Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
Hey there business moms! Welcome to my corner of the Internet. I'm Yael Bendahan - mom of 6, business coach for moms, host of the Raising Your Business Podcast and founder of CEO Mom Academy.
If you're tired of hustling day in and out trying to get your online biz to the income level you're dreaming of, hearing business advice that just WILL NOT work for your life as a mom (5 AM club, anyone? NOPE), and trying to figure out HOW to reach that "work less and earn more" holy grail that's been dangled in front of you since you first Googled "work at home ideas for moms"?
Well, that's about to change!
We help incredible business moms JUST LIKE YOU to go from struggling solopreneurs to Confident CEO Moms! Inside this show, we'll be diving into the highs and lows of raising your family AND building your business. I'm giving you my best strategies for working smarter, not harder - and building more leveraged income with content that converts, an offer suite that sells, and the systems to keep your business AND home running smoothly - well, most of the time!
Nothing is off the table! And to make it even better it won't just be me! I am bringing in some of my biz besties, mompreneurs & fellow industry leaders to give you their best stuff on building your business SUSTAINABLY!
If we haven’t met before, let me tell you a little bit of our backstory! I started my virtual assistant business as a mom of 4 little boys, just wanting to make an extra $1K a month to help support my family. After growing a 6-figure service based business, and having my 5th child (and first girl!) in 2020, I pivoted into coaching moms through building their businesses in a way that worked FOR their family. Multiple 6-figure years later (for me AND my clients), I want to share everything I know about raising a family while being an ambitious business owner!
For more on episodes, blogs, and ways we can help you visit www.yaelbendahan.com
I am so excited to connect with you - let's hang out on social:
IG: www.instagram.com/theyaelbendahan
Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
58. 8 Ways to Turn What You're ALREADY Doing as a CEO Mom Into More Fun, Flow and Revenue
Ever feel like you're working harder than you need to? As busy moms, we're already doing SO many things - what if we could make each activity work double (or triple!) duty for us?
If you're nodding along while folding yet another load of laundry (that could totally be content, by the way!), this episode is for YOU.
In this episode, recorded during naptime (because #momlife), I'm breaking down 8 surprising things you're already doing that could be bringing you more flow, fun, and funds in your business. From housework to client calls, discover how to leverage everyday activities for maximum impact.
You'll learn:
- The sneaky way to turn your morning coffee routine into powerful marketing content
- How to leverage your frameworks to create multiple income streams (without extra work!)
- Why documenting your client experience could be your best marketing tool
- My secret for turning housework into productive business time (without feeling guilty!)
- The unexpected way I use exercise to grow my business (while actually being present)
If you're ready to stop working harder and start working smarter, this episode is your blueprint for leveraging what you're already doing for bigger results.
Ready to create more leverage in your business while staying present with your family? I have 3 spots open in my CEO Mom Mastermind this month, and I'm offering an exclusive bonus to the next three visionary CEO moms who join: a strategic 1:1 intensive valued at $1,500! We'll perform a luxury audit of your offers, unveil hidden premium positioning opportunities, and create sustainable revenue streams that honor both your income goals and family lifestyle.
Apply now through the link below to see if you're a fit! The investment WILL be increasing in the near future.
Stuff I Mentioned:
The CEO Mom Mastermind – Three spots this month for high-touch coaching that helps you build a profitable, sustainable biz without sacrificing time with your family. The next 3 CEO Moms to join get a bonus 1:1 intensive! Apply here.
- Stand Out & Sell – Want your own signature framework to make business *so* much easier? Grab
📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix
🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage
💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $9 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers
✨Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.
💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan
You can document as you're working on things behind the scenes for the offer. So you're checking slack or your Facebook group. You're making new videos for your curriculum. You're updating your onboarding. And you can also document clips of your process and create a reel that walks through it with a voiceover. So you can essentially have a piece of content. That's a catalog or like a business card for the offer. Welcome to the Raising Your Business Podcast. I'm your host, Yael Ben Dahan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of six and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success you desire. And be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing business and motherhood, biz models that work for you, marketing simplicity and the mindset of a CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Welcome back to the podcast. This episode is brought to you by naptime with a title. Okay. But I think that's actually a cool, that's actually a cool little intro. Nap time within a tunnel with I Alvin. I am really excited about this episode because I did a post about this a while ago, and people really loved it. And I thought it'd be great to listen to as well. So this is eight things that I leverage in my life, and my business that you probably are not for more flow, fun and funds. And my goal for you is to walk away with at least one tangible thing. You're going to leverage to create one of these things this week. Ready. Okay. Okay, let's go. Before I dive in. I do want to share with you that. This is something that I covered with my mastermind clients in depth. I talk with them a lot about how to take what they're already doing and make it work for them. I have three spots open this month. For new mastermind clients and my CEO, my mastermind. And I'm going to be offering an exclusive bonus to the next three visionary CEO moms. Who joined this intimate high touch mastermind. I like to say we're premium pricing and profitable programs. Meet, present, parenting, try saying that three times fast. This is not just another business program. This is your invitation to join an elite circle of moms who refuse to choose between seven figure ambitions and bedtime stories. They want all of it. They want both, they want to be there with their family and also make crap tons of money. Excuse me. And. When you join, you will get eight bonus one-to-one strategic intensive, valued at$1,500. Or we are going to perform a luxury audit of your offers. We're going to unveil hidden premium positioning opportunities and really sustainable revenue streams. I think the. The key for me right now is sustainability. I want sustainability in my business. And I know you want that too, because you cannot other business that you cannot sustain for the longterm. I want you to create your signature at 2025 promotional calendar that honors both your income goals and the family lifestyle that you desire to live. We'll develop your distinct industry voice. And messaging that positions you as that category of one. And we're going to design your suite of magnetic hooks and angles that sell your offers effortlessly. That is what we can do in this one-to-one intensive. And you will get a bonus intensive. When you joined the CEO, my mastermind this month. Now the investment will be going up. I haven't decided exactly what month it will be going up, but definitely within the next three to six months. This is your chance to jump in. This is an extremely high touch experience that is specifically curated for established entrepreneurs who are really ready to elevate their business to CEO status. They are ready to go all in on their business and also all in on their motherhood. And so I want to invite you to, if you are interested, Shoot the application through the link isn't description below. Get your application in is not a commitment. And it's just a way for me to see where you currently are in your business. But if you're looking to expand. Your revenue in 2025, you want to really add on more leveraged income streams. You don't want to be doing, one-to-one maybe anymore, or maybe you want to add. Other revenue streams to your business. Like my client, Catherine, who is completely booked out with her one-to-one but she wants to add. More passive products and templates to her revenue streams. And this is for you. Just shoot your application through and we can have a conversation in the DMS on Instagram or Facebook, wherever you choose. To to see if it is a good fit. And if you can be one of these three special ladies. Okay. So let's dive in. So as a busy mom of six kiddos, thank God and a business mentor for CEO moms. I'm all about efficiency. So I'm always looking at everything through the lens of, okay, how can I leverage this for something else? Or how can I make the most out of this? So here are seven things that I capitalize on in my day-to-day life, both of my life and my business that make me more productive and help me enjoy life more. Or make me more money. Okay. So if you were all for that screenshot, this sharing Instagram stories. Tell me what your biggest priorities are, what you are looking to grow your business for in 2025, I'm really excited to hear so. The first thing I leverage are my frameworks. So I have multiple frameworks that I use in my curriculum. When I coach my clients and really throughout my entire business. And I'm always creating new things like right now, as I'm building up my baby proof, your business course. Which is all about how to create a business that you can