Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
Hey there business moms! Welcome to my corner of the Internet. I'm Yael Bendahan - mom of 6, business coach for moms, host of the Raising Your Business Podcast and founder of CEO Mom Academy.
If you're tired of hustling day in and out trying to get your online biz to the income level you're dreaming of, hearing business advice that just WILL NOT work for your life as a mom (5 AM club, anyone? NOPE), and trying to figure out HOW to reach that "work less and earn more" holy grail that's been dangled in front of you since you first Googled "work at home ideas for moms"?
Well, that's about to change!
We help incredible business moms JUST LIKE YOU to go from struggling solopreneurs to Confident CEO Moms! Inside this show, we'll be diving into the highs and lows of raising your family AND building your business. I'm giving you my best strategies for working smarter, not harder - and building more leveraged income with content that converts, an offer suite that sells, and the systems to keep your business AND home running smoothly - well, most of the time!
Nothing is off the table! And to make it even better it won't just be me! I am bringing in some of my biz besties, mompreneurs & fellow industry leaders to give you their best stuff on building your business SUSTAINABLY!
If we haven’t met before, let me tell you a little bit of our backstory! I started my virtual assistant business as a mom of 4 little boys, just wanting to make an extra $1K a month to help support my family. After growing a 6-figure service based business, and having my 5th child (and first girl!) in 2020, I pivoted into coaching moms through building their businesses in a way that worked FOR their family. Multiple 6-figure years later (for me AND my clients), I want to share everything I know about raising a family while being an ambitious business owner!
For more on episodes, blogs, and ways we can help you visit www.yaelbendahan.com
I am so excited to connect with you - let's hang out on social:
IG: www.instagram.com/theyaelbendahan
Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
61. Income Claim Marketing - Does it Work? (And BTS of my Own Biz Numbers)
Have you ever wondered if those income screenshots plastering your feed actually work? I've been thinking about this a lot lately, especially after one of my mastermind clients shared how refreshing it was that I market differently.
If you've ever felt icky about constantly seeing revenue numbers in your feed, or wondered if you're missing out by not sharing yours - this episode is for you.
I'm deep diving into the controversial world of income claim marketing, and yes, I'm finally sharing my own numbers. But more importantly, I'm sharing why context matters more than ever in 2024 and beyond.
In this episode, I'm revealing:
- The surprising truth about why income claims can actually backfire
- The hidden ingredient that makes income sharing powerful
- What's quietly replacing income claims in 2024
- The industry shift no one's talking about
- A behind-the-scenes look at real revenue growth (and why I’ve never shared it before)
Plus, I'm sharing something special I've been working on - the CEO Moms Planning Party! It's a free 4-day experience where I'll show you exactly how I built a multi-six-figure business while raising six kids. Join us starting December 9th at yaelbendahan.com/party.
If you're ready to market your business in a way that feels authentic and actually converts, this episode is your roadmap. Let's dive in!
Mentioned in the episode:
Ready to build a business that works for your mom life, not against it? Join me for the FREE CEO Moms Planning Party this December 9th. You'll get my exact frameworks for building a multi-six-figure business (while raising 6 kids!) delivered straight to our private Telegram community. Plus, grab your $250 gift card just for joining! Save your spot at yaelbendahan.com/party
And if you’re ready to scale beyond six figures WITHOUT sacrificing family time? The CEO Mom Mastermind is opening for December enrollment with exclusive bonuses worth over $5K - including a private ROI Roadmap Strategy Session ($2,000 value), the complete PodFunnel Framework, and an extra month of support. Limited to 25 spots and some are already filling. Apply now at
📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix
🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage
💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $9 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers
✨Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.
💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan
And I'm really working now on all the taking advice and strategy from coaches that. Have a kind of life that I want to live. So if a coach is primarily doing one to one and their days are full of one-to-one calls and they're. Business depends on them showing up and creating loads of content all the time. That's not a business model that I necessarily want to follow. Welcome to the Raising Your Business Podcast. I'm your host, Yael Ben Dahan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of six and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success you desire. And be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing business and motherhood, biz models that work for you, marketing simplicity and the mindset of a CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello? Hello. Welcome back to the podcast. I am. I've been excited about this episode. A little nervous. But I think it's a really important. Conversation to have, it's a really important topic to discuss, and that is income claim marketing right today. We're going to talk about income claim marketing and whether or not it still works in 2024 and 2025. Plus I'll be sharing exactly how much I have made as a coach and a service pro. So keep listening. If you want to hear the nitty gritty details. But before we dive into today's episode. I had to share something that I've been working on that I'm really excited about. I'm always talking about building a business that actually works with your life as a mom and not against it. I've been looking at about how most business planning events. Are designed for people without kids, they don't account for the sick days of school runs that beautiful chaos that comes with raising tiny humans, the random, complete week off because everyone got sick. That we have to really think about that. And I decided to do something about it. And I'm hosting the CEO moms planning party as a free four day experience where I'm gonna be sharing exactly how I built a multi six figure business while raising six kids, including any baby, actually, including two new babies. And we are going to transform your business model from the ground up day one. We're going to be crafting your CEO, mom mindset. Day two, we're building an offer suite that practically sells itself. Day three, I'm sharing my momentum marketing method that keeps working even when life happens and helps you plan your sales, create your sales planning map. That brings in lead generation and audience growth and sales and promotions altogether. And then on day four, we're going to be mapping out your complete 250 K game plan for 2025 and a live session together. The best part about this is you're going to get all this, except for the last session that live session together, because they want to be live. I want to see your face. I want to be with you and you're doing it. Most of this is going to be delivered directly to our private telegram community. So you can catch up while doing school runs or feeding your baby. Plus, you're going to get a$250 gift card just for joining us in the CEO mom's planning party. It all kicks off December 9th. And honestly, if you've been feeling that your business needs to work better with your life as a mom, or you feel stagnant in your growth, you are not going to want to miss this. So head to your alphabet, the head.com/party to save your spot. Lincoln's obviously in the show notes and let's dive into today's episode. So heads up. I do have a little bit of a cold. And I pushed this off this recording off a date to see if it would get any better and it is slightly better. Let's see how it works, but if I sounded a little easily, And coldy. Then that is why. So what inspired this conversation? My mastermind client posted this in our CEO, Mom mastermind, slack channel. She said he Al today. I want to appreciate the fact. But you mark it off more than just income claims or cash collected. Thank you. Because when people do that, it only tells us that they are good at marketing. Not necessarily that they are good at teaching people marketing. So I was curious, I went to my thrive card to see how much would it actually made in my coaching business. I track year to year, but I never really looked at my full cash collected. And I was actually shocked when I saw it. But first I want to talk about Inglewood claim marketing. So the question is, if you are a B to B business owner, it should be marketing based on your income. I E I made this much money. So buy for me. And the truth is that it does work. And that's why people do it. So anyone who says the income claim marketing doesn't work is lying because I see people posting the stuff all the time and I see people making a lot of money all the time. From posting their income claims. I personally do not like talking about mine. I was raised to believe that you don't really share these things. I don't like talking about. My day-to-day how much money I make, egg, whatever. But. The thing is I truly believe this pure income claim marketing is not going to do it anymore. Just random screenshots of I made this much. I made that much is not going to do it anymore. First of all, the reason I don't like it is because it makes my clients feel like numbers of my bank account. I don't want to make them feel like all my clients are to me is just