Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

66. [8 DAYS] Pt. 5: Why Short-Term Programs Are COSTING You Money

Yael Bendahan

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I renewed for another 12 months with my mastermind right before having baby #6... and all my mastermind clients renewed for 2025. Want to know why? In this episode, I'm sharing why short-term programs might be costing you money - both as a service provider and as a client.

You'll discover:

  • Why the constant launch cycle is exhausting (and unnecessary)
  • How long-term containers create space for real mom life
  • The compound effect of staying in supportive relationships
  • Behind-the-scenes: How one client launched her course while keeping all her holiday traditions intact
  • What happens when you give transformation room to breathe

Plus, I share practical ways to transition from short-term to long-term offers, even if you think "no one will commit for 6/12 months."


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The women in this mastermind don't just grow their businesses—they create empires while being present for bedtime stories. This is about building a business that enhances your life instead of consuming it.

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I resigned with my mastermind. Right Before having baby number six. And all of my current mastermind clients resigned for 2025. In this episode, I'm going to share why. And why short-term programs are costing you money, both when you invest and when you are creating your own programs. So I am a very big fan of long-term containers, both being part of them and also hosting them. And as a mom of six and a business owner of seven years, I've learned this the hard way. Short term programs are actually more work for less sustainable income. Both for you and for your clients. Now don't get me wrong. I love creating smaller containers. Shorter term containers in order to bring people into your longer-term containers. Because I do think that it's fair to give people a taste of working with you before, expect them to invest with you. Long-term I don't expect people to come to my page and be like, Ooh, I just love her stuff. And then they immediately sign with me for a year. I have not found that to happen. Very often it has happened. It has happened. Usually through some sort of referral, someone saying, oh, you should check out you're out. And then someone went, came, checked me out, applied for my program, signed up with it. Right away. Okay. But I do think that. If you have only short-term containers in your business, and this could be for services and also for group programs or masterminds, right? This is not just only as a coach, but. When you only have short term containers. You're going to run into a few issues that are going to cause you to be working a lot harder. Four. Less payoff, and I find the same issues come up. When you only invest in short-term containers with coaches. All right. So I wanted to share a little bit about that. What I see the problem is with investing short-term and with only hosting short-term containers and how you can actually. Number one, build these longer-term containers in your business, even if you're like, no, one's going to sign up for 12 months of anything. This is not true. As I mentioned. All my CEO, my mastermind clients from 2024 have resigned with me for 2025. Okay. Which is a 12 month container. And I truly do believe if you show up. As the best way you possibly can and you are there to give your clients. The best experience possible, and you look at what's going on and you try to improve always. Then you will get people investing in you longer term. And I really do believe that when you invest longer term, you will find it easier to hose these longer term retainers. And I'm not the kind of person who says, oh, if you want to charge$10,000, you have to have paid someone$10,000. Cause that's not necessarily true. But I do think. That hosting a longer-term. I'm container is also going. To be easier. When you have seen what longer term containers look like as an investor? It was the problem short term. Containers. Okay. Okay. Number one. One is that there's a. Constant marketing cycle. Michael. You're always like, okay, I have to get new people. I have to get new people have to know. I do. I do think obviously you should always. Always be getting newer people. People into your longterm containers. But it can be very. Exhausting to. I have a. Only cohort based business. And again, it depends on how you run things. It depends. Do you have Some sort of upsell. Or down cellar or ongoing con continuity. Annuity container. Painter for people who are a part of your short-term programs, that's also can take away. The issue is short. Short term when it comes to the cost of marketing cycle. While creating that longer term recurring revenue. But I do think that if you only have short-term containers, It can be very intense, which is okay. If you have the bandwidth for that. Okay. I don't think he can. Great. Super deep transformation. Over three months or two months or one month. I don't think you can do that. I think you can get, you can definitely dig in and make a start. But I think it's very hard to truly see longer term. Longer lasting. D change in yourself and your business, whatever you're investing in, whether that's personal growth or business growth or