Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
Hey there business moms! Welcome to my corner of the Internet. I'm Yael Bendahan - mom of 6, business coach for moms, host of the Raising Your Business Podcast and founder of CEO Mom Academy.
If you're tired of hustling day in and out trying to get your online biz to the income level you're dreaming of, hearing business advice that just WILL NOT work for your life as a mom (5 AM club, anyone? NOPE), and trying to figure out HOW to reach that "work less and earn more" holy grail that's been dangled in front of you since you first Googled "work at home ideas for moms"?
Well, that's about to change!
We help incredible business moms JUST LIKE YOU to go from struggling solopreneurs to Confident CEO Moms! Inside this show, we'll be diving into the highs and lows of raising your family AND building your business. I'm giving you my best strategies for working smarter, not harder - and building more leveraged income with content that converts, an offer suite that sells, and the systems to keep your business AND home running smoothly - well, most of the time!
Nothing is off the table! And to make it even better it won't just be me! I am bringing in some of my biz besties, mompreneurs & fellow industry leaders to give you their best stuff on building your business SUSTAINABLY!
If we haven’t met before, let me tell you a little bit of our backstory! I started my virtual assistant business as a mom of 4 little boys, just wanting to make an extra $1K a month to help support my family. After growing a 6-figure service based business, and having my 5th child (and first girl!) in 2020, I pivoted into coaching moms through building their businesses in a way that worked FOR their family. Multiple 6-figure years later (for me AND my clients), I want to share everything I know about raising a family while being an ambitious business owner!
For more on episodes, blogs, and ways we can help you visit www.yaelbendahan.com
I am so excited to connect with you - let's hang out on social:
IG: www.instagram.com/theyaelbendahan
Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
60. From Invisible to Irresistible: How to Sell Transformations Your Clients Can't See (Yet)
Have you ever felt like selling the transformation you give your clients is like describing a sunset to someone who's never seen one? When creating powerful results for your clients feels impossible to package into a neat, marketable offering, it can be frustrating and overwhelming. Today, I'm sharing exactly how to make your intangible transformation tangible and irresistible to your ideal clients.
Can you relate to feeling like you can't sell ROI the same way business coaches do? Or struggling to show before and after results like weight loss coaches?
Here's the truth: Even the most profound transformations have tangible signs of change. I've helped countless clients articulate their value and sell their transformational work confidently, and today I'm showing you exactly how.
In this episode, I'm sharing:
- The "Zucchini Muffin Method" for selling transformation
- How to identify physical and emotional signs of transformation in your clients
- Why articulating your process actually showcases your expertise
- My system for tracking and documenting intangible changes
- How to make invisible impact visible in your client's daily life
- Real examples of turning abstract concepts into concrete results
This episode is perfect for you if:
- You struggle to explain your transformational work and are tired of hearing "sell the destination" when your destination feels hard to describe
- You want to make your invisible impact visible
- You believe in your work but struggle to communicate its value
🔥 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: There are still a few spots open for my CEO Mom Mastermind that include a bonus 1:1 onboarding call (valued at $2,000) when you join before the end of November. We'll map out your entire 2025 plan together!
Plus, keep an eye out for our upcoming Black Friday sale with multiple opportunities to work together!
Connect with Me: Instagram: @yaelbendahan
Related Episodes:
Resources Mentioned:
- Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind and get a bonus 1:1 intensive (normally $20
📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix
🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage
💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $9 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers
✨Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.
💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan
I want you to think about how does the intangible stuff manifest in tangible ways in their life. Yes, having a regulated nervous system is very intangible. How do you know you have regulated nervous system? So I would ask yourself that question, how would they now know that they're, that they have changed? How can they literally like. Like hone in on that signal that they have changed, what signs are showing up in their life, that show that things have changed for them. Welcome to the Raising Your Business Podcast. I'm your host, Yael Ben Dahan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of six and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success you desire. And be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing business and motherhood, biz models that work for you, marketing simplicity and the mindset of a CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hey there. Welcome back to the podcast. I am so excited about today's episode. I've actually been thinking about talking about this for a long time. Since a conversation I had with a client literally last year, and I don't know why it got pushed off til now, but. I think it's such an important thing to talk about. And. It's something that used to drive me. Absolutely crazy. And I know it used to Jefferson, my clients crazy as well. How does cell transformation when you can't put it in a pretty package with a bow? You know what I mean? Like when, you create amazing results for your clients, but you're trying to explain it. It feels like you're describing a sunset to someone who's never even seen those on. And have you ever felt like people keep saying things like sell the destination, not the journey, not the airplane. And you don't really know how to describe the destination. This episode is for you, if you were like I don't sell. I'm not a business coach or a B2B business, so I don't sell ROI. Or. I, I don't know a weight loss coach, and so I don't sell like exact numbers. So if you ever felt that way and you're like, I feel like my destination, my results that I help my clients get. Our so transformational and incredible. But. I just can't seem to make that invisible transformation tangible this episode is for you. But before we dive in, I just wanna share something really exciting. A couple of exciting things happening right now. First of all, there are still a couple of spots open for my CEO, mom mastermind. To get the one-to-one bonus call with me. So when you join the CEO mastermind, before the end of November, you get a one-to-one bonus call with me an onboarding call. I do not do this with everybody. Okay. This is not normally baked in, but you get an onboarding call live with me valued at$2,000. We are literally going to map out your entire 20, 25 plan together. This is going to be so incredible. We could focus on your best Jane, your offer, suite, your sales plan, like everything you need to really just hit the ground running in January end and bring in some cash for the end of the year as well. So I'm really excited about this because the CMO mastermind is not just about making quick money, but it's also about leveraging what you have for long term impact. Long-term value long-term income in your business. So that is the first part. There's still spots open. The link to apply is in the description. So make sure to apply if you're interested in literally having me holding your hand. As a partner walking beside you to scale your business beyond six figures to multi-six figures. And we have, my black Friday sale is coming up. It is really exciting. I'm telling all kinds of things that I've never really sold before. And so what I want to keep an eye out, because if you are struggling with how to turn your content and do something that actually converts for you, if you been looking to create a 20, 25 plan, that actually makes sense for your life and your business, if you've been hoping to. Got a chance to work with me closely. And you aren't quite ready for the full long-term mastermind yet. All of these opportunities are going to be there. So make sure to keep an eye out because I'll be driving the catalog. Paige very soon. Are you going to see what we're going to be selling? It's exciting. And there can be multiple opportunities to come into my world at various price points and it's going to be incredible. Okay. Now let's get into the good stuff. I want to share a story that perfectly illustrates this challenge of selling the intangible transformation. I was in a coaching call with my client, Julie. And she was transitioning from career coaching to nervous system work. Okay. So she was helping. Women with their career with their resumes. It was very tangible stuff. How to get a better job, how to get a raise. And she told me about a client, right? A Princeton aerospace engineer who broke down crying while updating your resume because of an old C grade that she got. And this moment was huge because it showed that she was struggling with. With her resume was actually about something much deeper and she really wanted to tap into that. And she really wanted to work with our clients on that deeper work. Instead of just the let's make a resume, that looks awesome because, if you have a resume, that looks awesome, but you go into an interview and you do not have the confidence and you are not regulated in your nervous system, then you're not necessarily going to make the right impression. And you're not going to make the impression, especially as a woman, as someone who should be any leadership position and she wanted to help women. Regulate their nervous system in order to become the leaders that they are meant to be, that they were perfectly capable of being what they weren't really able to translate that in their interviews. And so that moment was really huge because it showed that what seemed like a resume problem was actually about something much deeper. And that's what we're going to talk about today, how to sell it transformation. When that real magic happens beneath the surface. And if you feel really