money. If they see me posting like this, they're going to be like, oh, that's so nice to know that I'm just another, dollar in your account. And my client literally went on to say exactly this.'cause she says, man, if their income is their strongest argument, that almost feels lazy to me. Or actually sometimes the thought that triggers for me as well. I guess I'll just throw my money onto your pile of cash. All I am to you is cash collected. It's very profit over people. And what'd you share that thought it was because she had unfollowed someone on Instagram who was doing that. And she said, I took a beat to understand why that was annoying me and. Why I was so glad I invested money with you versus the coach who is marketing that really off, putting away. And I'm not going to be primarily using and complaint marketing in my business. And it never really have, because like I mentioned, I grew up in a culture that didn't really discuss these things. You know that money that we make or we don't make. And it just makes me feel uncomfortable to be sharing that on a regular basis. But that being said, there are some income claims that I do like to use, and those are my clients because I would much rather hear about people's client money wins than their own, because to me, like my client said that just they can actually help other people just because you know how to make money does not mean that you know how to teach other people to do it. And that is the exception they make. And I will measure my numbers occasionally, for credibility sake, but I've heard of focused all by client results rather than just mine, because I want people to know that I can help them. Not just help myself. And I have the receipts. All right. I have the receipts. My clients have gone from making$3,500 a month to$17,000 a month in monthly recurring revenue. They've had their first 10 K the first 25 K months, their first 50 K months with me. This is not. Stuff that I've made up. And this is not just me telling you that how much money I made. This is me telling you how I've specifically helped my clients. But so that's the first part is I prefer to focus on my client wins. That's the first part, but I prefer to focus on my client wins right. Rather than my own wins, because I just think that will speak more to people who want to work with me because they want to get results. Not people who are just going to. Want to be at my energy, which I hear the energy piece as far as I want to be. In the room with a coach who has that energy, who has that drive, who has that excitement, who has the motivation like, and that will help motivate me. I totally hear that. And I really do try to do that for my clients is really just to bring that energy of. Let's make it happen. And. Just because one thing didn't work doesn't mean the next thing isn't going to work. Like I really try to work on that, but. I prefer people come to work with me because they think I'm gonna be able to help them rather than, oh, you made money. I just want to see how you're doing it. So that is the first part, but the second part is that. Income claims without context are meaningless to me. And this goes for both the mentors and also their clients. I follow a lot of coaches in this space. And I actually am working on trying to follow less of that because I don't want to be lost in the noise and lost the conception about the creation. But let's talk about context for both the mentor and the client. So when somebody is sharing, Lee made a certain amount of money, I want to know how. Okay. I don't know what stage they were at and their business. I want to know how they started. What does their life look like? How are support do they have, what does their business model look like? Are they running ads now I'm ever. A coach that I was working with a while back that I followed. She was saying how within, I dunno, within. Three months of starting her business, she was making 10 K a month and she retired her husband okay, cool. As he goes, and then I scaled to 50 K a month. And then what ended up. I ended up finding out was that, yeah, she retired her husband, which started making 10 K a month, which is That's great. Amazing. But when she was making 50 K a month, she was literally working a hundred hours a week. She had hired her brother-in-law as her Nettie and her mother as her house manager. She was basically working nonstop and she was not really involved in the day-to-day running of her house. And so I was like, oh, that is so interesting because. That is not something that I want to do. I don't want to make$50,000 working a hundred hours a week. I don't even wanna make$50,000 working 40 hours a week or 50 hours a week, or. Maybe 30. I'll, maybe I maybe handle that, but even that. I don't really have the time. I don't have 40 hours a week, 60 hours a week, a hundred hours a week to work. And I don't want to outsource my entire life as a mom. And as a wife. Just so I can work and make money. That's not how I want to build my business. I really want to have that context of what were they trading off for this buddy, or what they already have in place that they already have an audience. Do they have money from their nine to five that they were able to invest in a very high ticket coach who was able to really work with them. One-to-one did they Did they. Spend, I don't know, five years building up an