whatever, in a short amount of time. And you're always as someone who, wants their clients have a deep transformation. I will definitely again, create those tastes or offers for people to come into my world. For example, my momentum, any mind, which is actually on sale this week for 8 88. This is coming up in January and I'm at the six week high proximity mastermind that kind of mini mastermind program to give people a preview and a taste of what it is like to be in my mastermind containers. And I think that is very valid thing to do, but I'm not saying that. You should not create six week containers or one four week containers or whatever it is you're doing. But I do think that having having a place to move people to after those containers is really important. Okay. And you're always starting from scratch. Okay. You're starting from scratch with new clients, starting from scratch in the marketing. You have to get new leads in all the time. Now. Yes. Are people likely to join your list? You. See one launch of your offer. Maybe not by that time then by the next time also possible for sure. They actually really might. But it is creating this constant cycle of like new launch. And if you have a life that does not really lend itself to that constant cycle, it can be very exhausting. I know people who have a completely cohort-based business. Okay. But I understand that. I know that I see that. I also know that a lot of people that I look at that I have cohort based programs that are shorter term cohort based programs that are very intense. Do not have children. Okay. And as a mom. Who whose life is very up and down and, in and out and everything. I think that I can deliver best to my clients over the longer term. And I think that my clients, as moms. Can receive better longer-term because what if they sign up for a 12 week program and for four out of those 12 weeks? Their kids are sick and they can't really show up a hundred percent of the program and other missing calls or missing deadlines to submit their work. They're missing all this kind of stuff. Now I can create a V a very uncomfortable feeling of pressure, but not in a good way, not like the kind of working best under pressures or thing, but more I'm behind. I'm behind. I'm behind it. I don't want to give my clients that feeling. Okay. You're not behind. You're the perfect place for you. But in you need to build a business. Around your life. So as a mom, personally, I find. Let's deliver a short, intense containers over and over again, it feels very exhausting for me and for my clients. It makes them feel like they're always behind. And I don't like that. I don't want that for them. I want to give them coaching and support that can sustain through the ups and downs of their life. And that is actually today's. Code word today's secret word is sustain. So, write that down, putting your notes app and save it for the end of the week, when you'll be able to add more bonus entries to your giveaway.. So that is when it comes to delivering short-term containers. Now the problem with investing short term right for me is, and the reason why I have I was in the same mastermind for four and a half, five years. Okay. So I am, I'm very committed to investing long-term with coaches and mentors. If they're the right fit, obviously. But the biggest problem with investing short term is that the mentors don't really know you. They don't know your business, you can introduce yourself, you can tell them about your business. You can let them know, okay, here's where I am right now. Let me give you a cliff notes version of the past, four years of my business. And I'd like to change these things. You could do that. Yeah. But. Do they really know you. Do they really know your business, then you really know where you get stuck. Do they really know what you've tried before and what has not really worked for you and what is likely to work for you going forward? They don't. And so when they don't have that, that perspective on you there's just a lack. Of of like big picture when it comes to the strategy that they give you. Okay. You are also always starting from scratch strategy work, right? Wise and reinventing the wheel. And to me, that can cause you a big loss of time, energy, and money. Because if you do as a strategy for three months, and you're like, okay, it's not quite working the way I want to do. Then you go to a different coach. You start another strategy. You have another three months. We're going to keep doing that. You are, you're really just reinventing the wheel every single time. You're like taking all the progress that you've made and you're basically You're basically erasing it and you're like saying I guess I'll just go to complete different directions. Like it's like starting down a path. And then going all the way back to the beginning of the path. Even though you're already halfway down that path and starting. In a different direction. Are you eventually going to get to the place where you want to go? Maybe it was gonna take you a heck of a lot longer. Okay. And I using mentally, it is hard. It's going to be hard to get people to invest in you. Longer-term when you have never invested in a longer-term container. Because if you're like, I don't understand, I don't understand why someone would invest in the longterm. But if you understand why you would invest longterm, you were able to give that over in your marketing, in