frustrated because you're like, I don't feel like I can get across. You know exactly how I help people. The transformation is so personal. It's so unique to each person it's, it's so different. I'm going to share with you, I'm going to show you that it's not actually. Okay. And yes, even if you work one-to-one, if you even do work one to one with people you still are not. As much of a special snowflake as you think. And I mean that in a good way, because it's going to help you sell more and get more clients in the door and actually articulate this to them so they can see what is possible for them. So the first thing I want to talk about is the, these zucchini muffins strategy. So a long time ago. I still do this, but a long time ago, I remember this because these muffins were so freaking awesome. I was trying to get more healthy food into my family. And I found this recipe for chocolate chips, zucchini muffins. Okay. So it was chocolate muffins with chocolate chips in it. And loads of zucchini. There was so much freaking chocolate in there that I probably could have plopped a zucchini in their hole and they probably wouldn't have noticed. All right. And I remember like giving it to my kids and giving it to my husband. And they were like, my husband was like very. I thought it was very against this hiding of high of healthy food. He wasn't into it, but I ever giving it to them. They're like, oh my God, this is amazing. And it's so moist. I don't like that word putting. It was. And they were like, this is so good. This is amazing. Can you make this all the time? And I'm like, sure, of course I will. Instead of leading with the process and saying, guess what? Guess what there's zucchini in there? If I told them, Hey, have these zucchini chocolate chip muffins, it would've been like, no, I don't want zucchini muffins. Thank you very much. I gave him the fricking muffin. And I led with the outcome that they already wanted, which was the freaking chocolate chip muffin. And so when I was discussing this with Julie, Instead of saying. I help you regulate your nervous system. She could talk about, I help you make decisions without second guessing yourself. So you actually show up as a leader and not as an uncertain uncertain. Team member, you could say. Instead of regulating your nervous system because I help you run launches without getting physically sick, no matter how much money you're making on. At any given day of the launch, right? Instead of saying, I regulate your nervous system, she could say, I help you delegate without panic attacks. The process is. The zucchini. But the outcomes are the chocolate and the chocolate chips, leader, what they want. And then. Deliver the transformation that they need. And I think that if you were saying, I help you become the leader that you are meant to be through regulating your nervous system. All right. And here's why here's how this regulated nervous system show up. So this is the second part is making it tangible. So let's break down exactly how to make your transformation tangible. We need to look at four key areas when you are trying to get this across to your audience. So number one is how does it manifest beforehand, right? How does having this problem, right? The pre transformation, how does it manifest beforehand? So physical signs. So we're going to use nervous system work as an example, because this is this. This was what we were talking about on the call. So physical science could be migraines before launches or insomnia during decision-making or stress symptoms during team meetings or physical tension while checking your email. So what are the physical signs? In how it manifests. And what are the emotional signs? So maybe spiraling after innocent feedback, right? Like you're just, you're like someone gives you like, just some constructive criticism on something that happened with zero personal attachment to it. And you just fall into a puddle of of self-loathing and discussed, decision paralysis, right? Getting really stuck on making decisions, especially when you're leading a team. Imposter syndrome flaring up on a regular basis, constant overthinking. So those are, would be the emotional signs of dysregulated nervous system. Right then what does life look like without the solution? Okay. So what would be the daily impact of it in your day-to-day life and those in those little micro moments, those little, those. Just those little things that. Are it manifested in that you don't even notice because it seems so normal to you, right? So maybe checking your emails constantly, when you send an email off to someone and you're really attached to the outcome and you just keep checking to see if they answered back. Taking weeks to make simple decisions that really are not that huge in the great scheme of things. Apologizing excessively for things that do not need apologizing for. Working until exhaustion to prove that you are valuable, right. And what is the longterm? So that's the daily impact of day-to-day stuff. What is the longterm impact of a dysregulated nervous system? In this case, this could be missing opportunities, missing career building opportunities, or missing opportunities for promotion. Regular burnout cycles, right? Insomnia and coming into, having literally it manifesting physically in your body, in chronic pain or chronic illness. Staying small to avoid visibility because you don't want to show up as that. The big, amazing person that you are. Or maybe undercharging for your services or low-balling people on your salary, right? So that is life without the solution. Then you wanna think about what does the after picture look like? The business transformation could be things like or the S the career transformation could be running successful launches while sleeping well, making a line decisions quickly, delegating with confidence, receiving feedback with curiosity and not immediate self blame. And personal transformations could be having energy for family time or being present instead of being anxious or taking actual time off and setting clear boundaries. And what all these things have in common