audience and then just the lead just exploded to sales like that. That is something to think about as well. And the seat that goes to the clients. So what kind of client was it? People who are not B2B. But we'll might be like you, you help clients who sell money, but are you making claims, but do you help people who sell other things? So you might want to give that context as well. What kind of business do they have? I follow, like I said, different coaches. And I'm really working now on all the taking advice and strategy from coaches that. Have a kind of life that I want to live. So if a coach is primarily doing one to one and their days are full of one-to-one calls and they're. Business depends on them showing up and creating loads of content all the time. That's not a business model that I necessarily want to follow. And if they're telling me that, that's how they do it and that's how they help their clients do it. That's not the coach that we don't want to work with. So when you are using incompletes, especially with the clients you want to bring in the context and the background. It also helps you overcome objections because you can be like I know what you're thinking and no, it's not that right. I know what you're thinking. She must have a huge audience, but I don't have a huge audience. I know what you're thinking. There's all the works for B2B, but actually this client was a baby sleep coach, whatever it is, you can actually use those. Those that context as objection, handling naturally inside of your content. Oh, gosh, I'm getting so. My voice. Ah, okay. Okay. So my, my 110 K a year when I talk about my hundred and 10 K year as. When I took a three month maternity leave and I only worked seven months out of the year. That was a mix of services and coaching programs and courses. Okay. So it was not just services. I had weighed six figures the year before that, but I was working twice as much. That was all the services. Okay. My client Beth. I remember she had a lower than expected a black Friday sale last year. Because our audience was small, but then these old higher ticket clients off the back of it. So giving that full context of, yes, this happened or, oh, she had a$20,000 black Friday, but actually the front end sales were only$1,500. So like that to me feels really important. And that's what you're going to want to include in your content. Your context, if you do want to use income, play marketing. So if you can't use just a complete marketing, if you can't just use screenshots. Screenshots works to an extent, but like I said, it works with the context of why, right? What does better than he can play marketing. The first thing is, like I said, it's sharing specific case studies about exactly how they made that money. How did I end up with all these screenshots of Stripe notifications or whatever? Because I worked on my messaging because I worked on an offer suite that sells without me having to show up and sell live because I worked with my client on articulated the value of their offer, whatever that is. Give me the context. The second thing is talking about the other results of benefits of work with you, right? It's not just the buddy. What did the buddy give you? Or what the money give them? What did it enable them to do? What life did it enable them to have? Do they help them have a baby to be able to take a maternity leave, right. Or be able to play in front of their baby without worrying about being able to afford it? I did. The you, maybe you helped your client lose weight, but what else, what was the sub result of losing weight? They had more confidence. They walk into a room and felt like they owed it. They We're able to fit into their clothes from years ago. They were able to, I don't know, go to a high school reunion and be excited to see their friends rather than embarrassed of how they looked, whatever that is. What were the side benefits of the results that you brought them? Another thing you could do is sharing your unique frameworks and processes and the why behind them. So not just, my CEO, I was Beth had, why is my CEO? I was about to it's so important. What is my reverse profit pyramid? Why does that make sense? Why does it work? Why do I recommend starting with that? W explaining your process, explain to your unique frameworks and the why behind each piece is like a week's worth of content. It's two weeks worth of content, right? Like you could go so deep into this, you could create like multiple podcast episodes about this, about each part of your framework. So that's something to think about as well. Sharing behind the scenes about how you help your clients and articulating the value of each part of your offer. Why are our hot seat calls so valuable? We're not just saying two hot seat calls a month. What do we do at these Hotsy calls? What exactly happens? I could say in my CEO, my mastermind on our last Hotsy call, I literally sat with a client and helped her map out her entire launch, her launch story, the content hooks that she was using the exact emails she was going to be putting out. The exact strategies we're going to use to start filling her offer before she even officially launched it. We literally did that in 30 minutes. That is the power of hot seating on a call. And that is why I have these calls in my mastermind, because I want to be able to get down and dirty. Literally