investment to work with you, and then create other offers that can bring people in that can still get them smaller results. For the people who are not quite ready to buy your higher ticket offers. And if you raise your rates, all right, and you have more profit margin, you can fourth, fourth wave scale, hire help. So depending on what you were charging, you can hire help to do the things that don't require your high level strategy work. And then you'll be able to take on more clients. So things to think about. If you are afraid of doing this. And I know that it could be a little scary to hire because, especially if you're doing it for the first time, it's not, it's a skill. Hiring is a scale. Delegating is a skill, but when you productize your service and again, I'm gonna talk about this again in a future episode, because this is like a whole deep dive. When you productize your service. You have systems. And the systems can be taught. And so odds are a lot of the work that you're doing does not necessarily need to be done a hundred percent by you. You can use. AI to help you. Things I tried to petite or Claude. Or you can hire someone to help you for.$20 an hour,$25 an hour. And it's still worth it because your hourly rate is going to be so much higher than that. And if you are offloading the stuff that you hate or things that take you too much time. You're going to end up doing more project management than actual creation. And. That might be good, or that might be bad. Maybe you want to hire someone to manage the projects entirely because you just want to do the creation. That's also okay. Maybe you want to not be doing as much as the creation, you want to stick to the strategy and then do you just review. The work of your team members. So you get to offload. The things that are just taking up time for you things that are really just. Maybe getting in your way of making more sales and maybe you were pushing off making more sales because you're afraid of this. Maybe there are parts of what you do that you don't particularly enjoy. That someone can do. And half the time that's taking you and get it on fast and all you need to do is stay in your zone of genius. And my, my client, one of my clients right now is hiring a VA to help her host a few collaborative projects. Set. She can stick to the marketing of it, which she loves and the connecting with the collaborators. She also loves and offload the admin stuff. We're just taking her a lot of time when she frankly does not really have the time for. You can hire help and. I guess a kind of a foray, right? Because of so four A's hire help. If Warby is also automating more things. The more things you can automate, and again, this can only happen if your services are productized, because if you were creating a custom offer custom service for every single person, but it's very hard to automate stuff like that. You can't really automate customization. The best thing you can do is productize the service and the delivery itself, and then automate the parts that are the same every single time. And then leave room for customization. Within the details. So you're not creating like a different type of project for each person you're creating the same type of project for each person, but you are going to be customizing the content of each project, if that makes sense. Between automating and hiring help. Those two things can help you scale because you are now saving yourself five hours a week, 10 hours a week, 20 hours a week, and you can take on more clients and make more money. And you can also offload the things that you don't particularly enjoy doing, or you're not very good at doing. And enable you to scale further because you're not afraid of growing because sometimes we are actually afraid of growing too much because that means we have to do more of this. Definitely. We don't enjoy. And even though it comes along with the stuff that we do enjoy doing the stuff we don't enjoy is enough of a deterrent that we actually are. Self-sabotaging like my client who was sabotaging her discovery calls with her coaching clients. So I think it's really important thing to think about as well. So if you aren't bringing on new clients, you're having a hard time closing clients. What are you what does taking on new clients entail for you? Is it, could it be that you are actually stopping yourself from bringing on those clients? And the last way to scale. We discussed productizing your service. We discussed creating a better boundaries. We discussed raising your rates. We discussed hiring help and automating, and the last way, and it's not the last way, but this is just the fifth way for today. But the fifth way is creating a front end, offer that upsells to your service or offer. So this enables you to scale your time when it comes to lead generation. Now. This is what essentially what Katie did, right? This. My client, Katie created a workshop and in her workshop, she up-sold people to her intensives. And you can very easily create a workshop. That brings in five figures of income per month, by having it naturally lead to your customization, which will be higher ticket in the workshop. So you can start running ads to this workshop, or you can. I run ads to a freebie, a lead magnet, and use this as the trip wire and invite people to book a call with you on the backend boom, instant leverage income besides for your client revenues. So you're making money from this other stream of income, and you're also using it as a way to qualify people and actually get paid leads in the door. And I will tell you that I had a productized coaching package, a product I's group coaching program. And I use a front end workshop for$47 and sold almost$30,000 off the back of that workshop. So people who paid me between$27 and$47. Ended up paying me. Over it was between, I think it was$7,500,$10,000 just within a few days. So it is really possible for you. I just wanted to give you a bunch of these ideas, because I think that it's important to realize that coaching is not the only answer. And you actually can scale beyond services. If you'd like to walk into doing, do the stuff that you enjoy doing. If you like doing your services, then great keep doing it and you can scale it in so many different ways. So if there's only one thing you take away today is that running a coaching business is not the only way to grow your multi-six-figure business. In fact, right now, specificity is selling more than ever. And so our done for you services. So if you're ready to scale your service based business and add on more streams of revenue. There are a few ways to work with me in the description below. If you want to get to your first six figures, CEO, mom academy is the place to be. I teach you how to create your productized service in there and market it and sell it out. If you want more support, as you are getting to six figures, and you really want to start building that offer suite from the ground up so that you can scale very easily beyond your productized service, Then the momentum collective is my mini mastermind and you're getting so much support for me. And it was like the best place to start. If you want ongoing support. And addition to the, my entire product suite. So in my entire CEO, mom's suite of offers, you get access to that, including CEO, mom academy, plus coaching for me a few times a month. And an amazing community of women. And if you are already at six figures or you've gotten to five figure months before, and you really want to make it more consistent and scale beyond six figures in 20, 25 and beyond. And. you want to really get my eyes on every part of your business and partner together. To do it. Then the CEO on mastermind is the place for you. This is the highest and closest way to work with me besides from my extremely limited one-to-one spots. And I literally only have a couple of spots available at a time. So if you want to work with me to partner together to scale your business beyond six figures in a way that is. Leveraged and really aligned with your family life and lets you grow your business while you're nursing your babies. And. Anything of the sort if you're not in the baby stage right now, and you're just with your kids. Allows you to do that, then the CEO, my mastermind is for you. This is the best way to work with me, aside from one-to-one and my which one. So super limited. So if you want to find out more about the mastermind, the links are below. Check it out. If you have any questions about it, just shoot me a message in Instagram. I would love to see you in there. I left field to answer your questions. The price, the investment of the mastermind is going to be going up at the end of the year. So if you want to really just get in the door. Get yourself onboarded and ready to hit the ground running in 2025. This is your chance. This is your time. Make sure to check it out. I'm really excited to talk next week. A little more about productized services and I am going to be sharing something new and exciting at the end of that episode. So keep an ear out for that. And I'll see you next time. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.