build a profitable maternity leave. I have now my baby proof business framework. And I have all these little pieces where Where there's there's seven basic steps to the baby proof business. Methods framework. I haven't come up with a name for it quite yet, but the basic idea is I now can take this and use this in so many different ways. So here are a few ways that I use them. And you should, too. If you have a signature framework and if you don't have a signature framework yet I will link below to stand out and sell. This is my mini course on exactly how to create your signature framework that helps you stand out in your industry. And really just helps create so much more just uniqueness about you and will also help streamline your business. I'll help you run your business. We'll help you streamline your marketing. There's so many things that seem to refer can do, so I will just link up below so you can see everything you can do for you. This was a challenge. Then you're running quite a few times. It got so much love. People had so many breakthroughs from this, and I want you to have this too. So if you don't have a signature framework yet checkout stand out and sell. How can you use your signature framework? How can you leverage your signature framework in your business? Number one is using them as content pillars to make marketing simpler. It is very easy to. It. It is very easy to take your framework steps. All the pieces of your framework and then turn them into your content pillars. And this will the cool thing about this is it really just leads people back to exactly what you do at least people directly to your offer because you're using your signature frameworks in your offer. So creating a call to action for these kinds of posts and emails and whatever using. And make it very simple to get those calls to action because everything will natural. Naturally lead back to your offer. You can also use them to brainstorm and create offers. So you can take one framework and turn it into one big offer, or you can pull pieces out each part and turn them into individual smaller ones. As an example, what am I? CEO mom's method. Pillars is mindset. So I created my mindset makeover, right? So you can literally take it to break out into multiple different smaller offers, or you can create one bigger offer using the entire framework. You can also use your frameworks to create marketing assets, like webinars, quizzes, and assessments. It's so much easier to do this when you have a framework to work off of like I could very easily. And I think I plan on doing this it's on my list. Create an assessment for my CEO about his method. Like what part of the yeoman's method are you missing? Where's your gap and what do you need to work on next? So that really shows people that they, number one, that they have a gap. They may not realize they have a gap and number two, that I can help them fill that gap with my methods. Okay. The second thing is things that are happening in my life. Okay. So I'm talking about the day-to-day things, as well as the big deal ones. From having my coffee in the morning to announcing my pregnancy, anything that's really happening in my life I can leverage. So the first thing you can do is document it for B roll, right? You're already doing it. You may as well turn it into content right now at this very moment. I'm sitting here recording this podcast and have my phone next to me. And I'm recording a little snippet of me, a little video of me recording this podcast on the floor with my baby monitor next to me, like literally. Digging into exactly what my CEO mom life looks like. And I will use this. I'll use little clips of it in maybe day in the life reels, or maybe I'll just use it as a background for a seven second B roll. I don't know, but the point is you already doing it, you may as well document it and turn it into content. The second thing is figuring out how I can tie it into my business. So for example, so I had my upcoming baby, and so I did a birthday sales event. Or when I talk about taking a maternity leave, I'll be like, okay, so let me talk about my baby. And here's my maternity leave course, right? It would be that's a pretty simple. That's a pretty simple way to do it, but. If you are, if you're a birthday, you could do a birthday sale. If it's holidays coming up. You can talk about taking time off, right? So there's so many ways you can just leverage what's already happening in your life and tie it into your business. Whether it's you create sales with. Whether to create promotional opportunities. And the last part is embodiment marketing. So consider this, how exactly does my day-to-day speak to my ideal client? And what they want. So here's an example. My ideal clients. Clients value, the big opportunities like taking family vacations because they have loads of money, but they also value the simplicity of being able to be present for their children and start the morning slow. Or just, walk slowly to daycare with their child or preschool with their child without having to rush, rush on their way to. To an office. So how do I show that in my Instagram stories, in my reels, I can show my morning coffee. Let me just sitting with my daughter, having breakfast together. Me walking with her today to preschool, right? Like literally that's it. I want you to consider what in your day-to-day life. Really speaks to what you are embodying, what you value and what you teach, what you help people do. Okay. As an example, you could be like here, I am sitting on the floor playing my baby and a little notification pops up and