your messaging. Very clearly because you feel so so convicted in that in that belief, why do you like investing longterm and why should people invest in you? Hey there, quick break to share something special happening right now. If you're loving this episode, I've got amazing news. Starting December 26, I'm doing something I've never done before, dropping eight days of special podcast episodes all about building a sustainable, profitable business that actually works through life as a mom and building more longevity into everything you do in your business so that one action you take. Can create long term results over and over again. And to celebrate Hanukkah, I'm turning it into a huge giveaway and event. The grand prize, a 90 minute intensive with me, normally 2, 000 plus some other incredible prizes. And everyone who enters gets access to my behind the scenes vault of templates, frameworks, and systems to go along with these special podcast episodes. Plus I've got an incredible Hanukkah sale happening during the event. Three very, very special offers. If you want in, just leave a review on Apple podcasts for raising your business and screenshot it before you submit it. You will submit that as your entry ticket to the giveaway. Each daily episode will have a secret code word for bonus entries. Plus you get a bonus entry every time you screenshot one of these episodes and tab in Instagram stories with your takeaway or your reaction to the episode. Head to the link below to enter it's yaelbendahan. com slash eight days. I cannot wait to share these eight days with you as we build something that truly lasts. Now, back to the episode. So here's why. I like being in short-term containers. This is the long-term advantage. And I'm going to mix this up a little bit. It's like the advantage for me as invest as an investor, but also the advantage for you to host your own. Your own longterm containers. Okay. Things go without saying, I don't need to explain to my coaches why can't work for half of September and October because they know it's the high holidays. It's been the high holidays of the past few years. And I can say, listen as a high holidays this time of year, and I really can't get any work on the knock and be like can't you just fit something in, can you do something here? Can you do. No, I can't. Okay. I can, there's a certain level of fit I can do. It's not the level of people think. Okay. I don't need to explain to them why I prefer to do DM sales rather than sales calls, because they know that sales calls are harder for me in my time zone. And then I prefer asynchronous communication or why I'm doubting myself when I'm relaunching a program, because they know my mindset loops almost as well as I do. And there's something so comforting about not having to explain in detail that whys and wherefores and hows of what you're doing, because your coach knows your life, your family, your challenges. When I was falling down a mindset spiral of imposter syndrome. At one point, my business coach reminded me that I had essentially built two different businesses to six figures while balancing more family responsibilities in the average 2020s mom. And I needed to remember that and had she not known me since 2019, she wouldn't have, she would not have known that. I, I did not remember that. I could not keep that in mind because I was not in that head space to do and she was able to bring you back to that. Right? And my client had told me about what's going on with their kids, their family illnesses, their relationship challenges, along with their business questions. And as a coach. This gives me a better sense of how best to coach them. So I welcome it. Okay. Now, if you are a service provider, I'm not saying you have to have long-term containers for all of your services. Cause right. The idea of productizing is that you can get in and get out of your delivery cycle. But. Oh, wait to balance this out as maybe to do longer-term payment plans. Getting people onto a wait-list and extending their payment plan so that, they've already paid off about 50% of what the event they're supposed to pay. When they get started. There's a lot of ways you can create that.. And I will say that I had one client in my mastermind right now who has been working with me on and off since 2020. I know her business, like insight and freaking out. I know her family, I know the kind of stuff that she owns and runs into. I know her mindset spirals. I know I can call her out when I need to call her out. Like I'm able to coach her a thousand percent better than if she just come into my world like five minutes ago. Because it takes time to get to know someone and it takes time to get to know someone's business. All right. The second thing that I think is the value of being in a long-term container as a coachee, right? Being coached. Is the compound effect. So your results are going to compound over time with those small incremental changes, making the biggest difference if you stay the course. So my mindset coach Helen was there for all the baby steps in giant leaves that I made when she could immediately recognize and call out my mindset loops as she calls them to keep me on task. And to get me to ask better questions. And that recognition only comes from knowing me deeply and same with my current coach Taylor. She then in my world, like we've been in the same world for like over a year. And she