is I want you to think about how does the intangible stuff manifest in tangible ways in their life. Yes, having a regulated nervous system is very intangible. How do you know you have regulated nervous system? So I would ask yourself that question, how would they now know that they're, that they have changed? How can they literally like. Like hone in on that signal that they have changed, what signs are showing up in their life, that show that things have changed for them. So then once you know that you can create specific before and after scenarios. When it comes to things like managing your team. So before I spent three hours writing and rewriting an email to my VA apologizing five times in the process. And after I had a clear and confident 15 minute conversation about expectations and next steps. And and she was going to that and I would go to that and it was amazing, right? Those are the kind of before and after scenarios you can use to to demonstrate. What the transformation does for you. Okay. Because. The work is going to be the work and you can go into all the different parts of the work. And we're gonna talk about this in a second. What does it look like? What does the process look like? Whatever. Yes, you could do that and you should in a way, and I'm going to tell you how in a minute, but. The process is like that sticky caterpillar in a cocoon kind of coming into a puddle of goo. But so you see the caterpillar before and you see the butterfly after, but you really don't see that process of the GU. So you are going to be doing that gooey process with your clients and you can discuss how that works. You can discuss like the scientific parts behind it. You can discuss why you're doing certain things. But. What you really want to do is think about how to make that before and after really tangible in their life. So how is a Ray is a dysregulated nervous system showing up in their life right now. And what would he regulate a nervous system show up like in their life afterwards. So another example could be, if if you're a business owner and you have a dysregulated nervous system, I couldn't sleep for a week before my launch and my stomach wasn't knots. I nearly canceled everything. I was, kept checking and rechecking my DMS to see if people were inquiring. And afterwards we've had our most successful launch while maintaining my morning routine family dinner time. And literally showing up posting and. And just hopping offline, right? Like I, everything was ready. Everything was done. I felt so regulated. I felt so detached from the outcome and ended up having to have a successful launch. So again, how does it manifest in their life before and after? How can you take their lack of a regulated nervous system, and show what it looks like in their life. And then the regulated nervous system and total will look like in their life afterwards. Now the third thing I want to talk about is that. Yes, you should be selling the journey and not the desk. That. The sorry. Yes, you should be selling the destination and not the airplane. Arizona. Destiny, you. Salvage solid solve the. Destination, not the car, whatever you want to say. But you can, you should actually describe the airplane. If the journey is part of the experience. And this actually showcases right? When you talk about your framework, you this showcases. You your expertise, because why are you doing the things that you do? Why do you do it in that certain way? Can you articulate the why behind every part of your offer? What is your framework? Why are these framework pieces so important? Why could your framework not stand without any of the pieces, right? Y is it like a three-legged stool where if you're missing one leg, then the whole thing collapses, right? But not just when it comes to the framework. And I think that you can really see, and I talk about this. My standout and sell. Mini course, which is how to create your signature framework. So I go very deep and distinguish your favorites in there. And you might think I'm just so special and everything is just so custom and we don't do the same thing every time. I am willing to bet that you absolutely do similar things every time you're going to, I am not a nervous system expert. I will put that out, put that straight out, but let's say in my business, When I'm, when I, when a client comes into my mastermind, for example, first, I'm going to assess their mindset and see, what. What are the beliefs that they're having? What are the things they keep saying about themselves? What do they believe is possible for them? Then I'm going to look at their offers, their offer suite and see is their offer suite set up to scale? Is it actually possible to leverage more things? Can they be pulling things out of their services or out of their bigger courses? To create smaller funnels or smaller. Points for people to come into their world. Like how can I, how can we optimize their offer suite in a way that feels really aligned now is every everyone's offers. We're going to be different a hundred percent. It's gonna be different. Yeah. So that is where the customization comes in, but I'm going to go in this order every single time. And then we move on to the marketing, how are they currently marketing? Is it aligned with what they're doing? Are they currently marketing at all right? Or are they spending a lot of time in marketing that is not really moving the needle and should they be focusing somewhere else? And then the systems, right? What systems do they have in their business? To let things run without them. And that is my CEO moms. Method, right? Moms MOS. And. I will go through this process every time with my clients, no matter what. I will literally go and within each part of my framework I'll have mini frameworks, and when it comes to my offers, for example, I'll have my reverse profit pyramid, starting from the higher ticket offer instead of starting in people saying, oh, just start with the lead magnet. So I actually work backwards from the higher ticket offer and then like reverse engineer inside of my inside of marketing. I have my grow nurture