someone just came into my funnel and bought. The main offer and the order. Bump. So yay. Here's just. A random sale happening on a random Wednesday afternoon. Okay. That is embodiment because if you help people build. Funnels. And you help people create leverage offers. We help people create leveraged income. This is a really great embodiment. Of what you teach. The next thing is pop culture. Okay. So a great example of this was my bridge written podcast episode, right? So I had an entire, I had an entire document of entrepreneurship lessons that you can learn from places like Harry Potter or entrepreneurship lessons you can learn from Hamilton. And I'm always going to ask myself, how can I take what's going on in the world or a popular songs or trends and piggyback off of it. So the first thing you could do is figure out how you can tie it back to your offers and your ideal client. Maybe aligned from a Taylor swift song speaks to you. And what what you stand for, oh, it's me high on the problem. It's me. Like where are you the problem where you creating a problem in your business, where are you creating your own? Roadblock, the entrepreneur Barbie trend a while back is other example of this and the Barbie movie came out. Everyone was watching the Barbie movie. Everyone was into the Barbie movie. Amazing. Now lets you know. Let's capitalize on that. This entrepreneur Barbie does this entrepreneur Barbara does that. I always thought that was a really cool take. And I was never really into the Barbie movie, so I never really jumped on that trend, but you can honestly jump on any. Popular current pop culture situation that's going on right now. I think people. I'm seeing people talk about, different areas in their business. Inspired by the era's tour of Taylor swift. Notice how they're marketing. So I had gotten my son, my best ideas from learning marketing technique, from brands that are outside of my industry because. Because if you're just using the same stuff that everyone else is using. Okay, great. But if you are looking at how someone just launched a book or how they just launched a new album, or how they launched the new Netflix show, you can learn so many lessons from that. And actually talk about that again, in my Bridgeton podcast episode. So make sure to check that out if you have not listened to it already, because it is a great, it is a great episode. There are a lot of lessons you can learn from how they launched and marketed Bridgeton. And newsjacking right. How can I take recent news and apply it to something that my ideal client is thinking about? So my own marketing, that is the next thing. You're already marketing. You're already doing it. How can you leverage it more? So things like reusing and repurposing emails and posts when you're not up to creating new things. I have folders full of posts and emails organized by year, month and topic. So it makes it really simple to pull old posts that sill absolutely smash it. I literally it's like I have. Mapped out by each document is a week and a specific theme or topic. So if I'm like, Ooh, I want to talk about investing in yourself. I will literally just look for investing in yourself. I'll search in that folder. And I come up with three different documents, all about investing in yourself. I can just pick and choose. And he posts from there and, maybe revamp it a little bit for what's going on right now and then post it. My podcast can become pieces of micro content. Even, I don't have time or energy to create something new. And this is a really, this is where you can use AI and it really awesome and ethical way. I don't like using AI to brainstorm everything for you and just use it instead of your own brain, because. You're not going to have anything that's super personalized. You're not going to really stand out if you're using AI to think for you, however, you can take the thoughts and the, your expertise that you already have. And and you can use AI to turn it into multiple pieces of content. You can use the I too, right now I'm taking my podcast episodes. And my content for my programs. And I'm literally taking, using Claude to. to. brainstorm and write evergreen newsletters, small evergreen newsletters that I can use as a quick strategic tip. And then a CTA to one of my offers. And I'm going to obviously update it, change it. It's not, I'm not going to, I'm not going to copy and paste it directly into my emails and be like, okay, go because they do not know how to write exactly like me. I will probably change things around change little details. And he puts something in a different way than the way they put it because they don't, they. I don't speak like me, but it gives me a really great place to work from already. I can also play parts for my CEO, mom, confidential, weekly newsletter, and I can reuse them either in future newsletters or as individual posts. And if you're not on my list yet, and you want the newsletter just sign up for any of my freebies and you'll get on my list and you will be added to the newsletter. I share so many things in there. That like I have a quick wind tip. I have quick strategies. I have I have roundups of things that I'm loving. So there's so many things they can take from there and use as standalone posts. So you're already doing your marketing. How can you leverage it more? The next thing is your client experience, right? So you might be like I'm already doing stuff. I'm already doing stuff with my clients. So like, how can I that's just boring. It's just the stuff that I do every day. However, okay. Is actually not boring at all because