recognizes the spirals that I fall into very quickly. And you can call me out and be like I feel like you've been, you're going back to that thing that you do again, and if you move from coast to coast, trying new strategies with each one. You're essentially going to be restarting each time losing a lot of that compounded energy. Like I said, it's about going down. Going down the road. And then coming back and then starting down different paths, then coming back. Even if you're going in the same direction. The same to the same end result. You are going to take a much longer time to get there. And I love me a new strategy. I love me some updated, 20, 25 relevant stuff, but I tend to run it by my coaches first to make sure that it actually aligns my longer term goals, because sometimes I can get really excited about something. Because it sounds so cool and so sexy. And then I forgot that it actually, this does not align with my longer term goals and I'm actually gonna be, I think, recording a podcast. Going into 2025 a longer podcast episode with my. Reflections from 2024 and my intentions for 2025 based on those reflections, because I think they're important to share. And I'm very excited about this, so I know I'm starting to talk really fast cause I get really excited. Okay. And I, and the last thing I think is really amazing is that when you are in a longer-term container, your peers in that container become like family. My mastermind, FRA like buddies and friends and inside of these coaching containers I've been in are like, they actually feel like a family to me. I've had, I have Voxer conversations with my mastermind friends. And that stretch. Even the limits of Voxer, we have deep conversations about our doubts, our fears, our relationships, our children, and body image so much more. And. I personally feel like that. Again, those relationships really come from being in a longterm. Container with each other. And and I'm so happy that my CEO, my mastermind clients have I've already signed because like they all know each other and they're able to like, Cheer each other on and give it to there's so much love. And they've seen each other's ups and downs throughout the past business year and they can just take that and apply it to this year and be like, oh, remember when you did that. I remember you were scared about that. And now look what happened. Look. Cause successful. You are right. As a, as someone who invests, these are the reasons why I like investing longterm. And for you to, as far as you for hosting a longer-term container. I think it gives you much more predictable revenue. Okay. Which is really great for cashflow. It gives you better client results because again, the compound effect. Happens over time. And I think that, when you look at your clients, you will see that the ones who were with you for longer tended to get better results, longterm, because you were able to walk alongside them over a longer path and really like course correct in little bits along the way. You also have more spacious delivery room and again, as a mom and as someone whose clients are moms, this is really important to me. Okay. This is really important to me because I want them to. I want them to have the space to. Have the family life that they want. And also achieve their business goals. And one client right now. She just loves, she just made a launcher course. When we, when she joined the CEO, my mastermind at the beginning of 2024. She knew she wanted to launch the course version of her expertise. And she wanted to do it in about Q3. All right. She did not do it in Q3. She did it in Q4, but it flowed. So amazingly well, Okay. And we were able to take her original launch plan, which is a little more complicated and involved the challenge. And. All kinds of fun stuff that. We're great. But I thought were just unnecessary when it came to an, a beta launch. And be able to simplify the launch, streamline it so well that she was able to, she said, I've been running this launch and I've still been able to show up and do all that she has. She has these family advent calendar traditions that they do every single year together. And she goes, I've been able to show up and do these traditions. Exactly the same way. As any other year. Because this launch feels so flowy and so like simple. So simple. And I don't like saying easy but there is a, there was a level of ease in it that enabled her to show up as a mom. She wanted to be, and also show up deeply for her launch. And she was able to she pre-sold, I think at least seven to eight spots. Before she even like officially launched it publicly. I think she ended up with a 14, 14 spots filled. Okay. One person literally found her on Instagram. I found her on Instagram. It followed her and bought her course two hours later. Okay. So this is not, this is, she is an expert. Okay. And I really do believe that is because she gave herself a time to go through the process. She had some ups and downs there, family. There was like a bunch of sicknesses and a lot of amazing events that happened to family this year. Like it wasn't all bad stuff, but. She gave herself the time to really go deeply into this. And once she launched, it was like a Slingshot. It was like the whole year she was like pulling back. And then you just Slingshot and forward and her launch just took off. In a really beautiful way. And so that to me is what spacious delivery