go in there, create a document, map things out, write things out for her. That is how I help my clients. I do not hold back at my mastermind. I do not, I cannot go. I cannot be shallow if I try I go deep. Like I'm the type of person who beats someone and within 15 minutes, we'll be discussing like their life story and why they chose to have, a, do the thing that they do and their parenting issues and my parenting issues. Like I am that kind of person. And I'm that kind of coach as well. I will go deep with you no matter what container that we're in. I will be going deep with you. If you ask me a question, I will give you a in depth answer. And also another thing you could do is shift the beliefs that people have around what you do, because you know what they need to shift those beliefs in order to start getting the results that they want to get. So that's another way too. Two. Create content that is not just relying on the claims. You can speak to the beliefs they currently have and why they are not serving them. And the belief, maybe the belief shifts that you have personally had in order to achieve your results. Income claims can work great as a hook. To get attention right. But just screenshots alone will that work? I really truly do believe this. They're not going to work in 2025. You have to back it up with proven. Honestly, I would rather see your client's income than yours. Okay. But I will say this. If you do want to know my income, I'll tell you how much money you have made. And again, I'm not going to be going into the nitty gritty of exactly where each P H each dollar went and how it worked and everything, but I'm going to tell you, and I'm going to give you the context. As a coach. They started my coaching business at the end of 2020. All right. So this was like, this was literally like December 20, 20. I have generated. Over 568,000 in top line revenue. And this includes collaborative bundles that I've run before. This is before affiliate commissions. This is top line revenue. And the service provider. And the couple of years before that, I made$181,377. So altogether, this is approximately$749,377. I'm about. F 250 K away from making a million dollars in my business. And I am a hundred percent sure that I'm going to be hitting that and more in 2025. There you go. I've shared it. I've given you my numbers. And I get, I don't like to share it because there is so much context on every single piece of this. There's so much context behind every year of income that I made. Why was one year higher than the other? How did this work? And I can, and I talk about this and I'll be sharing a lot about this. Am I CEO? I was planning party by the way. Talking about my various years of work and how much money I made at Y. But this is again, top line revenue, old eat, to be clear. And if you really want to see exactly how I've been planning my year for more profit, for deeper client results for less work hours, I'm going to be sharing it all at the CEO. I was planning party. So if you want to hear it, if you want to go behind the scenes of my business, if you want to map out your 250 K a year, whatever 250 K brings you two and your tablet, revenue, and your business, I don't care. You can have a multi-six-figure year next year. I truly do believe that this year has been a hard one to, for many people. People have been going through a lot this year. It's been a hard year, like all over the world. There's been a loss of going on in the world in 2024. And I really do. Think that. You need to give yourself grace, if you really have not hit your ego goals that you had planned at the beginning of 2024. There's a lot of people like you. However, there's no reason that 2025 cannot be way better than 2024 is a reason why you can't double what you did at 24. I really, truly do believe this. Unless there's like actual are we get into 2025, which obviously none of us can predict. I really truly do believe that the lessons that we could take from this year could really serve us in this upcoming year. And that's what it would be Sherry. The thing is that I've learned this year, that I've observed in the industry this year in my CEO, I was planning party. And if you've been listening. So go to alberta.com/party and sign up. It is free. You can upgrade to VIP where you get a D you. A deeper level of coaching. You'll get two weeks of telegram coaching. You'll get access to my master business planning spreadsheet to get a whole bunch of amazing stuff in there for a very ridiculous, low price. But. If you have been listening. And you are ready to go to the CEO of sledding party. And you're like, this is so exciting. You also understand why I believe that 20, 25 is going to be the year of sustainable strategic growth rather than flashy claims and overnight success stories. I really think those are not working anymore. And I don't know if they're even happening anymore because. Th the industry is so full right now with all night spaces. So full. So speaking of strategic growth, this is actually perfect timing because I really want to share something special with those of you who are ready to scale your business sustainably in 2025. If you already been making money this year, and you really want to just go beyond, you want to make more money, you don't want to work more. That is the thing you want to make more money. You don't want to work more