showing behind the scenes. Of your client experience can actually market your offers for you. All right. So here are five ways that you can drive. Traffic and interest. To your existing offers. By documenting what you're already doing. In that offer. So after you get off a sales call or a conversation with a potential client, you can write down what questions did they ask? What part of the program did you highlight? And you can talk about that in your content or in your stories. After you get off a coaching call with, with your clients and. And in a program that you're running or a consulting call with your one-to-one client. After delivering your service, whatever it is, you can describe, how did it go? What it was like, what you went over before and after what kind of questions were asked, you can share screenshots of client wins from that program or from that service, you can turn their screenshot into a mini case study for post, Hey, here's how she got this result. So here's a behind the scenes of this screenshot. You can document as you're working on things behind the scenes for the offer. So you're checking slack or your Facebook group. You're making new videos for your curriculum. You're updating your onboarding. And you can also document clips of your process and create a reel that walks through it with a voiceover. So you can essentially have a piece of content. That's a catalog or like a business card for the offer. I actually did this for my intensives for my 60 minute intensives. Actually it was sorry, my 90 minute intensive. I did this in a, I did this in a An Instagram story, but I'm like, I should really just turn this into a post by itself. Literally like here, I'm walking you through exactly what happens in a 90 minute intensive with me. And I just behind the scenes of an intensive step one, step two, step three. And here's what you can see behind the scenes. And, and I literally just scroll through an example of the intensive document that I created with her, with all the hooks and angles. And I mapped out her entire office, suite, everything like that. So I was already doing that anyway, and then I just turned it into content. All right. Another example, like right now, I'm actually going to be doing this today, so you're getting a little behind the scenes. So I just created a new newsletter for my clients in my mastermind. So what I did was every month at the beginning of the month, I would send out a newsletter kind of like a Roundup of here are all the days that are coming up. Here are the calls that are coming up. Here are things you need to know. A link to our ad event calendar, a link to the the portal that they get access to just like a Roundup and a reminder of everything that they have access to all the support they have access to. Here's where you can ask questions. Here's where you can submit for audits. But I was inspired by my coach Taylor Slingo and. I decide to make it a little more elaborate. So now I've added things like around, up of last month's calls, right? In case they didn't make it. The last one's calls. I linked directly to the calls and what we talked about. I. I share a client wins that are happening inside of the group. I also have a section where I share all the resources that I shared in the mastermind recently, because they may have missed it. They. I may have missed it in the chats now. I'm like I'm rounding it all up into one place. And and I'm also sharing some behind the scenes strategy stuff. Things that I am personally doing. In my business behind the scenes. Giving a little, giving a little context and I'm like, feel free to ask me any questions about this if you'd like. So this is a really great opportunity for me to literally just screenshot this. Maybe I'll screenshot the resources I'm going to do that. I'm gonna do that today. Maybe screenshot the resources that I shared in the mastermind this month and be like, Hey, if you want stuff like this, I'm giving, I put all my best stuff into my CEO, my mastermind. So jump in now, if you want access to this kind of stuff, right. This is a really great opportunity, again, to take what you're already doing for your clients. Anyway. And share it and turn it into marketing for your offer. The next thing is housework. Okay. This is a little bit different. But as a CEO mom, obviously I do a lot of housework. So I used to have a cleaner at once a week. Veneta. So I'm already doing it or I'm already outsourcing it. So how can I make that? Make the most of the housework that is already existed? Number one is I used to have a cleaner once a week. I don't have her anymore. I miss her. She broke her arm. So she, so I used to have a cleaner once a week for heavy stuff. So I used to make the most of her coming by working in my living room after she left. So I can enjoy that clean space for a few hours before my kids came home and it made me feel so abundant and expansive here I am. The sparkling shiny house. This makes me feel like such a rich mom. Oh, I love it so much. And it just made me feel good. Okay. When I'm doing housework. I use a time that I'm doing low mental energy tasks to either consume trainings, or podcasts or brainstorming, outline content via voice note. Or sometimes I will also coach my clients in telegram or Voxer. While I'm doing housework, as long as I'm not doing something very loud, like dishes I will coach my clients. If I'm doing dishes. And then, and if you're my friend, you will get boxers with me doing dishes in the background. But I don't do this with my clients because I feel like they need a slightly higher