sell framework, so there are many frameworks than each part of the framework, but. That is going to showcase your expertise. This is why you are the person, right? Because you have a process and I promise you that you have a process. And if you actually looked at your experiences with your clients, you will see. The process happening. You will see that you'll you ask the same questions every time and you can, as you figure out. What those parts of the process are. That's how you can create your signature framework and. Talk about it. But even when it comes to, people are like, oh, don't sell it. There are six modules and, And a hundred calls or whatever it is, right? Yes. I agree. Don't. Like just the modules and the calls are not the point. But maybe you could talk about why you do certain things. Why do you do pre-recorded trading jobs versus live zoom sessions? Why do you use telegram versus Voxer? Why do you like why in this specific timeline? So showing these showcasing this why shows that there's so much intentionality and thought that goes into your offer and people are going to trust that because they see, oh, he's not just throwing something out there. She actually has a process and there's a reason for it. I know with my kids when it comes to my kids. There's always yeah, but why? There's always. Reason, like there has to be a reason. I remember my husband, he got to know me very well. Very soon after we got married, but. I remember when we had our second child. We had our second child, we had, we bought a double stroller for the first time. My first two kids were born with less than two years apart. So we needed a double stroller. And and so as we were setting it up, he's okay, let me set up the straps. And you have to make the straps longer for the, for my older kid and then smaller for my baby. And he goes, okay, so what size is the baby go on? And which I had said. My should. Our older child gone. And I was like, oh, I guess the BB can go here. And the And then our older kid can go to the left and he's okay. But why. I'm like. Y, I don't know if you want to go switch to the round. He goes, no, I'm sure you have some sort of reason in your head. Why you want the baby on the right. And the other one on the left. I'm like, I don't really have a reason. He's no, but you always have a reason. There's always some sort of calculation in your head. And then I realized that actually I tend to like glance down at the right more often. And so I wanted the baby, like where I was more likely. Likely to glance down more often because I wanted to keep an eye on him. I didn't even realize that when I was saying it, but that was actually what I actually thought about it. I was like, oh, this is why. But the thing is if you could articulate the why behind why your offer is the way it is and why you deliver it the way you do that also shows your expertise and it showcases your area of expertise. And it showcases you as that leader in your industry, because you're so intentional about every part. Of your offer. And I want a business, I want a business coach. I want a weight loss coach. I want a mentor. I want a consultant who has a process for a reason. Isn't just throwing something out there because. Someone told me if you have a signature framework and someone told me to do a group coaching program, why is it a group coaching program? Why do you deliver it the way you do right? You have to have a reason behind why you do the way you. We do it the way you do, and the reason cannot be, cause I saw someone else do it and it looked cool. Okay. If you see someone else do it and you see how well it works for you. And you're like I want to create an offer around this amazing. That's a great reason. But I want you to have the reason and you should talk about it. Okay. So that is the third thing is yes. Sell the results, sell the destination. But also, yes. Sell the airplane. If the airplane is part of the translation and the airplane can showcase your expertise. And the fourth part I want to talk about is the implementation of this. So how do you actually track these transformations? How do you showcase these transformations? Number one is creating a tracking system, right? So you can have weekly check-ins with specific metrics. When it comes to your client's stuff, you can have progress journals. You can ask for a milestone celebrations at every point before after comparisons, right? So you can actually track this with your clients. And my mastermind every week I ask, okay, what are you? Every Monday is like accountability day. What are you working on this week? And every Friday it's okay, celebrations, what can we celebrate this week? And that helps me see the milestones that my clients are achieving. So the second part is documenting real stories. Your actual client transformation moments you can actually look at. And I, what I love to do is I love to look back at my sales. My sales conversations with clients before they came into my programs, I will look at their intake forums. That's where they share where they're at right now. And I can see, right now I was looking at A previous client of mine. Cause I was building out like a case study for her and a case study of her. And I was like, oh, she came in making, I think it was$3,500 a month. And she. Went up to making, as we work together, she brought her monthly recurring revenue up to 16 or$17,000 a month. That is huge. Okay. That was over the course of about a year and a half, two years or so. Yeah. I think about a year and a half. So that's a lot. Okay. That is. Freaking lot. And I was like, wow, I, would've never known this. Had I not given her that intake form in the first place. So it's very important to give clients intake forms when they come into your offers, because it really will just help them be like, take the snapshot of like where they are now. And then you can literally use that as your starting point and then track their progress. I also want you to note I call it building your evidence bank, right? So I want you to notice these physical changes, these behavioral shifts. These relationship