allows you both as your coach for your clients, but also you as the person who invests in the longer term space you give yourself the space to pull back and build things up over the year, over longer, longer periods of time. And then when you do take action, the Slingshot effect is so beautiful. Okay. And lastly, and I think this is really important. Do you have a natural referral system? Because the more people you're bringing into longer-term containers in the more small wins they're having along the way. Holding up to bigger wins, right? You have testimonials, you have clients referring each other. You have clients referring you because they just love being in a container. And when you're focusing on the client experience that you give them. Then that is going to happen. Okay, that is going to happen. Automatically. And you can always remind them, Hey, I have a referral system for my mastermind. People who refer people to my mastermind get get a a commission. Because, and because they know what the mastermind feels like. They know the energy that I want in there. And I think it's really important for them to be able to also like almost curate their own experiences. In this space too, and bring in the people that they think, might be a good fit. Now, obviously I'm going to be the final decider on that, but if they're like, oh my gosh, this would be amazing for this friend of mine. I think she'd be a perfect fit for this. It's perfect. Okay. So I really love. I love. that. You can create the natural referral experience. For your clients and also for you. That is, that's why I feel like these short-term containers are costing you money, both when you invest in them. And also when you only host. Shortage of containers. So I would love for you to sit and think about your offers. And think what can I turn into a longer term experience? So maybe you can have a cohort based program and then you can have a longer term ongoing container for clients who graduate out of your cohort based programs. That could be your first start. Maybe you could have your first 12 month. One-to-one coaching container, right? I'd love you to think like all this stuff that I'm doing, what can I turn into a longer term offer that a. Gives me time to really have a. deep transformation with my clients. And be also enables me to stack my recurring revenue. Okay. I think it's really. That can not be understated. It is really beautiful to have to go into a month with. Multiple four figures, five figures. Predictable recurring revenue. So if you're a service provider and you're like, but I don't have group coaching yet in my business. I don't have coaching containers. Are you saying the only way to create recurring revenue is by being a coach? No, not necessarily. Okay. I do think though, I would love for you to consider what kind of retainer offers you can create. What kind of retainer offers can you create in your business? Now, if you're, for example, a A brand strategist. And I'm actually going to use this, someone that I who was actually in my CEO, mom's planning party in my VIP. She is a sales and messaging and brand strategist, and she had an agency and now she had a baby and she shifted out of agency work because she just doesn't really want to be doing that anymore. And so she was brainstorming like her containers. And she basically has one-to-one intensive and she was like how can I create. A group offer out of this. What I said was basically you can take the process you do with your clients in the intensive and turn it into a group container. So let's say you are a, my head my, my previous clients the the funnel flippers, they focus on turning live launches into evergreen containers. I'm like, honestly, like they could do a lot of things. They could have. An ongoing retainer. After they do their funnel flip after they turn, after they, they have that whole funnel. Rebuilding experience for ongoing optimization. Within the funnel, they can also create a group program out of their process for turning evergreen launches into I'm sorry for turning live launches into evergreen offers. my client Katie. So she is a, she's a messaging strategist and also social media. Strategists. And she has ongoing social media retainers. Short-term video creation, containers and retainers for her one-to-one clients. And those are very limited, but you do have, she does have a retainer offer in her business. And so I really do think that you can, if you want to create at least one sort of retainer ongoing. Offer, even if you're a service provider, even if your offer is product dies, like I teach. I teach. Productizing your offers because once you productize your offers, you can turn that into. I IP right into intellectual property that can be shifted into ongoing, done with U S containers into courses, into templates. There are so many ways. And obviously everyone's going to have a different way and we're going to have a different version. Everyone's going to everyone's business model is going to be different. And that's why I have coaching programs. That's why I have my mastermind. That's why I have my moments. I'm collective in order to brainstorm these things with my clients and make sure that they are actually building their business model in a way that makes sense. With what they offer and also with their day to day life. So I want you to think about that and just sit and brainstorm your offers and be