unexperienced. Been hearing dishes clinking around. But if I'm walking right from out and walking, then I'll maybe I'll coach my clients and helicopter then, or drop an audio. You can also document it for B roll. You're already doing it. You may as well. I've done. Time-lapse videos of me tidying up and I've used it as a background video for my reels. I've also used it as while I'm doing Instagram stories. I literally just showed, this is my life as a CEO mom here, I am doing laundry with one hand, holding my baby in one arm, doing laundry with the other. I brought my phone up next to me and I just talked to the screen. I taught, sharing what I'm doing that day, sharing a little mini training, whatever that is. Again, I'm already doing it. I also will do it with one of my kids as an opportunity to connect. So I'm going to doing housework. I may as well, just use it as an opportunity to do it with my children. And I like to not do housework and my kids are, when my baby's napping or when I'm. I had time to myself because I don't like to waste that time, just cleaning things. So I will do it with my kids around. So my, my four year old daughter. Loves folding towels. So I'll sit down and I'll fold the laundry and I'll give all the towels in the pile and. We'll pull the towels and she feels like a big girl, or or, I'll organize something with my kids. My kids love organizing things, so we'll organize something together. So that's another way I leverage it. Not for business, but just as a Mo. Okay. My existing offers and launches. So if you already have things that you're selling, how can you maximize. More. So one example that you've probably heard before, this is not something new is pulling emails at work while in launches and putting them into your evergreen funnels. Obviously if it worked during the launch, It will probably work well in an evergreen funnel. Using existing offers to upsell people into the next step. So whether they're live or evergreen, So as an example, my mom Bible marketing method. Has invitations to upgrade to my CEO mama academy and into my cash converting content. Little up course, like it's like my mid ticket. CA content course. And and it's really just a part of my com academy that really stands really well alone as its own little course. I could basically say, okay, you want my own mom-viable marketing method for however much it was$33. I think. Great. Now maybe upgrade to the full content course. If someone's already buying something, that's a small piece of something else, then invite them to the full thing. You can also bundle smaller related, offer us together for cash injections. So as an example, I did a mindset and money bundle where I sold my cash injection bootcamp and my mindset makeover as a bundle. And you can turn small offers. Like I like, I, like I mentioned earlier turn smaller offers and too many front end funnels to turn more leads to buyers and you can let your buyers apply their purchase towards higher level offers. Or get a specific coupon towards your higher level offer. So if you do a big sale, for example they could say, okay, you have until the, Was he a black Friday sale? You have until the end of the year to apply everything you spend in the black Friday sale towards my high level mastermind, because you get access to everything anyway, and the mastermind, right? So that's a good, that's a good opportunity to that's a good opportunity to basically say, Hey, you already bought all this stuff. You want to join the mastermind? I'll cancel it out. If you upgrade within the next 30 days or 60 days. You can be even more intentional, specifically pull existing pieces out of a curriculum. Like I did it with my mom Bible marketing method. As samplers or teasers, and you can embed a coupon code in the portal. They can use to redeem their purchase towards the offer that it came from. If you're a service provider and you're already creating tools or templates for your clients, you can just sell them on their own. My client Katherine is doing this right now. She is a OBM for architects. I think it's eight AEC professionals. I think. I see. I forgot. But architects, interior designers, things like that. And so she is literally taking her templates, her existing, Asana templates and and proposal templates and all kind of templates that she's already using with her existing clients and turning them into products that she's selling. You can also show behind the scenes of what you're doing. So either you can either. Just as a free offer. Or is it paid one so people can take what you're doing and learn directly from it. Okay. Someone, I know Lizzie got her and she did this thing like a week in the life, like Lizzie's week or something. And I was thinking, oh, I should do that. Maybe just a week of life of your L and just document everything I'm doing and people can buy it for$7 or something, and just literally see in a Google doc. Everything I do in a week for my family, for my business. And they could see what my life looks like is something I've been thinking about doing, but I don't know if I can commit to doing it. Like really documenting everything as I'm doing it. Cause it's a lot of work, but I think it could be. Really valuable for people to really see. So maybe I will do it maybe in a less busy time of year. Okay, exercise. How do you leverage exercise? So I find it harder to prioritize workouts and I'm feeling really busy. So here's how I make the most of my time while I move my body. So right now I have a baby. And it's hard to, to it's hard to, exercise with a baby, especially if they don't like