than you've been working. If you've been following along, that I am incredibly selective about who I work with. Every CEO, Bob mastermind. This is why partner with ambitious moms who want to scale beyond six figures. They building sustainable systems and leveraged offers, right? Not through constant lodging or burnout inducing strategies. Because you see the difference between entrepreneurs who consistently scale and those who can stay stuck with a plateau or whatever number you're stuck at is not just strategy. It's also the mindset piece and it's having the right strategic and mindset partner who understands both business and mob life. And that is exactly why I was so excited about what I'm offering this month for the ambitious moms who joined the CEO mastermind in December, I've curated a suite of strategic bonuses that is designed to accelerate your growth in 2025. First of all, you're going to receive a private one-to-one ROI roadmap strategy session with me valued at$2,000. This is not just another coaching call because this intensive session, we're going to map out your entire 2025 business strategy, including you complete offer ecosystem that will create goods. Let's say cashflow, your premium positioning and messaging strategy, your scalable marketing, while the old work around your family life and your exact roadmap to make back your mastermind investment. And then some. But that is just the beginning. You were only, you all. Panetta. You're also going to get exclusive access to the pod. Federal framework created a partnership with podcasts, monetization, expert, Tara counterman. This is the exact framework that she teaches to turn podcast, private podcasts into a sales asset that covert premium buyers without relying on sales calls. Inside. You're going to get templates for creating your pot, a funnel that can pre-qualify your ideal clients. Trainings on positioning yourself as the premium choice, your industry resources, returning listeners to high ticket buyers. And it, because I believe in over delivering. To my premium clients. I'm also including an extra month of mastermind support. So you're going to get 13 minutes of the price of 12. So you can really lock in longer term. Vendorship going into 2025 and here's where this matters right now. The entrepreneurs who take time in December to pledge a TJ. and the ones who also plan for the holistic life that they want. This is not just about your business. This is about. Your business. Yes. It's about your life as a woman, as a wife, as a mom, right? It's about the schedule that you want to have next year. It's like what actually looks and makes sense for you based on the schedule that you have, right? The ages of your children, the availability that you have do a good day in the evening, early morning, whatever it is. The mastermind really focuses on that. I'm so clear on this, that whenever we are making a plan, it has to make sense for the availability that you have for the. Life that you actually want to live for the amount of presence that you want to have as a mom, as a wife, as a woman, the amount of downtime you want to have for yourself. So if you take time with December to pleasure, typically, Those are the entrepreneurs that are going to see massive growth in Q1 while everyone else is getting back into it in January, you're going to be executing a proven plan that we created together. And. There's even more accessible for the right clients. I'm offering a steady payment plan. I'll be taking all these premium bonuses. So you can get a 13 with a payment plan instead of 12. So the CEO, Bob mastermind is limited to 25 women total. Here's where the high touch support that I've noted for. I'm already filling several spots with existing clients and these strategic bonuses are only available this month. If you are ready to scale beyond six figures without sacrificing your family time. You ready to create leverage offers that sell while you sleep. Position yourself as the premium choice in your industry. And building a business that works throughout your life and not the other way around head to Alberta had.com/mastermind to apply. That is alberta.com/mastermind. The link is in the show notes. I don't want you to wait until January to start planning your best year yet. Let's map out your path to scaling while being present with your family this month right now. So you can absolutely hit the ground running after the holidays and go into the most explosive, amazing 20, 25 ever. So I cannot wait to see you in a CEO. Bob's plenty party. I would love to see your application for the mastermind. If you have any questions about it, then feel free to DM me on Instagram with any questions that you have. And I cannot wait to see you in our programs. And I'm so excited for December. I'm so excited for 2025, I've been working behind the scenes to create such amazing things and. Clients that are in my masterminds. I go to get a front row seat to everything that is going on behind the scenes of my business. So I can not wait to share it with you. I cannot wait to see you at the party and. I cannot wait to see your application to the mastermind. I hope you enjoyed this episode, please let me know what takeaways you had. Do you have any Instagram and let me know what really landed with you and I will see you next time. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.