improvements, these little mini metrics, right? You will notice it in the way our client speaks about things in the way they're sharing their celebrations and the way they're sharing their bigger wins and also their smaller wins. And I want you to encourage them to share the smaller wins, right? Because things like I, I had a launch and it was day three and nobody was on day three and I did not spiral. And I just kept going. That is. A sign of a regulated nervous system. And confidence. So that is that an actual, like measurable thing. It's not measurable, but it is. Intentional. And that is tangible. That is a tangible thing. Her reaction, her feelings, her actions after her actions when things were not going well, that is tangible. And that's where I want you to be able to take it down to the tangibility piece. So to recap. All right. So first of all is leading with the outcomes, right? Deliver the transformation, but leading with the zucchini muffin strategy, lead with the muffin and deliver the zucchini. Getting specific about those, about how the transformation shows up in tangible ways in the before and after scenario in the small moments of their life. In the bigger moments of their life. but getting very specific about how you can take the intangible result and turn it into tangible moments and experiences. Also yes. Sell the airplane, right? Sell the process, articulate the value and the reasons behind each part of your offer. Because our tickling articulating that, articulating your framework, articulating the reasons why you deliver offers in certain ways that is going to showcase you as the expert and the leader in your space. And tracking those tangible changes. You can note them mentally, but then I would write them down. Have I have a little. Have a space where you keep this for each client, even in an intangible work, but tracking those tangible changes because you will really see you will really see that. That grow. And if you were paying attention, you will see the difference in your clients. If you are, if you're really, if they are having success and if you are doing your job as. The mentor or as the consultant or as. the service provider or whatever it is, you will be able to, you'll be able to see it. You will be able to see it. And I really believe in you. I know that you're creating these incredible transformations for your clients, and I wanted this to help you articulate that as best as you could. And if you are nodding along and you are like, yes, I'm just so ready to get clear about my messaging and my offers. I would love to help. After seven. Over seven. years of building my business while raising four kids, then five kids that now six kids. I have learned a thing or two about making things simple and sellable. And in my CEO, I'm mastermind, you get my direct feedback on your messaging and your offers and our copy coaches, direct feedback on your copy, plus real examples customized to your business. Okay. I've been where you are. Doing client calls or Voxer in clients from, on your way from back and forth from school pickup and strategizing between, soccer practice and dinner prep. I get it. And I can help you make your offers more compelling and more sellable. Okay. I, and that is through the messaging piece. And very often we cannot see that messaging piece because it's so close to us. It's so personal and that's why I have a coach too, because I'm missing. Things in my messaging and my coach will be like, oh, why are you talking about this? And I'm like, I don't know, why am I not talking about this? And it really just helps snap me out of where I am that's what I want to do with you. I literally like just now my client is strategizing a launch for her beta offer and she had a plan for a challenge launch and everything, but it was her first launch ever that she's doing like officially and I. Thought about her launch. And I thought about her messaging and I thought about her offer. and then I. created a 14 minute loom. Basically walking through exactly how to simplify this launch, how to start pre-filling response before she even officially launches. And how to turn her very long. Cause you list into six things. Literally six things. to make this launch happen. And if you can imagine like the feeling of going from oh my God, I'm doing a challenge. I have to do this. I have to do these emails, reminder emails. As is that emails. Into how to create a very simple launch that will both validate her offer and create a cash injection towards the end of the year. Like, how amazing would that feel for you? Okay. And if you were ready to stock straw, stop struggling with your messaging. If you were ready to stop, over-complicating it for yourself and making it, trying to create all these multiple funnels before you even have the foundations in. If you are ready to scale beyond the messy middle, right? If you're in that five to 10 K mark, and you're like, I want to scale beyond this, but I just don't have the time anymore. That's where the CEO mastermind comes in because that is where I help you leverage what you already have to create more. Long-term recurring revenue. So the link is to apply is in the description you can apply below. And if you have any questions about it, just message me on Instagram and follow me on Instagram as well. For more behind the scenes tips on building a successful business while raising your family. And if this episode helped you think differently about your business, I would absolutely love it. If you would leave a review and share it with another business owner who needs to hear this. Okay until next time I'm. So excited to finally be talking about this. I'm. so happy. We finally did this podcast. But I want you to keep showing up and sharing your magic because what you do matters, even if it's hard to explain. And if it is hard to explain, listen to this again, take notes and go out there and start selling your thing even more effectively than you ever have before. All right. I'll see you next week. And I cannot wait to hear how this worked for you. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.