when you put them down. But I really try to do workouts that are short and impactful while he's awake, because I don't want to use his nap time to work out. Cause I wanted to use it to work right. So I will use him as my weight. I've literally done this. I've literally held him for an entire workout and just use him as my weight doing squats, lunges. Just doing like lifts and it's long way back and lifting them up and down to work my arms. So you can actually leverage your baby. If you have a baby or your children. In your exercise and spend time with them and he loved it. He thought it was the most fun thing ever. In fact, it really relaxed. And we did it right before his nap. And then he went down for his nap so nicely because he was so relaxed from being just held and swayed around and moved around. While I was exercising. Also, if I'm out, I'm walking. Or I'm working out. I will listen to trainings or read a book on my Kindle while I do it, I like to, I read while I do things. If I'm doing pushups, I, if I have a book in front of me, I can forget myself and do a few extra pushups so I can read while I'm doing pretty much anything. That's a whole other story. Coaching client and telegram while you walk. So warning, this is harder to do with the summer, and it's hard to do when you're pregnant or you're walking uphill because you're breathing really hard. So just keeping that in mind. But I like, it's a great opportunity to tap into my coaching containers and see what questions people are asking and record. Audio is while I'm doing my Walker, whatever it is. I'm adding breath. At work to your cool downs, you can go into your Workday in a more regulated state. How can you make the most of your thing? Turn your exercise into self care at breath work, specific breath, work to your cool down. An extra 10 minutes, literally an extra 10 minutes, and now you've put yourself into a more regulated state and I can go into your Workday feeling better in a more just a more aligned. Attitude and state for what you actually want to be doing, which is really stepping into that identity as you, as a CEO mom, as that As that, abundant, incredible human that you are. And also, this is an opposite sort of thing, but see if you can take the time, even five minutes of the workout or 10 minutes of the workout to completely shut your brain down and practice being fully present. There's something I'm really working on because I'm almost, I have ADHD. I'm almost incapable of doing only one thing at a time. So I really try to I really try to find where I can be more present. And my day. So like when I'm nursing my baby, I'm usually on my phone, I'm reading a book. I'm listening to a training. So I try to sit okay, when while I'm nursing a baby, I'm going to take five minutes. I'm going to just look at him and just soak it in, just so can, how much I love this and how much I love nursing him, how much I'm enjoying, spending time with him. So try to find times while you're doing heavy body related things to really just like step into it and just let it take over your body and not do something else at the same time. That's like an, almost like an opposite of what I'm saying, because I'm saying actually don't do two things at once. Don't leverage it more, but leverage it to be more present. I'm really working on that. It's a work in progress. So do we just a few of these things. I have created results for me, allowed me to take a maternity leave because I had content that was being repurposed for me. I had entire launches that were repurposed for me when I was on my maternity leave with my daughter. That might be ages posted and I made money. It was so much fun. This allowed me to create a five figure black Friday that paid for my son's bar mitzvah. Okay. Because I leveraged off that I already had to turn into an offer party. This brought people into my world from free to a$47 products and turn them into five figure clients. Okay. This stuff is really powerful. This is not just, this is not just like suggestions. These are all things that I've actually done in my life. Okay. So I want you to. If you've been listening, if you've been taking notes you can think about this whole list and let me know it's on Instagram again, screenshot this and share this with me. Share your Instagram stories, or you can just share it with me in the DMS. What can you currently leverage in your life to maximize the results? It doesn't have to be big. But every small step towards making the most of what you're already doing can make a very big. difference for you in the long run. So again, I invite you to apply for the CMO. I'm a mastermind. If you feel called you feel like this is the right place for you. I really am committed to making this the most high-level supported space. For a CEO, moms who want to create that leverage sustainable business and continue to build their family and spend time with their family as they are growing and creating huge amounts of income. So if you have any questions about it Or if you want to just pre-application through and I will reach out to you directly on Instagram or Facebook. And we can have a conversation. Just put your application in. It's not a huge commitment. It just lets me know where you're at so I can help you in the best way possible. I'm really excited. I love this podcast episode. This is, I geek out over this kind of thing, and I'm really excited. to share this with you. So let me know how you liked it. And let me know which ideas this sparked for you. All right, I'll see you next time. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.