like, what, in my offers, can I turn into something that a little bit longer term? And if 12 months feels oh my God, there's just too much. Okay. What about six months? Okay, can we start with six months? and then move up from there? Like I think we can, So. if you I've been looking for a space to get long-term support in, okay. I have clients who have literally locked in their support with me until March 20, 26. That is, think about all the transformation that can happen between now and March 20, 26. It's a lot. It's a lot. And we already are making plans this upcoming year. We are already creating their, their. their. yearly, your yearly. The yearly planning document. And I know that things are going to probably shift over the year because that's what happens in life. But because we have a longer time together, we're able to shift in a really strategic, beautiful way. If you're looking for long-term support in your business the CEO, my mastermind is here and we also have the momentum collective for people who are at that growth stage in their business, who are looking to get to more consistent 5k months. But if you're like you are, you're already like a 5k plus month and you're like, I really want to get to consistent five figure months and beyond five figure months, to be honest, and really just create those longer-term containers, that lower term recurring revenue. Expand beyond one-to-one the CEO. My mastermind is for you. So if you have any questions about either of those containers, then please let me know. And if you've been doing a drinking game this entire time for every time I've had container. Then I hope you're very happily drunk because I realized how many times I've actually said that in this. in this. episode. But seriously, I think this is a really important point and I personally am going to continue to invest longterm because that truly is where I feel the transformation that I've had. And the translation that my clients have had have had is really shown up. I hope you enjoy this episode. Let me know your thoughts. Let me know your takeaways. And I'll see you in the next one. I hope you've enjoyed this podcast episode about building more longevity into your business. And you know, if you're resonating with what we talked about today, if you're feeling that pull towards building something bigger while staying true to who you are as a mom, I want to invite you into a really special space. The CEO Mom Mastermind is where ambitious moms come home. It's where we plan those big legacy building moves while honoring the little moments that matter most. Bedtime stories, family dinners and spontaneous afternoon park visits. This is a space where I need to pick up my kid or I'm having another baby this year is celebrated and not apologized for or feared. Where your big dreams are matched with strategic action, where. I made six figures already, and it's only halfway through the year. It's equally celebrated with I launched my first course and managed to keep up with all of our holiday traditions during the launch without feeling overstretched or overwhelmed. This isn't just an example. This actually happened to one of my clients this year. And as for the ambitious moms who join us this December, I've curated some incredible strategic bonuses to help you hit the ground running in 2025. You'll receive a private one to one ROI roadmap session with me, valued at 2, 000, where we'll map out your entire 2025 strategy, including your complete offer ecosystem, premium positioning, and scalable marketing plan that works around your family life. Plus, you'll get exclusive access to the pod funnel power framework created with podcast monetization expert, Tara counterman, the exact framework that she's using with her clients and that we're going to be using this year to turn a strategic podcast funnel into clients that convert without needing sales calls to make a decision. And because I believe in over delivering. I'm including an extra month of mastermind support. That's 13 months with a price of 12. Inside our intimate community of wholehearted CEO moms, we're making power moves while remaining powerfully present. We're talking creating sophisticated systems that sell while you sleep, building your empire during school hours, Turning your expertise into multiple revenue streams, becoming the premium choice in your industry, all while having the space to be fully present with your family. The result? A business that funds your self care instead of depleting it. Regular date nights where you're fully present, phone away. Systems that sell while you're at the park with your kids. Energy to actually enjoy family dinner instead of rushing to the next thing or the next call. So if you're ready to scale beyond six figures this year while staying aligned with your values, create leveraged offers that serve deeply and sell consistently, build a business that enhances your life instead of consuming it, join a sisterhood of moms who get it and give it their all, then head to albendahen. com slash mastermind to apply. These special bonuses are only available in December and we have just a few spots remaining. Plus the investment is going to be going up in January because here's what I know. You can have the empire and the family dinner, the premium pricing and the preschool pickup, the multiple revenue streams and the mindful moments with your kids. Let's create that together.